Texas Department of Housing & Community Affairs - Building Homes and Strengthening Communities

Texas Neighborhood Stabilization Program (NSP)



The Neighborhood Stabilization Program (NSP) is a HUD-funded program authorized by the “Housing and Economic Recovery Act of 2008” (HERA), as a supplemental allocation to the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Program. The purpose of the program is to acquire and redevelop foreclosed properties that might otherwise become sources of abandonment and blight. NSP provides funds to purchase foreclosed or abandoned homes and to rehabilitate, resell, or redevelop these homes in order to stabilize neighborhoods and stem the decline of house values of neighboring homes.

Texas will receive approximately $173M, approximately $71M of which has already been identified by HUD as a direct allocation to 13 cities and counties with the greatest need. The Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs along with the Office of Rural and Community Affairs (ORCA) and the Texas State Affordable Housing Corporation (TSAHC) will work together to administer the remaining $102M funds.

Timeline of Events

Roundtable Discussion - NSP General Input October 15, 2008
Substantial Amendment to Action Plan submitted to HUD December 1, 2008
Substantial Amendment to Action Plan approved by HUD January 30, 2009
In-House Workshop - Texas NSP Draft NOFA February 10-12, 2009
Roundtable Discussion - Texas NSP Draft NOFA February 27, 2009
TDHCA Board Meeting - Approval of Texas NSP NOFA March 12, 2009
Texas NSP Application Workshop March 27, 2009
Start of Texas NSP Application Acceptance Period March 27, 2009
Texas NSP Application Workshop April 24, 2009
End of Texas NSP Application Acceptance Period April 27, 2009
TDHCA Board Meeting -- Recommendation of Texas NSP Awards July 16, 2009
Implementation Workshop -- Austin July 28, 2009
Implementation Workshop -- Dallas July 30, 2009
Implementation Workshop -- Houston August 4, 2009
Implementation Workshop -- McAllen August 6, 2009
