United States Military Academy

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United States Military Academy

Motto: Duty • Honor • Country[1]
Established: 16 March, 1802[2]
Type: Federal military academy
Superintendent: LTG Franklin Hagenbeck[3]
Staff: approximately 500 faculty
Undergraduates: 4,000 [4]
Location: West Point, New York, United States
Campus: 15,974 acres (65 km2)[5]
Athletics: 25 varsity teams, "Black Knights"
Colors: Black , Gray , and Gold
Affiliations: Patriot League
Website: www.westpoint.edu

The United States Military Academy, also known as USMA, West Point, or Army, is a four-year coeducational service academy located at West Point, NY. Established in 1802, it is the oldest of the nation's five service academies.[6] Students are officers-in-training and are referred to as cadets, while graduates are collectively referred to as the "The Long Gray Line",[7][8] a phrase taken from the academy's traditional hymn "The Corps".[9]

Tuition for cadets is fully-funded by the US Army in exchange for an active duty service obligation upon graduation. Approximately 1000 cadets graduate each spring and are commissioned as second lieutenants in the US Army.[10] The Academy provides a wide-ranging educational experience with a curriculum that grades cadet's performance across a broad academic program, mandatory participation in competitive athletics, military leadership responsibility, and a climate of moral-ethical development.[11][12][12] Cadets live by and within the cadet Honor Code, which states that "a cadet will not lie, cheat, or steal, nor tolerate those who do."[13]

The Academy sits on scenic high ground overlooking the Hudson River, 50 miles (80 km) north of New York City. The campus hosts a unique combination of facilities that includes a ski slope[14] and artillery range,[15] in addition to the academic buildings and sports facilities found on a typical university campus. The campus is a National Historic Landmark and home to many historic sites, buildings, and monuments. Much of the campus architecture is neo-Gothic, as typified by the Cadet Chapel, completed in 1910.


[edit] History

Remnants of the Great Chain
West Point fortifications 1783

[edit] Colonial period, founding, and early years

West Point was first occupied by the Continental Army on 27 Jan 1778,[16] making it the longest continually occupied post in the United States.[17] Between 1778–1780, Polish engineer and military hero Tadeusz Kościuszko oversaw the construction of the garrison defenses.[18] The high ground and a narrow "S" curve in the Hudson River enabled the Continental Army to prevent British ships from sailing up river and dividing the Colonies.[19] The Great Chain was strung across the Hudson River in order to obstruct British ships from attempting to navigate the river.[20] It was as commander of the fortifications at West Point that Benedict Arnold committed his infamous treason when he attempted to sell the fort to the British.[21][22]

Thayer Statue

Congress formally authorized the establishment of the United States Military Academy on 16 March 1802,[2] though cadets began attending classes there in the fall of 1801.[23][24] The first graduate of the Academy was Joseph Gardner Swift, who would later return as Superintendent from 1812-1814.[25] In 1817, Colonel Sylvanus Thayer became the Superintendent. He is known as the "Father of the Military Academy" for the profound impact he left upon the Academy's history by organizing the academic system still in use today, instilling strict discipline standards, and emphasizing honorable conduct.[26][27] For the first half of the 19th century, USMA graduates gained recognition for engineering the bulk of the nation's initial railway lines, bridges, harbors and roads.[28] The War with Mexico, 1846-1848, truly brought the Academy to national prominence as many graduates proved themselves in battle. Future Civil War commanders Ulysses S. Grant and Robert E. Lee first distinguished themselves in battle in Mexico.[29][30] In all, 452 of 523 West Point graduates who served in the war received battlefield promotions or awards for bravery.[29][31]

Corps of Cadets c1850

The 1850s saw a modernization of many sorts at West Point, and this era was often romanticized by the Graduates who led both sides of the Civil War as the "end of the Old West Point era".[32] New barracks brought better heat and gas lighting, while new ordinance and tactics training incorporated new rifle and musket technology and advancement such as the steam engine.[32][33] With the outbreak of the American Civil War, West Point graduates filled the General Officer Ranks of the rapidly expanding Confederate and Union armies.[34] Two hundred ninety four graduates served as general officers for the Union, and 151 served as general officers for the Confederacy.[32] An astounding 10% of all graduates (105) were killed in action during the War, and another 15% (151) were wounded in action.[32] Nearly every General officer of note from either side during the Civil War was a graduate of West Point.[32][34]

Henry O. Flipper

[edit] After the Civil War

The Academy enjoyed unprecedented fame in the years immediately following the Civil War due to the role its graduates had played.[35] However, the years immediately following the Civil War was a difficult time for the Academy as it struggled to admit and reintegrate cadets from former Confederate states.[36] The first cadets from Southern states were re-admitted in 1868, and 1870 saw the admission of the first African-American cadet, James Webster Smith of South Carolina.[36][37] Smith was dismissed for academic deficiency in 1874, so Henry O. Flipper of Georgia become the first African-American Graduate in 1877, graduating 50th of a class of 77.[36][38] Two of the most notable graduates during this period were George Washington Goethals from the Class of 1880, and John J. Pershing from the Class of 1886.[36] Goethals would gain notoriety as the chief engineer of the Panama Canal,[39] and Pershing would become famous for his exploits against the famed Pancho Villa in Mexico and later for leading American Forces during World War I.[40]

Washington Road, c1870

The last decade of the 19th century saw the infancy of intercollegiate athletics at the Academy. The Army–Navy football rivalry began in 1890 with a victory by Navy at West Point, followed with Army's avenging that loss in Annapolis the following year.[41] The period between 1900 and 1915 saw a construction boom as much of West Point's old infrastructure was torn down and rebuilt.[42] Many of the Academy's most famous graduates graduated during the 15 year period between 1900 and 1915: Douglas MacArthur (1902), Joseph Stilwell (1904), Henry "Hap" Arnold (1907), George S. Patton (1909), Dwight D. Eisenhower, and Omar Bradley (both 1915). The Class of 1915 is known as the "Class the Stars Fell On" for the exceptionally high percentage of general officers that rose from that class (59 of 164).[43][44] The outbreak of World War I caused a sharp increase in the demand for Army Officers, and the Academy accelerated the graduation for all three of the upper classes, so that by the war's end in 1918, only the plebes remained (those who had entered in the summer of 1918).[42] Douglas MacArthur became Superintendent in 1919, instituting sweeping reforms to the academic process, including introducing a greater emphasis on history and humanities.[45] He made major changes to the field training regimen and the Cadet Honor Committee was formed under his watch in 1922.[46][47] MacArthur was a firm supporter of athletics at the Academy, as he famously said "Upon the fields of friendly strife are sown the seeds that, upon other fields, on other days, will bear the fruits of victory.”[48] The years during the Second World War brought a greater emphasis on field training. In 1943, summer training was formally moved the new area recently acquired southwest of main post, which would later become Camp Buckner.[49] Nearly 500 graduates gave their lives in World War II.[50] In 1945, Maxwell Taylor (class of 1922) became superintendent. He expanded and modernized the academic program and abolished antiquated courses in fencing and horsemanship.[51] The 1960s saw the size of the Corps expand from 2,200 to 4,400 cadets while the barracks and academic support structure grew proportionally.[52]

[edit] Modern era: 1976 to present day

First women graduates in 1980

West Point admitted its first 119 women as cadets in 1976,[53] after Congress authorized the admission of women to all of the federal service academies in 1975.[54][53] Today, women comprise approximately 15 percent of entering new cadets.[55] In 1989, Kristen Baker became the first female First Captain, the highest ranking senior cadet at the academy.[56] Through May 2006, three females have been appointed as the First Captain: Kristen Baker in 1989, Grace H. Chung in 2004, and Stephanie Hightower in 2006. In 1995, Rebecca Marier became the academy's first female valedictorian.[57] The first female West Point alumnus to attain flag (general officer) rank was Rebecca Halstead, class of 1981. She was promoted to Brigadier General in 2005 and is currently serving as the Army's Chief of Ordnance. Vincent Brooks became the first African-American First Captain in 1980. In 1985, cadets were formally authorized to declare an academic major, as all previous graduates had been awarded a bachelor of science with no declared major. In 1990, there was a major revision of the "Fourth Class System", as the Cadet Leader Development System (CLDS) became the guidance for the development of all four classes.[58][59] Despite its reputation for resisting change, West Point was an early adopter of the use of the internet, authorizing full access to all cadets free of charge in their barracks rooms in the mid '90s. Today, the Academy has received recognition for its advanced of use of the internet to conduct cadet academics and academy business.[60]

[edit] Campus

Pershing Barracks, built 1895

To the south, the academy is contiguous with the Village of Highland Falls, which accesses the academy through its main entrance, known as Thayer Gate. Highland Falls is a small village home to several restaurants, gift shops, and other tourist-oriented businesses. Based on the significance both of the Revolutionary War fort ruins and of the military academy itself, the majority of the Academy area was declared a National Historic Landmark in 1960.[61][62] In 1841, Charles Dickens visited the Academy and said "It could not stand on more appropriate ground, and any ground more beautiful can hardly be."[63]

The academy is home to a scenic bluff that overlooks the Hudson river to the north, known as Trophy Point, which is home to the large Battle Monument and many captured cannons of previous wars. Though the military reservation is quite large, the academic area of the campus is quite small and is accessible to cadets by foot or by shuttle bus. All cadets reside in one of 7 buildings, referred to in military jargon as barracks, but are typical of college dormitories. These barracks are clustered together around the cadet dining facility, Washington Hall, called the Mess Hall. All 4,000 cadets dine together at breakfast and lunch in Washington Hall during the weekdays.[64] There are five academic buildings, also located in short walking distances to the cadet barracks. The library learning center, Jefferson Hall, opened in 2008 and is home to the academy's Center for Teaching Excellence.[65] The cadet fitness center, Arvin Gymnasium, which was recently rebuilt in 2004, houses extensive physical fitness facilities and equipment for cadet use.[66]

"Supe's" Quarters, built 1820

In 1902, the Boston architectural firm Cram, Goodhue, and Ferguson was awarded a major construction bid that set the predominately neogothic architectural style still seen today.[67] The buildings of the central cadet area are nearly all modeled after Pershing Barracks, completed in 1895, and the Cadet Chapel, completed in 1910.[68] These buildings are nearly all constructed from granite that has a predominately gray and black hue. The barracks that were built in the 1960s were designed to mimic this style.[67] Many of the other buildings on post, especially the oldest private residences for the faculty and instructors are built in the Federal, Georgian, or English Tudor styles.[69] A few buildings, such as Cullum Hall and the Old Cadet Chapel, are built in the Neoclassical style.[70]

The Cadet Chapel dominates the skyline and sets to architectural mood of the academy.[71] The Cadet Chapel conducts services of the Protestant denomination. Designed by architect Bertram Goodhue and completed in 1911,[72] the neogothic Cadet Chapel replaced the Old Cadet Chapel which had been built in 1836. The Old Cadet Chapel was deconstructed and relocated to the entrance of the West Point Cemetery, where it stands today.[73] The Catholic Chapel of the Most Holy Trinity was originally constructed in 1900, but was expanded and re-dedicated in 1949.[74] The most recent addition to the Academy's chapels was the Jewish Chapel, dedicated in 1988 and built in similar architectural appearance as the other chapels.

Battle Monument

The Academy grounds are home to numerous monuments and statues. The central cadet hosts the largest number, which include Monuments to George Washington, Sylvanus Thayer, Dwight D. Eisenhower, Douglas MacArthur, Tadeusz Kosciuszko,and John Sedgwick. A monument to George S. Patton was dedicated in front of the cadet library in 1950,[75] but in 2004 it was placed in storage to make room for the construction of Jefferson Hall and has yet to be relocated. Designed by Stanford White and dedicated at Trophy Point in 1897,[76] the massive obelisk of Battle Monument overlooks the Hudson river to the north. There is also a statue commemorating brotherhood and friendship from the L'Ecole Polytechnique in the cadet central area just outside Nininger Hall. The campus is home at least 12 other monuments and statues on other parts of the post.

Cadet Review, Nov 2008

The West Point Cemetery is the final resting place of many notable graduates and faculty, including George Armstrong Custer, William Westmoreland, Earl Blaik, Maggie Dixon, and sixteen Medal of Honor recipients.[77][78] The cemetery is also the burial place of several recent graduates who have given their lives in the ongoing Global War on Terror. Many of the older grave sites have large and ornate grave markers, the largest belonging to Egbert Viele (class of 1847), chief engineer of Brooklyn's Prospect Park.[77] The cemetery is also home to a monument to Margaret Corbin.

West Point is home to some historic athletic facilities such as Michie Stadium and Gillis Field House, while at the same time is home to some very modern facilities such as the Licthenburg Tennis Center, Anderson Rugby Complex, and the Lou Gross Gymnastics Facility. Michie stadium recently underwent a significant upgrade in facilities for the football team, and the Academy installed a new artificial turf field in the summer of 2008.

View from across the Hudson

The visitor's center is just outside the Thayer Gate in Highland Falls and offers informational videos, parking, restrooms, a gift shop, and the opportunity to arrange for a guided tour. These tours, which are the only way the general public can access the Academy grounds, leave the visitor's center several times a day. The tours stop and allow tourists to visit the Cadet Chapel, the parade grounds, and Trophy Point. For the rest of the tour, the tourists remain on the bus as the guide narrates a bus tour of the rest of the campus. The West Point Museum is directly adjacent to the visitor's center, in the renovated Olmsted Hall on the grounds of the former Ladycliff College. The grounds around the museum were purchased by West Point after the college closed in the early 1980s. The building is named after the museum's primary donor, Major General George H. Olmsted, Class of 1922. Originally opened to the public in 1854, the West Point Museum is the oldest and largest military museum in the country.[79] It contains some of America's most interesting national military treasures and one of the finest collections of military artifacts available for public viewing.[79] The museum is self-guided and it is recommended to allow at least 1—2 hours to view the extended and magnificent exhibits. During the summer months, the museum operates access to the Fort Putnam historic site on main post.

[edit] Administration

[edit] Academy Leadership

LTG Franklin Hagenbeck

The commanding officer at USMA is the Superintendent. This position is roughly equivalent to the president of a civilian university, but due to the military status of the Academy, the Superintendent holds more influence over the daily lives of the cadets than would a civilian university president. Since 1812, all Superintendents have themselves been West Point graduates, though this has never been an official prerequisite to hold that position. In recent years, the position of Superintendent has been held by a Lieutenant General. The current Superintendent is Lieutenant General Franklin L. Hagenbeck, (57th)Superintendent since June 9, 2006.[80] There are two other General Officer positions at the Academy. Brigadier General Michael S. Linnington is the Commandant of Cadets,[81] and Brigadier General Patrick Finnegan is the Dean of the Academic Board.[82] There are 13 academic departments at USMA, each with an Colonel as the department head. These 13 tenured Colonels comprise the core of the Academic Board. These officers are titled "Professors USMA" or PUSMA, and can remain in their positions until mandatory retirement age. The Academy is also overseen by the Board of Visitors (BOV). The BOV is a panel of Senators, Congressional Representatives, and Presidential appointees who "shall inquire into the morale and discipline, curriculum, instruction, physical equipment, fiscal affairs, academic methods, and other matters relating to the academy that the board decides to consider".[83] Currently the BOV is chaired by Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison and is composed of four Senators, five Congressmen, and six presidential appointees.

[edit] Admission

The admission process consists of two parts. Candidates must apply directly to USMA for admission, and they must obtain a nomination. The majority of candidates receive their nomination from their congressman.[84] The nomination process is not political and applicants do not have to know their congressman to be nominated. The nomination process typically consists of writing essays, obtaining letters of recommendation, and a formal interview.[85] West Point is selective in admitting applicants to the Academy. For the Class of 2012, the Academy had a 12.75% admission rate.[86] Candidates must be between 17 and 23 years old, cannot be married, and have no legal obligation to support a child. Above average high school or previous college grades and strong performance on standardized testing is expected.[87] To be eligible for appointment, candidates must also undergo a Candidate Fitness Assessment (CFA)[88] and a complete physical exam.[88] About 15 candidates are admitted each year from foreign countries at the expense of the sending nation.[89] Candidates may have previous college experience, but they may not transfer, meaning that regardless of previous college credit, they enter the Academy as a fourth class cadet and undergo the entire four year program.[90] If a candidate is considered qualified but not selected, they may receive an offer to attend to the United States Military Academy Preparatory School. Upon graduation from USMAPS, these candidates are appointed to the Academy if they receive the recommendation of the USMAPS Commandant and meet medical admission requirements.[91]

[edit] Academics

Jefferson Library

The cadet performance score (CPS) is computed by adding academic performance (55%), military leadership performance (30%), and physical fitness and athletic performance (15%), which determines overall class rank.[11][92] West Point is accredited by the Middle States Commission on Higher Education.[93] The 2008 Forbes Magazine report on America's Best Colleges ranks West Point as the #6 college in the country and #1 among the public institutions.[94] The 2008 "National Liberal Arts College" category in US News & World Report ranks West Point #14 overall,[95] and #1 of the public institutions on the list.[96]

[edit] Curriculum

"Class Dismissed"
BG Patrick Finnegan

The Academy's teaching style is known as the "Thayer method", which was imparted by Sylvanus Thayer during his tour as Superintendent.[97] The Thayer method emphasizes small classes with daily homework, and strives to make students actively responsible for their own learning by completing homework assignments prior to class and bringing the work to class to discuss collaboratively.[98][99][100]

The academic program consists of a structured core of 31 courses balanced between the arts and sciences.[101] Cadets choose their majors in the fall of their sophomore year. Until the beginning of their junior year, all cadets take the same course of instruction.[102] Some advanced cadets may "validate" out of the base level classes and take advanced or accelerated courses earlier as freshmen or sophomores. Regardless of major, all cadets graduate with a Bachelor of Science Degree because of the engineering requirements.[101]

A typical cadet's core course of instruction consists mathematics, computer science, chemistry, physics, engineering, history, physical geography, philosophy, leadership and general psychology, English composition and literature, foreign language, political science, international relations, economics, and constitutional law.[103][104] Cadets choose from 31 academic majors from engineering, mathematics and physical sciences, or humanities and social sciences.[105]

[edit] Military

BG Michael Linnington

Military training and discipline fall under purview of the Office of the Commandant. Their first summer, new cadets under cadet basic training (CBT), traditionally known as "Beast Barracks" or just "Beast". Their second summer, cadets train more advanced field training (CFT) at nearby Camp Buckner. Rising Firstie (senior) cadets now also spend one month training at Camp Buckner, where they train for current tactical situations that they will soon face as new platoon leaders. Cadets also have the opportunity during their second, third and fourth summers to serve in active Army units and military schools around the world. They may also serve as cadet leadership during CBT or CFT.

DMI Crest

Active duty officers in the rank of Captain or Major serve as company Tactical Officers (TAC).[106] The role of the TAC is to mentor, train, and teach the Cadets proper standards of good order and discipline and to be good role models for the cadets.[107] There is one TAC for every cadet company. There is also one senior Non-Commissioned Officer to assist each TAC, known as TACNCOs.

The Department of Military Instruction (DMI) is responsible for all military arts and sciences education as well as planning and executing the cadet summer training.[108] Within DMI there is a representative from each of the Army's branches. These "Branch Reps" serve as proponents for their respective branches and liaisons to Cadets as the prepare for branch selection and graduation. Branch Reps also serve in DMI as summer training planners and facilitators along with the military science instructors from DMI.

Entering fourth class cadets are referred to as "New Cadets", and enter the United States Military Academy on Reception Day or R-day,[109] which marks the start of Cadet Basic Training (CBT), known colloquially as "Beast Barracks", or just "Beast".[110][111] Currently, Beast is seven weeks long, consisting of two details. The first detail consists of civilian-to-cadet transformation such as Professional Military Ethics Education (PME2), equipment issue, and basic standards of behavior policies. The second detail consists of basic military training (medical training, rifle qualification, grenade range, basic mountaineering, marching and patrolling). During CBT the new cadets are organized into one regiment. Upon the completion of Beast Barracks, new cadets enter Reorganizational Week (reorgy) where they are organized into their academic year company and issued their books, computer equipment, and various other cadet related items. Upon completion of reorgy week, New Cadets participate in the Acceptance Day Parade. Upon completion of this parade, new cadets gain the rank of Cadet private (PVT).

Between freshman and sophomore year, the cadets train at Camp Buckner, an academy training facility approximately six miles to the west of main post. Formerly a six-week program, sophomores now spend four weeks of Cadet Summer Training at Camp Buckner, where they are introduced to a variety of weapon systems and training exercises. The Yearlings are under the command of juniors and seniors. Seniors serve in officer positions such as platoon leader, and company commander. Some field training exercises include first aid and MEDEVAC, patrolling, search and attack, and land navigation. At the end of the four-week session, awards are given out to the best company based on the best performance at each training site. CST concludes with the “Camp Illumination” formal dance, and the sophomores are promoted to the rank of Cadet Corporal.

[edit] Physical

DPE Crest
COL Greg Daniels

The Department of Physical Education (DPE) administers the physical program, which includes both physical education classes, physical fitness testing, and competitive athletics. The head of DPE holds the title of Master of the Sword (MOS), dating to the 1800s when DPE taught swordsmanship as part of the curriculum. The current Master of the Sword is COL Greg Daniels.

All cadets take a prescribed series of physical fitness courses. All cadets take Military Movement (Applied Gymnastics),Boxing (Men) or Self Defense (Women), Swimming, and beginning in 2009, Advanced Combatives. Cadets can also take elective physical activity classes such as scuba, rock climbing, aerobic fitness and many others.[112]

As with all soldiers in the Army, cadets also must pass the Army Physical Fitness Test twice per year. Additionally, during their junior year, cadets must take the "infamous and dreaded" Indoor Obstacle Course Test (IOCT).[113][114] DPE has administered the IOCT in Hayes gymnasium since 1944.

Since Douglas MacArthur's tenure as superintendent, every cadet has been required to participate in an intercollegiate sport, a club sport, or an intramural (referred to as "Company Athletics") sport each semester. Other than perhaps the other service academies, USMA believes the Corps of Cadets to be the only student body in America that has 100% student body participation in competitive athletics.

[edit] Moral and ethics training

Class of '57 honor memorial

Moral-ethical development occurs throughout entirety of the cadet experience by living under the honor code, and through the formal leadership programs available at the Academy. These include instruction in the values of the military profession through Professional Military Ethics Education (PME2), voluntary religious programs, interaction with staff and faculty role models, and a vigorous guest-speaker program. The foundation of the ethical code at West Point is found in the Academy's motto, "Duty, Honor, Country."

West Point's Cadet Honor Code reads simply that: "A cadet will not lie, cheat, or steal, or tolerate those who do."[115] Cadets accused of violating the Honor Code face an investigative and hearing process. If they are found guilty by a jury of their peers, they face severe consequences ranging from being "turned back" (repeating an academic year) to separation from the Academy.[116]

Throughout the four years at the Academy, Cadets are taught classes called the Professional Military Ethic Education (PME2).[117] These classes start during Cadet Basic Training and run the entire breadth of their time at the Academy. As the cadets mature in rank and experience, they transform from receivers of information to facilitators and teachers of PME2 topics.[117] The Simon Center for the Professional Military Ethic, located in Ninenger hall in central area, is the coordinator for most PME2 training in conjunction with the cadet TAC officers.[117]

[edit] Athletics

The Army mascot has traditionally been a Mule,[118], but the Academy's football team was historically called The Black Knights of the Hudson.[119] This nickname has been officially shortened to Black Knights.[120] U.S. sports media use Army as a synonym for the Academy. This usage is officially endorsed by the Academy. On Brave Old Army Team is the school's fight song.[121] Army's chief sports rival is by far the Naval Academy due to its long-standing football rivalry and the inherent intra-service rivalry with the Navy in general. Cadets often verbally great each other and faculty with "Beat Navy", and the phrase is publicly displayed on many parts of the Academy grounds.

[edit] Football

Football Team, 1898

Army football began in 1890 when the Naval Academy challenged the cadets to the still relatively unknown game.[122] The academies still clash every December in what is traditionally the last regular season Division I college football game. Army's football team reached its pinnacle of success under coach Earl Blaik when Army won consecutive national championships in 1944–45, and produced three Heisman trophy winners: Doc Blanchard (1945), Glenn Davis (1946) and Pete Dawkins (1958).[123] Future NFL coaching legends Vince Lombardi[124] and Bill Parcells[125] were Army assistant coaches early in their careers. The football team plays its home games at historic Michie Stadium, where the playing field is named after famed coach Blaik. Cadets attendance is mandatory at football games and the Corps stands for the duration of the game. At all home games, one of the four regiments marches onto the field in formation before the team takes the field and leads the crowd in traditional Army cheers.[126] In recent years, Army was a member of Conference USA, but its NCAA Division I-A football program reverted to its former independent status after the 2004 season. It competes with the other academies for the Commander in Chief's Trophy. The 2008 football season marked Army's seventh consecutive loss to Navy..

[edit] Other sports

Army's NCAA logo
Knight and Krzyzewski at USMA

Though football is the best known varsity sport at the Academy, West Point has a long history of athletics in other NCAA sports. Army is a member of the Division I Patriot League in most sports,[120] while its men's hockey program competes in Atlantic Hockey.[127] Every year, Army faces Royal Military College of Canada Paladins in the annual West Point Weekend hockey game.[128] This series, conceived in 1923, is the longest running international ice hockey series in the world.[129] In the 2005–06 basketball season, the women's basketball team went 20-11 and won the Patriot League conference tournament. They went to the 2006 NCAA Women's Division I Basketball Tournament as a 15 seed, where they lost to the University of Tennessee, 102-54. It was the first March Madness tournament appearance for any Army basketball team. The head coach of that team, Maggie Dixon, died soon after the season at only 28 years of age. Bob Knight, the winningest men's basketball coach in NCAA history, began his head coaching career at Army in the late 1960s[130] before moving on to Indiana and Texas Tech. One of Knight's players at Army was Mike Krzyzewski, who later was head coach at Army before moving on to Duke where he won three national championships.[131]

Army Men's Rugby

Approximately 15% of cadets are members of a club sport team. West Point fields a total of 24 club sports teams and since 2000, Academy Club teams have won 22 national championships, making West Point's club program one of the premier competitive club programs in the nation..[132] In 2008 alone, West Point club sport teams won the national championships in boxing, orienteering, men's team handball, and women's pistol. In 2007, West Point captured the national title in cycling and women's team handball.

Company Athletic Football

The majority of the student body, about 65%, competes in company athletics. DPE's Competitive Sports Committee runs the club and company athletics sports program and was recently named one of the "15 Most Influential Sports Education Teams" in America by the Institute for International Sport.[133] In the fall season, each company in the corps fields a team in basketball, biathlon, football, soccer, ultimate disc, and wrestling. The spring season sees competition in combative grappling, floor hockey, orienteering, rugby, and swimming.[134] DPE unaware of any other college that has a full-contact intramural football program and believes that its program is the only one of its kind in the nation. The championship game of CA football and other outdoor events are held each year on Daly Field.[135] Each spring, each company also fields a team entry into the annual Sandhurst Competition, a military skills event conducted by the Department of Military Instruction.

[edit] Cadet life

[edit] United States Corps of Cadets

Because of the Academy's congressional nomination process, students come from all 50 states, representing "nearly every race, religion, and culture in the country."[136][4] The Academy is also authorized up to 60 allied nation exchange cadets, who undergo the same four-year curriculum as fully-integrated members of the Corps of Cadets.[137] Cadets attend the United States Military Academy free of charge, with all tuition and board paid for by the Army in return for a service commitment upon graduation.[138] All meals in the dining halls are free to the cadets, and internet, phone, and television service is provided free of charge in the baracks rooms,[139] leaving cadets with very little expenses.

Cadets at Bastille Day, 2002

All cadets reside on campus for their entire four years in one of the seven barracks buildings. Most cadets are housed with one roommate, but some rooms are designed for three cadets. Cadets are group into "companies", which have alpha-numeric codes to identify them. Each company lives grouped together in the same barracks area.[140] The Academy has the cadets change companies after their freshmen or sophomore years. This process is known as scrambling, and the method of scrambling has changed several times in recent years.[141] The class of 2002 did not scramble at all, while the current classes scramble after their first year. Due to the structured culture of the Corps of Cadets, there is little tradition of Greek fraternal societies at the Academy. Six cadets recently chartered a Phi Beta Sigma chapter at USMA in 2006.[142]

2012's motto on display

Each class of cadets elects a class president and several administrative positions. They also elect a ring and crest committee, which designs the class's crest, the emblem that signifies their class for eternity and is embossed upon their class rings. Each class crest is required contain the words "USMA" and their class motto. The class motto is proposed by the class during cadet basic training and voted on by the class prior to the beginning of their freshman academic year. Class mottos typically have verbiage that rhymes or is phonetically similar with their class year.

Cadets today live and work within the framework of the Cadet Leader Development System (CLDS), which specifies the roles that a cadet plays throughout their four years at the Academy. Essentially cadets begin their Academy careers as trainees (new cadets), then advance in rank, starting as CDT Privates (freshmen) and culminating as CDT Officers (seniors). Freshmen have no leadership responsibilities, but have a host of duties to perform as they learn how to follow orders and operate in an environment of rigid rank structure, while seniors have significant leadership responsibilities and significantly more privileges that correspond to their rank.

[edit] Cadet rank and organization

Firstie shoulder sleeve rank

Cadets are not refereed to its as freshmen, sophomores, juniors, or seniors. Instead they are officially called "fourth class", "third class", "second class", and "first class" cadets. Colloquially, freshmen are "plebes", sophomores are "yearlings" or "yuks", juniors are "cows", seniors are "firsties".[143][144] Some of the origins of the class names are, known, some are not. Plebians were the lower class of ancient Roman society, while "yearling" is a euphemism for a year-old animal. The origin of "Cow" is less known. There are many theories for the origin of "cow", most of which center around the fact that in years past, cadets could not take leave until cow year, and thus the phrase, "until the cows come home". "Firstie" is short for first class cadet.

Cadets parade on the Plain

The Corps of Cadets is officially organized into a brigade. The senior ranking cadet, the Brigade Commander, is known traditionally as the "First Captain". The brigade is organized into four regiments. Within each regiment there are two battalions, which consists of four companies. Companies are lettered A through H, with a number signifying which regiment it belongs to. For example, there are four a companies: A1, A2, A3, and A4. First class cadets hold the leadership positions within the brigade from the First Captain down to platoon leaders within the companies. Leadership responsibility decreases with the lower classes, with second class cadets holding the rank of cadet sergeant, 3rd class cadets holding the rank of cadet corporal, and 4th class cadets as cadet privates. Due to an increase in incoming class sizes,[145] the Academy is considering a expanding the Corps to nine companies per regiment and thus three battalions per regiment.

[edit] Cadet activities

Cadets have a host of extra curricular activities available to them, most run by the office of the Directorate of Cadet Activities (DCA).[146] DCA sponsors or operates 113 athletic and non-sport clubs.[147] Many cadets join several clubs during their time at the Academy and find their time spent with their clubs a welcome respite from the rigors of cadet life.[148] DCA is responsible for a wide range of activities that provide improved quality of life for cadets. DCA runs three cadet-oriented restaurants,[149] and the Cadet Store.[150] They publish the Howitzer and Bugle Notes.[151] The Howitzer is the annual yearbook, while Bugle Notes, also known as the "plebe bible", is the manual of plebe knowledge. Plebe knowledge is a litany of traditions, songs, and facts about the Academy that all cadets are required to learn their freshman summer.[152]

[edit] Traditions

Due to West Point's age and its uniquely singular mission of producing army officers, it has many time-honored traditions. The list below are some of the traditions unique to or started by the Academy.

Joseph Swift, Cullum #1

Cullum Number

The Cullum number is a reference and identification number assigned to each graduate.[153] It was created by brevet Major General George W. Cullum (USMA Class of 1833) who, in 1850, began the monumental work of chronicling the biographies of every graduate. He assigned Number 1 to the first West Point graduate, Joseph Gardner Swift, and then numbered all successive graduates in sequence.[153] Before his death in 1892, General Cullum completed the first three volumes of a work that eventually comprised 10 volumes, entitled General Cullum’s Biographical Register of the Officers and Graduates of the United States Military Academy, and covering USMA classes from 1802 through 1850.[153] From 1802 through the Class of 1977, graduates were listed by general order of Merit. Beginning with the Class of 1978, graduates were listed alphabetically, and then by date of graduation. Seven graduates have an "A" suffix after their Cullum Number. For various reasons these graduates were omitted from the original class roster, and a suffix letter was added to avoid renumbering the entire class and subsequent classes.

2007 West Point class ring

Class Ring

West Point began the collegiate tradition of the class ring, beginning with the class of 1835.[154] The class of 1836 chose no rings, and the Class of 1879 had cuff links in lieu of a class ring. Prior to 1917, cadets could design much of the ring individually, but now only the center stone can be individualized.[154]

Thayer Award

West Point is home to the Sylvanus Thayer Award. The award is given each year since 1958 by the Academy to an outstanding citizen whose service and accomplishments in the national interest exemplify the Military Academy motto, "Duty, Honor, Country."[155] Currently, the award guidelines state that the recipient not be a Graduate of the Academy. The award has been awarded to many famous citizens, to include George H. W. Bush, Colin Powell, Tom Brokaw, Sandra Day O'Conner, Henry Kissinger, Ronald Reagan, Carl Vinson, Douglas MacArthur, Barbara Jordan, and Bob Hope.[155]

Class weekends

Each cadet class celebrates at least one special weekend per academic year. Fourth class cadets participate in Plebe Parent Weekend during the first weekend of spring break in March. In February, third class cadets celebrate the winter season with Yearling Winter Weekend. In late January the second class cadets celebrate 500th Night, marking the remaining 500 days before graduation. First class cadets celebrate three different formal occasions. In late August, first class cadets celebrate Ring Weekend, in February they mark their last one hundred days with 100th Night, and in May they have a full week of events culminating in their graduation. All of the "class weekends" involve a formal dinner and social dance, known in old cadet slang as a "hop', held at Eisenhower Hall.

Plebe Knowledge

A lengthy collection of traditions, songs, poems, anecdotes, and facts about the Academy, the Army, the Old Corps, and the Rivalry with Navy that all plebes must memorize or at least be familiar with during Cadet Basic Training.[156][157] The list of plebe knowledge has built over the years, but has changed little in recent times.[158] During CBT and plebe year, plebes may be asked, and are expected to answer, any inquiry about plebe knowledge asked by upper class cadets. Some knowledge is traditional and unchanging such as found in the issued Bugle Notes.[159] However, some required knowledge changes daily, such as "the Days"(a running list of the number of days until important Academy events), the menu in the mess hall for the day, or the lead stories in the New York Times.[159]

Sedgwick's spurs

Sedgwick's Spurs

A monument to Union officer John Sedgwick stands on the outskirts of the Plain across the street from Trophy Point. Cadet legend states that if a cadet is in danger of failing a class, they are to don their full-dress parade uniform and visit his statue at midnight before the final exam. Sedgwick's bronze statue has spurs that freely rotate, and if the cadet spins them at the stroke of midnight, they will pass the exam and the course. Though this practice is officially against regulations, violations are often overlooked for the sake of tradition.[160]

2008 Goat-Engineer Game

Goat-Engineer Game

As part of the run-up to the Navy football game, the Corps of Cadets plays the Goat Engineer game. First played in 1907, it is a game between the "Goats" (the bottom half of the senior class academically), and the "Engineers" (the top half).[161] The game is played with full pads and helmets using 8-man football rules at Michie Stadium. In recent years, female cadets have began playing a flag football contest, so there are now two Goat-Engineer games, played back to back the same night.

[edit] Notable alumni

Buzz Aldrin, class of 1951
Herbert Hall, AOG Headquarters

West Point has produced two American Presidents, Ulysses S. Grant and Dwight D. Eisenhower, the president of the Confederate States of America, Jefferson Davis, and many famous generals of the past such as Lee, Sherman, Sheridan, Pershing, Patton, Bradley, and MacArthur.[162] West Point has also produced some famous officers and statesmen of recent note including Haig, Scowcroft, Schwarzkopf, McCaffrey, Clark, Abizaid, and Petraeus. The Academy's roles include one current US Senator, Jack Reed, and three US Congressmen; Geoff Davis, Brett Guthrie, and John Shimkus.[163] An unofficial motto of the Academy History Department is "Much of the history we teach was made by people we taught."[164]

West Point is fourth on the list of total winners for Rhodes Scholarships, seventh for Marshall Scholarships and fourth on the list of Hertz Fellowships.[165] The official alumni association of West Point is the West Point Association of Graduates (WPAOG or AOG), which is located at Herbert Hall.[166]

[edit] Notes

  1. ^ "About the Academy". United States Military Academy. Retrieved on 12-25-08.
  2. ^ a b Ambrose (1966), p. 22.
  3. ^ "Supe's Corner". United States Military Academy. Retrieved on 01-01-09.
  4. ^ a b "FAQ: Who Attends the US Military Academy". Office of Admissions. Retrieved on 1-3-09.
  5. ^ "USMA Facilities". Office of Admissions. Retrieved on 12-29-08.
  6. ^ "The United States Military Academy". The Princeton Review. Retrieved on 12-19-08.
  7. ^ "Army names new football coach". Army Times. Retrieved on 1-08-09.
  8. ^ "Admissions Office". United States Military Academy. Retrieved on 12-30-08.
  9. ^ "The Corps". West-Point.org. Retrieved on 1-4-09.
  10. ^ "Class of 2007 Graduation Press Release". USMA Public Affairs Office. Retrieved on 12-25-08.
  11. ^ a b "FAQ: How does the Academy fulfill its mission?". Office of Admissions. Retrieved on 1-3-09.
  12. ^ a b Lipsky (2003), pp. 9–10.
  13. ^ "FAQ: What is the honor code all about?". Office of Admissions. Retrieved on 1-3-09.
  14. ^ "Victor Constant Ski Slope". Moral Welfare and Recreation Department. Retrieved on 12-29-08.
  15. ^ "Final Draft Report for USMA Elementary Gym Construction Site". US Army Corps of Engineers. Retrieved on 12-29-08.
  16. ^ Crackel (1991), p. 41.
  17. ^ Palka (2008), p. viii.
  18. ^ Crackel (1991), p. 44.
  19. ^ Crackel (2002), p. 13.
  20. ^ Crackel (1991), pp. 37–45.
  21. ^ "Benedict Arnold". Independence Hall Association. Retrieved on 12-14-08.
  22. ^ "Spies of the American Revolution". University of Michigan. Retrieved on 12-14-08.
  23. ^ Crackel (2002), p. 13.
  24. ^ Poughkeepsie (2003), p. 13.
  25. ^ "The Early Years". USMA Bicentennial. Retrieved on 12-16-08.
  26. ^ "Sylvanus Thayer". Smithsonian National Museum of American History. Retrieved on 12-17-08.
  27. ^ Atkinson (1989), p. 54.
  28. ^ "A School for the Nation". Smithsonian National Museum of American History. Retrieved on 01-10-09.
  29. ^ a b "Challenges and Validation". USMA Bicentennial. Retrieved on 12-16-08.
  30. ^ Crackel (2002), p. 120.
  31. ^ Simpson (1982), p. 46.
  32. ^ a b c d e "Mid-Century Time of Trial". USMA Bicentennial. Retrieved on 12-20-08.
  33. ^ Simpson (1982), pp.48–49.
  34. ^ a b Crackel (2002), p. 135.
  35. ^ Crackel (2002), p. 137.
  36. ^ a b c d "Postwar Change and Contraction". USMA Bicentennial. Retrieved on 1-2-09.
  37. ^ Crackel (2002), p. 145.
  38. ^ Crackel (2002), pp. 145–146
  39. ^ Poughkeepsie (2003), p. 65.
  40. ^ Poughkeepsie (2003), p. 52.
  41. ^ Ambrose (1966), pp. 305–306.
  42. ^ a b "Supporting an Emerging Global Power". USMA Bicentennial. Retrieved on 1-2-09.
  43. ^ "The Class the Stars Fell On". Smithsonian National American History Museum. Retrieved on 12-16-08.
  44. ^ Simpson (1982), p. 178.
  45. ^ "Restoring the Academy". Smithsonian National American History Museum. Retrieved on 12-17-08.
  46. ^ Ambrose (1966), pp. 278–280.
  47. ^ "Overview". Cadet Honor Committee. Retrieved on 1-2-09.
  48. ^ Ambrose (1966), p. 275.
  49. ^ Ambrose (1966) p. 208.
  50. ^ "World War II and a Modern Academy". USMA Bicentennial. Retrieved on 1-2-09.
  51. ^ "Making the Modern Academy". Smithsonian National Museum of American History. Retrieved on 12-30-08.
  52. ^ Ambrose (1966), p. 230.
  53. ^ a b Barkalow (1990), p. 20.
  54. ^ "The Class of 1980". Smithsonian National Museum of American History. Retrieved on 12-30-08.
  55. ^ "Class of 2012 enter West Point". West Point AOG. Retrieved on 12-30-08.
  56. ^ "Notable Graduates". Koerner Kronenfeld Partners, LLC. Retrieved on 12-30-08.
  57. ^ "Woman ranks first in class at West Point", Associated Press, New York Times. Retrieved on 12-30-08. 
  58. ^ "The Long Gray Line Changes Formation". USMA Bicentennial. Retrieved on 12-16-08.
  59. ^ "Years of Continuity and Progress". USMA Bicentennial. Retrieved on 12-16-08.
  60. ^ "Top 20 Most Wired Campuses". PC Magazine. Retrieved on 12-20-08.
  61. ^ "United States Military Academy". National Historic Landmarks Program. Retrieved on 1-4-09.
  62. ^ "National Register of Historic Places Inventory-Nomination: United States Military Academy". National Park Service. Retrieved on 1-4-09.
  63. ^ Simpson (1982), p. 13.
  64. ^ Poughkeepsie (2003), pp. 14–15.
  65. ^ "Center for Teaching Excellence". USMA Office of the Dean. Retrieved on 1-4-09.
  66. ^ "Arvin Cadet Physical Development Center Grand Opening". Pointer View (8-19-05). Retrieved on 1-4-09.
  67. ^ a b Palka (2008), p. 27.
  68. ^ Crackel (1991), p. 275
  69. ^ Poughkeepsie (2003), p. 78.
  70. ^ Simpson (1982), pp. 163–164.
  71. ^ Barkalow (1990), p. 70.
  72. ^ Simpson (1982), p. 164.
  73. ^ Crackel (1991), p. 129.
  74. ^ Palka (2008), p. 155.
  75. ^ Palka (2008), p. 179.
  76. ^ Crackel (1991), p. 187.
  77. ^ a b Poughkeepsie (2003), p. 16.
  78. ^ "West Point Cemetery". USMA Office of the Dean. Retrieved on 1-4-09.
  79. ^ a b Poughkeepsie (2003), p. 7.
  80. ^ "Superintendent's Biography". United States Military Academy. Retrieved on 10-23-08.
  81. ^ "Commandant's Biography". United States Military Academy. Retrieved on 10-23-08.
  82. ^ "Dean's Biography". United States Military Academy. Retrieved on 10-23-08.
  83. ^ "Board of Visitors". United States Military Academy. Retrieved on 1-1-09.
  84. ^ "FAQ: When should I apply for admission?". USMA Office of Admissions. Retrieved on 1-3-09.
  85. ^ Congressional Nominations to U.S. Service Academies: An Overview and Resources for Outreach and Management Congressional Research Service retrieved 12-19-08
  86. ^ "Class of 2012 Profile". United States Military Academy. Retrieved on 12-29-08.
  87. ^ "Steps to West Point 1: Basics Requirements". USMA Office of Admissions. Retrieved on 12-19-08.
  88. ^ a b "Steps to West Point 6: Complete Testing". USMA Office of Admissions. Retrieved on 12-19-08.
  89. ^ "International Cadet Program". USMAOffice of Admissions. Retrieved on 12-30-08.
  90. ^ "FAQ: Do you accept transfer students?". USMA Office of Admissions. Retrieved on 12-19-08.
  91. ^ "Frequently Asked Questions". United States Military Academy Prep School. Retrieved on 12-30-08.
  92. ^ "Cadet Performance Score". USMA DPE Whitebook (01-06-09).
  93. ^ "Institution Directory - United States Military Academy". Middle States Commission on Higher Education. Retrieved on 2009-01-06.
  94. ^ "America's Best Colleges". Forbes Magazine. Retrieved on 12-19-08.
  95. ^ "Best Colleges 2009 Liberal Arts Rankings". US News & World Report. Retrieved on 12-25-08.
  96. ^ "Best Colleges: Top Public Schools: Liberal Arts Colleges". US News & World Report. Retrieved on 12-25-08.
  97. ^ Atkinson (1989), p. 521.
  98. ^ The Thayer method of instruction at the United States Military Academy: A modest history and a modern personal account. bNet Business Network. March 2002. http://findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_qa3997/is_200203/ai_n9063661. Retrieved on 12-31-08. 
  99. ^ "Plebe Parent Handbook, Class of 2006: Academic Year". West Point Parent Club of Michigan. West-Point.org. Retrieved on 12-31-08.
  100. ^ "How they teach at West Point". Phillip Greenspun's Blog Harvard Law. Retrieved on 1-1-09.
  101. ^ a b "Short Curriculum Overview". Office of the Dean, USMA. Retrieved on 1-3-09.
  102. ^ "USMA Curriculum". Office of the Dean, USMA. Retrieved on 12-20-08.
  103. ^ "USMA Curriculum Briefing". Office of the Dean, USMA. Retrieved on 12-21-08.
  104. ^ "Academic Program". Office of the Dean, USMA. Retrieved on 1-1-09.
  105. ^ "Academic Catalog: "The Redbook"". Office of the Dean, USMA. Retrieved on 12-21-08.
  106. ^ Atkinson (1989), p. 44.
  107. ^ "Brigade Tactical Department". Office of the Commandant, USMA. Retrieved on 12-19-08.
  108. ^ "Department of Military Instruction". United States Military Academy. Retrieved on 12-19-08.
  109. ^ Crackel (1991), p. 283.
  110. ^ Simpson (1982), p. 102.
  111. ^ Atkinson (1989), p. 9.
  112. ^ "Course Offerings". USMA Department of Physical Education. Retrieved on 12-12-08.
  113. ^ "USMA, Princeton Review, Best 368 Colleges p568". USMA Association of Graduates. Retrieved on 12-26-08.
  114. ^ Barkalow (1990), p. 77.
  115. ^ "Life in the Corps". USMA Office of Admissions. Retrieved on 12-30-08.
  116. ^ "Cadet Honor Committee". United States Military Academy. Retrieved on 12-19-08.
  117. ^ a b c "Simon Center for the Professional Military Ethic". United States Military Academy. Retrieved on 12-30-08.
  118. ^ Army MulesGo Army Sports.com retrieved 1-1-09
  119. ^ Edson, James (1954). The Black Knights of West Point. New York: Bradbury & Sayles.
  120. ^ a b Quick FactsGo Army Sports.com retrieved 1-1-09
  121. ^ On Brave Old Army TeamGo Army Sports.com retrieved 1-1-09
  122. ^ Ambrose (1966), p. 305.
  123. ^ Trophy WinnersThe Heisman Trophy retrieved 12-31-08
  124. ^ BiographyOfficial Website of Vince Lombardi retrieved 12-31-08
  125. ^ Bill ParcellsNNDB.com retrieved 12-31-08
  126. ^ Palka (2008), p. 197.
  127. ^ Army Hockey Guide Go Army Sports.com retrieved 12-30-08
  128. ^ Army-RMC RivalryGo Army Sports.com retrieved 1-1-09
  129. ^ Historic RMC-West Point Hockey Match RMC of Canada retrieved12-30-08
  130. ^ Atkinson (1989), p. 90.
  131. ^ Mike KrzyzewskiDuke University Men's Basketball retrieved 1-2-09
  132. ^ Directorate of Cadet Activities DCA Homepageretrieved 12-28-08
  133. ^ Top 15 Sport Education Teams in America Institute for International Sport retrieved 12-10-08
  134. ^ Company Athletics Department of Physical Education USMA retrieved 12-10-08
  135. ^ Company Athletics Football Championship YouTube retrieved on 12-10-08
  136. ^ "Overview of the Academy". Office of Admissions. Retrieved on 1-3-09.
  137. ^ "International Cadet Program". Office of Admissions. Retrieved on 1-3-09.
  138. ^ Financial and Service Obligations USMA Admissions retrieved 12-31-08
  139. ^ Computing @ West Point Information and Education Technology Division at USMA retrieved 1-1-09
  140. ^ Lipsky (2003), p. 29.
  141. ^ K. The Scramble is BackWest-Point.org retrieved 12-31-08
  142. ^ Chapter History BETA PSI SIGMA CHAPTER retrieved 1-4-08
  143. ^ Atkinson (1989), p. 43.
  144. ^ Barkalow (1990), pp. 23, 81, 109, 124.
  145. ^ Intro to Warfare New York Magazine retrieved 1-1-09
  146. ^ DCA HomepageDirectorate of Cadet Activities retrieved 12-31-08
  147. ^ Clubs HomepageDirectorate of Cadet Activities retrieved 12-31-08
  148. ^ TestimonialsDirectorate of Cadet Activities retrieved 12-31-08
  149. ^ Cadet RestaurantsDirectorate of Cadet Activitiesretrieved 12-31-08
  150. ^ Welcome to the Academy StoresDirectorate of Cadets Activities retrieved 12-31-08
  151. ^ Cadet PublicationsDirectorate of Cadets Activities retrieved 12-31-08
  152. ^ Bugle NotesDirectorate of Cadet Activities retrieved 12-31-08
  153. ^ a b c Annex G: Class and Cullum FilesHandbook for Graduated Officers, AOG retrieved 1-1-09
  154. ^ a b USMA Class RingsUSMA Library Special Collections retrieved 12-31-08
  155. ^ a b The Sylvanus Thayer AwardAssociation of Graduates retrieved 1-1-09
  156. ^ Bugle Notes: Learn This!West-Point.org retrieved 12-31-08
  157. ^ Barkalow (1990), p. 72.
  158. ^ Atkinson (1989), p. 36.
  159. ^ a b Lipsky (2003), p. 9.
  160. ^ Barkalow (1990), p. 78.
  161. ^ Fact Sheet: Goat-Engineer GameUSMA Public Affairs Office retrieved 12-31-08
  162. ^ Notable USMA GraduatesUSMA Bicentennial retrieved 1-4-09
  163. ^ About the Academy USMA.edu retrieved 12-31-08
  164. ^ History Counseling USMA Dept of History retrieved 12-18-08
  165. ^ "Scholarship Winners". Office of the Dean, USMA. Retrieved on 12-19-08.
  166. ^ Association of Graduates Westpointaog.org retrieved 11-02-08

[edit] References

[edit] External links

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