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Welcome to the Motor Vehicle Theft Prevention Council

2009 Trust Fund Collection Rules, Insurer Worksheet Instructions, and Blank Insurer Worksheet

These rules establish procedures for the collection of money due from insurers of private passenger motor vehicles for each calendar year to be deposited in the Motor Vehicle Theft Prevention Trust Fund as authorized by the Illinois Motor Vehicle Theft Prevention Act.

Motor Vehicle Theft Prevention Council 2008 Annual Report

The Illinois Motor Vehicle Theft Prevention Council 2008 Annual Report describes the Council's achievements and challenges over the past year. The Council's partnership of public and private sectors is effectively fighting vehicle theft in Illinois.

2008 - 2011 Motor Vehicle Theft Prevention Council Strategy

The 2008 - 2011 Motor Vehicle Theft Prevention Council Strategy is available online.

About the Illinois Motor Vehicle Theft Prevention Council

In 1991, the Illinois General Assembly established the Illinois Motor Vehicle Theft Prevention Council, an 11-member coalition uniquely comprising law enforcement and insurance industry officials, which has worked tirelessly to curtail vehicle theft, insurance fraud, and related crimes. Staff support to the Council is provided by the Illinois Criminal Justice Information Authority.

The Illinois Motor Vehicle Theft Prevention Act requires insurance companies to pay into a special trust fund an amount equal to $1 for each private passenger automobile insured for physical damage coverage. This amount, collected and administered by the Council, totals approximately $6 million each year. Funds are designated primarily for law enforcement programs that increase the investigation and prosecution of vehicle theft-related crimes.

[ Click to view the current Illinois Motor Vehicle Theft Prevention Council Members. ]

Meeting Dates & Locations Calendar

IMVTPC Council Committee Meetings

  • Friday, August 28, 2009 in Chicago
  • Friday, November 20, 2009 in Chicago

Grant Review Committee Meetings

  • Wednesday, July 15, 2009 in Chicago
  • Wednesday, October 21, 2009 in Chicago

* All meetings will begin at 10:00AM unless other wise posted.
Some locations may require identification for entry into the building.
Meeting locations are subject to change and specific locations will be announced.

Contact Us

Illinois Motor Vehicle Theft Prevention Council
300 W. Adams, Suite 700
Chicago, IL 60606

Voice: 1-888-425-4248 or 312/793-8550
Fax: 312/793-8422
TDD: 312/793-4170

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