Contact Information

Office of Safety
Staff and Primary Work Responsibilities

Joseph S. Toole, Associate Administrator

September 2008

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z

AASHTO Roadside Design Guide Nick Artimovich (202) 366-1331
AASHTO – Subcommittee on Design
AASHTO – Subcommittee on Maintenance
AASHTO – Subcommittee on Construction
AASHTO Standing Committee on Highway Safety Joe Toole (202) 366-2288
Mike Griffith (202) 366-9469
Beth Alicandri (202) 366-6409
AASHTO - Strategic Highway Safety Plan Erin Kenley (202) 366-8556
AASHTO - Standing Committee on Rail Transportation Guan Xu (202) 366-5892
AASHTO – Subcommittee on Traffic Engineering
Administrative Functions -
Correspondence, Travel, Procurement Requests, Supplies
Tamara Barreros (202) 366-8568
American Highway Users Alliance Mike Griffith (202) 366-9469
American Road & Transportation Builders Association David Nicol (202) 366-9198
APWA – American Public Works Association Ed Rice (202) 366-9064
ASCE – American Society of Civil Engineering
Asset Management Esther Strawder (202) 366-6836
ATSSA-American Traffic Safety Services Association Beth Alicandri (202) 366-6409
ATSSA - Work Zones Mo Oliver (202) 366-5892
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Breakaway Lights Poles and Sign Supports Matt Lupes (202) 366-6994
Bicycle Dick Schaffer (202) 366-2176
Tamara Redmon (202) 366-4077
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Communications and Outreach Janet Ewing (202) 366-8029
Conditions and Performance Report - Safety Margie Sheriff (202) 366-1747
Context Sensitive Design – Safety Mary McDonough (202) 366-2175
Continuity of Operations Plan Sharon Johnson (202) 366-6537
Crash Data Statistics Bob Pollack (202) 366-5019
Crashworthy Work Zone Traffic Control Devices Nick Artimovich (202) 366-1331
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Data Analysis Bob Pollack (202) 366-5019
DOT Technical Working Group On Railroad Crossings Guan Xu (202) 366-5892
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External Partners Margie Sheriff (202) 366-1747
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Federal Lands Highways (Safety Coordination) Mike Griffith (202) 366-9469
Financial Management - GOE Sharon Johnson (202) 366-6537
Financial Management – RD&T, Federal-aid Debbie Bargar (202) 366-3367
Focused Approach to Safety Esther Strawder (202) 366-6836
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Governors' Highway Safety Association Beth Alicandri (202) 366-6409
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High Rish Rural Roads Roasemarie Anderson (202) 366-5007
High Speed Rail Program Guan Xu (202) 366-5892
Highway-Rail Crossing Handbook Guan Xu (202) 366-5892
Highway-Rail Grade Crossings (Safety) Guan Xu (202) 366-5892
Highway Safety Improvement Program – Section 148 – Hazard Elimination Erin Kenley (202) 366-8556
Highway Safety Plan Section 402 Program Ken Epstein (202) 366-2157
Human Factors (Driver and Environment) Dick Schaffer (202) 366-2176
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IACP (International Association of Chiefs of Police) – Safety Coordination Margie Sheriff (202) 366-1747
Incentive/Penalty/Transfer Programs
  • Section 153 - Seat Belt Usage
  • Section 154 - Open Container
  • Section 157 - Seat Belt Initiative
  • Section 158 - Min. Drinking Age
  • Section 161 - Zero Tolerance
  • Section 163 -.08 BAC
  • Section 164 - Min. Penalties for Repeat Offenders
Ken Epstein (202) 366-2157
Incentive/Penalty/Transfer Programs – Section 159 Ken Epstein (202) 366-2157
Information Technology Support Maria Bonilla (202) 366-4029
Sharon Johnson (202) 366-6537
Interactive Highway Safety Design Model Karen Yunk (609) 637-4207
Intelligent Transportation Systems-Highway Safety Elements Ewa Flom (202) 366-2169
International Safety Technology Sharing Shirley Thompson (202) 366-2154
Intersection Safety Guan Xu (202) 366-5892
Ed Rice (202) 366-9064
ITE (Institute for Transportation Engineers) Ed Rice (202) 366-9064
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Law Enforcement Liaison Margie Sheriff (202) 366-1747
Legislation - Safety Kathy Krause (202) 366-9265
Lifesavers Beth Alicandri (202) 366-6409
Local Road Safety John Dewar (202) 366-2218
LTAP (Local Technical Assistance Program) – Safety Issues John Dewar (202) 366-2218
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Marketing of Safety Janet Ewing (202) 366-8029
Motorcycle Safety Keith Williams (202) 366-9212
Moving Safely Across America Program Janet Ewing (202) 366-8029
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NACE (National Association of County Engineers) John Dewar (202) 366-2218
National Committee on Uniform Traffic Control Devices Guan Xu (202) 366-5892
National Highway Institute Liaison Ben Gribbon (202) 366-1809
National Safety Awards Kathy Krause (202) 366-9265
National Committee on Uniform Traffic Laws and Ordinances TBD TBD
National Safety Council – Traffic Safety Committee Kathy Krause (202) 366-9265
National Sheriffs Association TBD TBD
National Transportation Safety Board Mike Griffith (202) 366-9469
National Work Zone Awareness Week Mo Oliver (202) 366-2251
NTSB Recommendations Shirley Thompson (202) 366-2154
Native American – Safety Issues John Dewar (202) 366-2218
NCHRP Report 350
- Hardware Acceptance
Nick Artimovich (202) 366-1331
NCHRP Report 350
- Run-off-the-Road Safety
(Trees, Utility poles, Mailboxes, other vertical hardware)
Matt Lupes (202) 366-6994
Network of Employers for Traffic Safety (NETS) Janet Ewing (202) 366-8029
National League of Cites John Dewar (202) 366-2218
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Older Driver Safety Issues Dick Schaffer (202) 366-2176
Operation Lifesaver Guan Xu (202) 366-5892
Outreach and Exhibits for Highway Safety Janet Ewing (202) 366-8029
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Pedestrian and Bicycle Safety - (Tools & Technologies) Tamara Redmon (202) 366-4077
Dick Schaffer (202) 366-2176
Planning - Incorporating Safety Kathy Krause (202) 366-9265
Program Coordination Sharon Johnson (202) 366-6537
Put the Brakes on Fatalities Day Janet Ewing (202) 366-8029
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Quality Process Management for Highway Safety Aimee Krumich (202) 366-1290
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Rail/Highway Crossing Safety Guan Xu (202) 366-5892
Ken Epstein (202) 366-2157
Read Your Road Janet Ewing (202) 366-8029
Red Light Running Edward Sheldahl (202) 366-2193
Research and Technology Program - Safety Ewa Flom (202) 366-5295
Research and Technology: Implementing Corporate Master Plan Ewa Flom (202) 366-5295
Research and Technology Safety Budget Aimee Krumich (202) 366-1290
Retroreflectivity Debbie Bargar (202) 366-3367
Road Safety Audits Becky Crowe (804) 775-3381
Roadside Safety Design Guide Nick Artimovich (202) 366-1331
Roadside Safety Barriers
- Bridge Railings
- Crash Cushions
- Terminals
Nick Artimovich (202) 366-1331
Roadway Design Safety Nick Artimovich (202) 366-1331
Roadway Safety Foundation Janet Ewing (202) 366-8029
Rumble Strips Nick Artimovich (202) 366-1331
Roadway Departure Mary McDonough (202) 366-2175
Rural Road Safety John Dewar (202) 366-2218
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Safer Journey - CD ROM for Pedestrians Tamara Redmon (202) 366-4077
Safety Management Process Ken Epstein (202) 366-2157
Safety Knowledge Management Janet Ewing (202) 366-8029
Safety & Planning Tamiko Burnell (202) 366-1200
Safe Routes to School Becky Crowe (804) 775-3381
Safety Set Aside Program - Section 130 - Railway Highway Crossings Ken Epstein (202) 366-2157
Safety Belts TBD TBD
Shared Unit Performance Plan System (SUPPS) Aimee Krumich (202) 366-1290
Skid-Resistant Pavements
Speed Management Edward Sheldahl (202) 366-2193
Strategic and Performance Planning - Safety Aimee Krumich (202) 366-1290
Strategic Highway Safety Plan (SHSP) Tamiko Burnell (202) 366-1200
Support Services (graphics, videoconference; printing; files and property inventory) Maria Bonilla (202) 366-1795
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TEA-21 - Reauthorization of Infrastructure Safety Mike Griffith (202) 366-9469
Kathy Krause (202) 366-9265
TRACS (National Model) Bob Pollack (202) 366-5019
TRB – General Mike Griffith (202) 366-9469
Traffic Calming (Safety) Davey Warren (202) 366-4668
Traffic Control Devices Guan Xu (202) 366-5892
Traffic Record Systems (TSIMS) Bob Pollack (202) 366-5019
Training and Professional Development Ben Gribbon (202) 366-1809
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US/European Commission -
- Mutual Recognition Agreement
- Trade (Roadside Hardware)
Mary McDonough (202) 366-2175
Utility Poles - (Run-Off-The-Road Safety) Matt Lupes (202) 366-6994
Utility Safety Task Group (TRB) Nick Artimovich (202) 366-1331
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Vehicle Infrastructure Integration (VII) Mike Griffith (202) 366-9469
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Work Zone Safety Ken Epstein (202) 366-2157
Work Zone Safety Outreach Janet Ewing (202) 366-8029
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Yellow Book (Roadside Safety) Mary McDonough (202) 366-2175
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Now available on-line, Safety Circuit Rider Programs – Best Practices Guide. This Guide is intended to provide state departments of transportation (DOT) and LTAP/TTAP centers with an easy-to-use resource for implementing or enhancing a Safety Circuit Rider (SCR) program. The Guide includes common characteristics of existing SCR programs and the safety circuit riders. Also included is information on typical duties and services provided by SCR program, lessons learned by existing programs’ and evidence of the effectiveness of existing SCR programs.

New Safety Training

Pedestrian Forum - Summer 2009

RSA Newsletter: Spring 2009, Volume 1, Number 4

USLIMITS 2 : Expert system for recommending speed limits based on NCHRP Project 3-67

Data and Safety Analysis Tools Brochure

Guidance Memorandum on Consideration and Implementation of Proven Crash Countermeasures

Press Releases

FHWA Administrator Reviews Highway Trust Fund With State Officials

Read more FHWA press releases