Shipmate Search

Important: Please Read! Please contact the appropriate Government agencies before asking us to post your search, since the more information you have, the more likely you are to have positive results. When submitting a request, do not use all upper case or all lower case, give the full name of the ship including initials.

To help your Search we have added a comprehensive List of Ships which includes Ships Sunk or Damaged in WWII. Please check there for correct spelling and identification.

USNS Southern Cross / Operation Deep Freeze 1981-83
Captain Bjorn Werring
Chief Engineer Earl Calkins
Captain William Baldwin
Captain John Balcewski

I am working on a story about merchant mariners. I would like to connect with any of my former shipmates who sailed on the USNS Southern Cross during Operation Deep Freeze to re-supply McMurdo Station, Antarctica, during 1981/82 and 1982/1983. I am also looking for anyone who sailed with the Southern Cross' bosun, Aki or anyone who sailed with or knew the late Captain Bjorn Werring or the late Chief Engineer Earl Calkins. Finally, I am also seeing to connect with Captains William Baldwin or John Balcewski, both of whom served on the Southern Cross. 11/29/11 Randy C. Bunney 612.269.4742

Phil Segal
Joseph B. Reber
SS Sea Scamp 1945
SS David E. Hughes 1945

Officer Phil Segal, who was either on the ship the SS Sea Scamp or the SS David E. Hughes 1945. This man befriended my father and took him from being a wiper in the Engine room, to a Purser on the David E. Hughes. My dad passed away in July and is going to be inurned at Arlington National Cemetery. This man changed the direction of my father's life at the age of 22 years old, and my family would like to find him and thank him for all he did for our father. 10/30/10 Susie Reber Orr

clifton PaigeClifton Paige
SS Norvana

Looking for any surviving relatives of Clifton Paige (photo at right) who served as a messman on the SS Norvana which was torpedoed on January 22, 1942. He was born May 7, 1915 in Parmele, NC. His next of kin were his wife, Vernice Paige, 189 Kenny St, Newark and cousin Ellie Paige of Robersonville, NC. Any info would be helpful. 04/12/10 Angie Davis

Leon C. Smith.Sr. cadet 6/25/1942 King's Point, New York
James Caldwell #242270 cadet 10/3/42 to 4/5/1943
Juan de Fuca #242751 Engineer/3rd Asst. 2/21/44 to 5/22/44
George W. Brown #245485 Engineer/3rd Asst. 6/17/44 to 7/20/44
Henry D. Lindsey #245563 Engineer/2nd Asst. 8/19/44 to 12/11/44
William Dean Howells #242272 Engineer/2nd Asst. 2/1/45 to 8/20/45
James B. Hood #242540 Engineer/acting 1st Asst. 11/6/45 to 2/16/45
David Starr Jordan #243184 Engineer/acting 1st Asst. 3/28/46 to 8/4/46
Hilary A. Herbert #243640 Engineer/2nd Asst. 11/14/46 to 3/19/47
Leon C. Smith.Sr. graduated from USMMA in Kings Point, New York on 12/31/1943. He is trying to locate some of his past classmates. Two specifically are G.V.Robinson known as "Grand Vill" originally from Hillside,New Jersey and J.J.Herman originally from Maplewood, New Jersey. He does remember spending some time in a bar known then as "Ike's Health Bar" located somewhere in New Jersey. Some of my father's old documents identify other shipmates on the S.S.David Starr Jordan (April/1946) as: Roy Miller, Tom Gilham, George Z. Sammak, Thomas L. Smith, Edward L. Putnam, Miles J. Nixon and William S. Taylor. 04/12/10 C.C.Smith, 337 Kayla Street, Kingsland, Georgia, 31548 (912)729-6103

SS Contessa
William H. John
William Cato
Albert Leslie
I'm writing a book on the invasion of North Africa, specifically Operation Torch and the role played by the S.S. Contessa. The Contessa was a "banana boat" called to service in the invasion convoy by Gen. Patton in Nov. 1942. Its shallow draft allowed it to haul a load of munitions and airplane fuel up the River Sebou to Port Lyautey (now Kenitra). I'm looking for any information on the merchant mariners and armed guard that sailed with her. I have the Contessa's Merchant crew list, Armed Guard Action Reports, and a list of armed guard members. I haven't been able to locate a ship's log for the Contessa for its voyage to Morocco and back to N.Y., October thru December, 1942, but do have logs for voyages the ship made in 1943 and '44. The captain of the Contessa, which sailed for the Standard Fruit Co. out of New Orleans, was originally from Wales, Cpt. William H. John. The armed guard was officered by Lt. William Cato and, for the trip to Morocco, Lt. Commander Albert Leslie. Leslie was subsequently named as Port Commander at Lyautey in Morocco. I'd love to talk with anyone who has knowledge of the Contessa, Cpt. John, Lt. Cato, Lt. Co. Leslie, or the action surrounding Port Lyautey in Nov. 1942. 12/11/09 Tim Brady

USNS Massopelia Ocean Tug
UNSN Rigel Food Container
USNS Redstone NASA Tracking Ship

I'm searching for long lost shipmates from 1980 to 1982 on the above ships. 08/11/08 Mike Smollon

Eugene (Ted) Chadwick
SS Henry L. Pratt
SS Bohemian Club
SS Prairie Grove
My father-in-law was career Merchant Mariner working for Atlantic Refining. During WW II he sailed on a number of ships including those listed above. He seldom spoke of his time during WW II and my wife would really like to know more about it. He served as Third, Second and Chief Mate. Larry Graham (07/24/08)

Survivors Of U-Boat Torpedoed Ships
I would like to contact persons with either first-hand or second-hand knowledge of events that transpired between U-boats and survivors in lifeboats for possible inclusion in a book dealing with this subject. Jim Duffy (07/19/08)

Charles Wm. "Billy" Liedloff
SS William G. Fargo 4/7/43 to 7/9/43
Simon Bamberger 10/14/43 to 8/31/44
Cape Tryon 10/14/44 to 2/13/45
Esso Norfolk 2/24/45 to 4/25/45
Alcoa Pegasus 4/25/45 to 7/26/45

Looking for anyone who sailed as an US Naval Armed Guard with my cousin Charles Wm. "Billy" Liedloff on the above ships. Contact Deb at 952-233-7369 Debi Bowenkamp (07/14/08)

Richard Calvin Zaleski
SS Gaines Mill
I am looking for my great uncle, Richard Calvin Zaleski. My Grandmother, his sister, has been looking for him since 1963. He, if living, is 83 years old, his birthday is 11-22-1925. He signed off the SS Gaines Mill at Martinez, CA on Feb 24, 1963. My Grandmother has not heard from him since that time. If anyone knows him or what happened to him, please contact me. Sarah Farmer 817-980-9706 My Grandmother is Lyda Koshorek 734-722-4083 (06/18/08)

SS John Howard Payne 1945
Fred Maso
Joe Dawson
My father is Fred Maso, who served on the on the SS John Howard Payne (Ship's Master O. R. Larson); Sheepshead Bay Boot Camp. Fred Maso (21 Oakdale, Box 174, Freeland, PA. 18224) is looking for Joe Dawson, McKeesport. 04/03/07

Matthew J. Hughes - Chief Engineer
SS Samuel F. B. Morse [1] - 9/8/43 - 11/5/43
SS Billy Mitchell - 12/10/43 - 4/17/44
SS John Drake Sloat - 5/8/44 - 11/14/44
SS Clement Clay - 1/15/45 - 6/19/45
SS John E. Schmeltzer - 7/6/45 - 1/6/46
SS Fred Herrling - 3/15/46 - 4/28/46
SS Henry Hadley - 7/11/46 - 3/13/47
SS Christopher Gadsden - 5/7/47 - 9/2/47
My Grandfather Matt Hughes sailed as Chief Engineer on the above 8 merchant ships. He was a 55 yr. old Irishman from Elmhurst, Long Island when he again answered the call. I would to hear from any of the crew members who may have sailed with him & maybe have a photo or two. He crossed the bar in 1975 at age 88. Kenny Freitag, PO Box 94, Blackstone, VA 23824. 04/03/07

U. S. Maritime Service Training Station at Sheepshead Bay, N Y - ID Portraits
I am looking for personal recollections from Merchant Marine Veterans stationed at the Training Station at Sheepshead Bay, N Y, on their experience surrounding their ID portraits being taken by photographers at the base. I am interested in the process, whether these portraits were used for personal identification tags or put in files, and any other memories. Thank you for any assistance you can offer. 04/11/06 George Schwartz Curatorial Assistant, Peabody Essex Museum, Salem, MA

SS Eleazar Wheelock
I would like to hear from members of US Navy Communications Team that were on the Wheelock during operation OVERLORD on 6 June 1944 at Omaha Beach. 8/25/05 Jack Brandsema

USNS James E. Robinson TAK-274 Jan-April 1967
USNS Bluejacket TAF-51 Oct/65 to Dec/66

I would like to get in touch with shipmates that sailed on board the USNS James E. Robinson: Ernie Dennis, Willam Smith, Francis Josephson. All men were AB Maintenance. We did a trip to Viet Nam, then on the way through the Suez Canal we lost a blade on our propeller and went to shipyard in St. Georges, Greece. I have made contact with Steve Aspiotis/Carpenter and Fred Kutch/AB. The Bluejacket was a reefer cargo C-2 that ran a regular route from Norfolk,VA to Bremerhaven, Germany. I worked as an Ordinary Seaman and Able Seaman. 8/25/05 Paul Driscoll

Polaris Magazine 1942-45
We are hoping to locate the following issues of Polaris magazine, published by the Merchant Marine Cadet Corps during WWII. Photocopies would be fine for our purposes. 06/16/05 Toni, Webmistress
1942 - Sept. Oct. Nov.
1943 - Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec
1944 - Jan Mar May Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec
1945 - Jan Feb Mar June July Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec
Any later issues that describe wartime stories.

SS Paul M. Gregg
I am looking for anyone that sailed on the tanker SS Paul M. Gregg 1943-Jan 1946. I was a cook and baker. 06/16/05 Earl Grove

SS Henry Villard to Murmansk
I was Armed Guard aboard Christmas 1944.... JW 63 left Loch Ewe, Scotland on Dec 30, 1944 arrived Murmansk Jan 8, 1945. RA 64 Left Murmansk Feb 17, 1945. would like to contact shipmates, esp. those living in Florida. 05/15/05 Joseph Rappa, Seaman 1st Class

SS Samuel Parker- Oct 9th 1944 to April 5th 1945
John Robert (Bob) Harvey

My father was Fireman/Watertender while the ship's Captain was A.K. Natland. He would like to contact shipmates. 05/15/05 John Robert Harvey Jr

SS Francis Asbury sunk 12/3/44
William C. Flood NAG
I am looking for any survivors of the Liberty ship Francis Asbury, sunk by a German mine while en route to Antwerp on 12/3/44. I am the nephew of Naval Armed Guard William C. Flood who was killed. I am named after a man I never knew and would like any details anyone may have to offer. 05/15/05 William C. Brown

SS Oklahoma sunk March 28, 1945
Charles Pankenier

I am seeking shipmates of my father, purser and pharmacist's mate Charles Pankenier, who were survivors of the second sinking of the Oklahoma on March 28, 1945. 04/08/05 Charles Pankenier

Jerry Gerold, Armed Guard
Ocean Mail - 04/42-11/42
SS Steel Trader - 12/42-7/43
Brockholst Livingston - 8/43-4/44
SS Henry Bacon - 5/44-2/45 (sunk)
Ann McKim - 3/45- 11/45

We are looking to contact shipmates of my father, Jerry Gerold who was Armed Guard on the above ships. 02/23/05 Greg Gerold

Robert T. Botts
Frances Parkman May 1943 - April 1944
Lillian Wald May 1944 - April 1945
SS Mormaclark May 1945 - Jan. 1946
I am searching for shipmates of my late father, Robert T. Botts, who was a Cook on these ships and also served on the Jose Marti, Great Falls Victory, Ocala Victory, Salina Victory, Beloit Victory and the Clyde Searcy from June 1946 thru October 1949. 02/23/05 Robert Botts III

Kenneth Charles Trainor
Shawnee 08-12-40 to 08-19-40
City of Philadelphia 05-06-42 to 06-02-42
Meriwether Lewis 06-26-42 to 07-13-42
Chiloil 09-11-42 to 12-14-42
Liberty Glo 01-14-43 to 04-02-43
Cyrus H. McCormick 05-02-43 to 07-08-43
William L. Yancy 08-16-43 to 02-26-44
Edward W. Bok 03-30-44 to 06-06-44
Milton J. Foreman 11-04-44 to 02-10-45, 03-11-45 to 08-15-45; 08-29-45 to 12-10-45
Roger Williams 03-14-46 to 07-17-46; 07-25-46 to 11-27-46
Looking for anyone who sailed with Kenneth Charles Trainor on the above ships. He also graduated from Officers' School, Fort Trumbull, New London, Connecticut, Oct. 12, 1944. 02/23/05 Mark A. Trainor

Baylus Cade Green
Fort Trumbull graduated Aug 16,1943
SS F. A .C. Muhlenberg, 1943 to January 1944

Looking for anyone who may have known Baylus Cade Green who graduated from Fort Trumbull 8/16/1943. He was 1st assistant engineer on the F.A.C. Muhlenberg. killed on Jan. 24,1944 when his ship was bombed while in Naples. He is buried in the Sicily/Rome American cemetery outside of Rome. Baylus was 39 years old. 02/23/05 Peggy Green Carpino

SS Samuel Ashe
I am looking for anyone who may have served with my father, Harold "Brownie" Keene Brown on board the SS Samuel Ashe. He was a Navy Armed Guard. 02/05/05 Dianne Brown DiCicco

SS William Dean Howells - Sept. 1945 - April 1946
SS E.A. Christenson - June 1946 - Oct. 1946
I'm searching for men who were aboard these with my late Dad, 3rd Mate Joe Beatty. Do you remember going into Nagasaki on the Howells? Or do you remember going to Bikini Atoll/Operation Crossroads on the Christenson? I'm filing for VA-Survivor/Radiation Compensation for my mother. While I have located log books through NARA for the two ships and times that relate to those incidents, the specific dates and ports are mysteriously missing. So, I'm hoping to locate any shipmates that could verify his stories of being in Nagasaki and the Pacific. He passed away from Leukemia. 02/05/05 Linda Beatty

Edward A. Dwyer
SS West Celina (torpedoed & sunk 19 Aug 1942)
SS Cotton Mather 1943-1944
My father, Edward A. Dwyer was a mate aboard the above ships. He passed away in 1956,
never having his status as an American veteran recognized. He worked for American Export Lines during and after World War II and sailed under Captain Bernard V. Mirkin several times during and after the war. From contemporary newpaper accounts he sailed the Murmansk run at least once, supplied the allies in Tobruk, North Africa, and was on the Cotton Mather at Normandy +2. 01/05/2005 John Dwyer

Donovan I. Gauthier
Jan '43 Maritime Officers Training School, alameda, CA
SS Cape San Juan (sunk 11/11/43 )- junior 3d Mate
SS Avalon - 2d Mate
SS Cape Possession - 2d Mate
SS Celilo- 2d Mate
SS Mission San Antonio - acting Chief Mate
Looking for shipmates and information about my late father's service. 12/26/04 Tom Gauthier

Garland Henderson
SS Naeco
SS Jack Carnes
My uncle Garland Henderson was torpedoed on thge tanker Naeco and spent time in a hospital in Morehead NC. He was killed on the Jack Carnes. I am trying to locate his wife and son. 12/09/04 Richard Arch

Ocean Chief R 2-S-BV1
Arthur White
My father, Arthur White served on this ship from May 1945 to December 1945. He started out as a water/oiler tender. 12/09/04 Nancy White

David W. Hoare
Socony-Vaccuum tanker Stanvac Melbourne

I would like to hear from anyone who remembers my grandfathe,r a Radio operator, who served mostly on Esso ships. He was aboard the Stanvac Melbourne which was torpedoed at night on Sept 12, 1942  off Trinidad and a Dutch ship in the convoy fired at his lifeboat mistaking it for a U-Boat conning tower. There was no damage. After a day or so, the lifeboat landed on the coast of Trinidad and they had to walk a distance to town. My grandfather had no shoes and subsequently ended up in the hospital before returning home. 12/09/04 Frank Joa

M.V. Point Loma
I was purser aboard and would like to hear from anyone who sailed with me on the Point Loma from New York Nov. 17, 1943 to Aug 7, 1944 towing 3 barges. Also from New York Sept. 11, 1944 towing floating dry-dock to July 23, 1945 ending in New Orleans. 12/03/04 Lud Lekson

George H. Snyder
My uncle, Captain Snyder served in WWII as a Master on several Liberty Ships.  He also was an instructor at the U.S. Maritime Service Training Station in St. Petersburg, FL around 1944.  I am seeking any any one who may have sailed with him, or who may have known him from the USMS Training Station. 10/07/04 Glenn Husted

Joseph Eras Jones
SS Cape Sandy
SS Boise Victory
SS Mokihana
I am trying to research my fathers merchant marine history.  He signed on as a 15 1/2 year old.  He was in Leyte and all over the South pacific.  I would love to hear from anyone that might have served on these ships. 07/16/04 Dianne Jones

SS Howard A. Kelly
I am looking for mariners, Naval Armed Guard, or troops who sailed on the Liberty Ship Howard A Kelly during the war or thereafter. The ship was named after my great-grandfather, Dr. Howard A Kelly, when she was launched in March 1943. I am planning an exhibit relating to the ship and to Liberty ships in general at Liriodendron, the summer home of Dr. Kelly in Bel Air, Maryland. The home is now open to the public and is owned by the local government. I am interested in photos, anecdotes, and reminisences. 06/17/04 Dave Davis, 3140 Old Forge Hill Rd.; Street; Maryland 21154; 410-457-5435

Ocean Chief R 2-S-BV1
My father, Arthur White served on this ship from May 1945 to December 1945. He started out as a water/oiler tender and later became a warrant officer. 04/22/04 Nancy White

Jesse L. Brooks, Jr.
SS Booker T. Washington
Ft. Trumbull
I am looking for anyone who may have served on the SS Booker T. Washington with my father, Lt. Jesse L. Brooks, Jr., sometime between 1944-46.  I believe that he was second mate on the ship captained by Hugh Mulzac.  Also, my father and James Brown were the first two African American graduates of the USMS Ft. Trumbull officer's program.  I would also be interested in anyone who knew anything about his time there.  If you have any information about my father, the ship or Capt. Mulzac, please contact me. 04/09/04 Jesse L. Brooks III 305 667-9667 or 305 496-6570

Ralph E. House, Jr
SS Ackia
May-July 1945
SS Meade
I am searching for anyone who knew my father, Ralph E. House,Jr. He served on the tanker Ackia in May-July 1945 and was lost at sea for unknown reasons in July 1945. He boarded the ship in New Orleans. Previous to his time on the SS Ackia, he served on the SS Meade. I would appreciate any information about him  from shipmates on either of these ships and/or his disappearance. 03/29/04 Jan House Anderson

SS Robert E Lee
Chester C Nolan
I am trying to find someone that knew my father, Chester C Nolan, who was on the SS Robert E Lee when it was sunk by a German U-boat  in the Gulf of Mexico, on July 30, 1942. He was a deck officer. 03/04/04 Rebecca Brown

William S. McGuire
Army Hospital Ship Seminole

Would like to hear from anyone who served on the Army Hospital Ship Seminole during W.W.II.  My Father, William S. McGuire, Third Mate has vivid memories of his service on the ship at that time. 02/17/04 Peggy Hall, 676 Cheatham Dr., Marietta, GA 30064  

SS Tewkesbury (British)
SS Knoxville City
SS Exhibitor
SS Antinous
Unknown Waterman vessel (possibly Jean Lafitte)
On 21 May 1941 my father's ship the SS Tewkesbury (British) was torpedoed and sunk by gunfire by U69 (Capt. Jost Metzler). It was a few hours after U69 had intercepted and sunk the American ship SS Robin Moor. The crew of the SS Tewkesbury got away in two boats, and the boat my father was in was picked up several days later by the SS Exhibitor (American Export Lines), aboard which the survivors spent about a week before being transferred to HMS Cilicia in the South Atlantic. Earlier information indicated the other boat was picked up by the SS Antinous (US) after nearly two weeks adrift, and taken to Cape Town. Then in 2001, a new book "British & Commonwealth Merchant Ship Losses to Axis Submarines 1939 - 1945" by Alan J. Tennent, Sutton, UK, 2001, suggests that the second boat from the SS Tewkesbury (the Chief Officer's) was picked up by the Knoxville City owned by Isthmian Steamship Co. Powered by steam turbine, very limited passenger accommodation, built 1921 by Chickashaw Shipbuilding, 5686 grt, 9370 dwt, 442' x 56.2' x 25.10', draught 11' (therefore not the Antinous). Now one of the survivors, rescued by the (presently) unknown ship has come forward. He remembers that the rescue ship belonged to Waterman of Alabama, and thinks the ship's name was a girl's name. The only name that seems to fit is Jean Lafitte. Also the ship was one of three that shipped arms to Cape Town before the US officially entered the war; Robin Moor (above) was another. Can anyone confirm this? Or does anyone remember the event? The story of the lifeboat voyage and rescue appeared in a Mobile newspaper in the last half of 1941. 2/10/04 Bernard de Neumann

Angus Charles Kennedy
My uncle, Angus Charles Kennedy, 2nd Engineer, survived the sinking of Military Sea Transportation Service USNS Mission of San Francisco in the Delaware River collision with Elna on 03/07/57. Since then his whereabouts are unknown. My uncle was 57 years old at the time of the sinking, born in Inverness, Nova Scotia, Canada on 26 Feb 1900. 01/16/04 John Kennedy

Fort Trumbull USMS, 11/43 -1/44
I attended the USMS officer training school at Fort Trumbull in New London, Conn. from November 1943 to January 1944. I believe the class number was 2404D. Anyone also attending at that time, please get in touch. 01/14/04 Bill Bushong

William Ernest Adams
Looking for my sisters father. William Ernest Adams was born in Canada (Ontario or Quebec), May 1926 or May 1927.  He was in the Merchant Marine (time frame don't know, guessing 1942 to 1950).  He married our mother in Houston, Texas on April 10, 1959, Divorced March 28, 1960.  He also managed or owned a bar, Hidden Valley Lounge, Houston, TX. 01/07/04 Shirley Alsobrook

Robert Henry Mueller kia 12/2/42
SS Coamo
2nd mate, Robert Henry Mueller, my father, killed aboard S/s Coamo torpedoed on 12/09/42. Would like to hear from other relatives. 12/13/03 Thomas Mueller

Robert Lee Dawson
SS Comal Cuba 1943,  Steward's mate
SS Gulfbreeze 1944, wiper
Eastern Star 1944, messman
SS Horace Bushnell, Wiper
My uncle was killed when the Horace Bushnell was torpedoed by U-995 off the coast of Russia in convoy JW-65 on March 20, 1945. He and the 4 others that were killed were in the engine room. The reports say that the bodies were left on the ship and the Russian tugged the ship into shore and salvaged it. I am trying to find out if the bodies were removed from the ship and buried in Murmansk. 12/8/03 Shawn Dawson

Sheepshead Bay
SS James Whitcomb Riley
SS Royal Oak (June-Aug 1945)
SS Mandan Victory ( Aug.1946)  
SS Santa Paula (Apr.-May 1946)  
SS Markay (July 1946)
USAT President Buchanan (April 1946)
USAH Shamrock (Nov-Dec 1945)
USAH Emily H.M.Weder (Jan.1946)
I was a recruit at the Sheepshead Bay Training Center from 10 Oct. to 22 Dec.1944 and after graduation was assigned to the Liberty ship SS James Whitcomb Riley in New York City. I would like to contact my former shipmates of the Riley as well as the above ships. The Army Hospital ships were in San Pedro, CA at that time. 10/27/03 George A. Ellwood, Able Seaman

Sheepshead Bay, NY
SS James Whitcomb Riley
SS Royal Oak
SS Mandan Victory
Great Lakes ore carrier SS David P. Thompson
I am looking for anyone who was in Section 552 of the Sheepshead Bay training camp for the period of October 1944 to December 22, 1944. Also anyone who was on the above ships with me. I was a ordinary seaman on the Riley and Royal Oak and a AB on the other two ships.10/27/03 Don Ellwood

Hjalmar Viggo Nielsen
SS West Imboden
I'm looking for information  regarding the crew of the West Imboden, sunk in April, 1942 by a U-Boat, off the coast of Nantucket, en route to Boston. The crew survived, rescued by the USS Bristol. Crew was taken to Portsmouth, NH, or Portland, ME. My grandfather was on board, Hjalmar Viggo Nielsen, originally from Denmark, but naturalized in the U.S. The family lost track of Nielsen after 1942. We recently found out that Nielsen died in 1968, in San Francisco, CA.   My mother is still alive, and would like to know what he did and where during that time. 10/27/03 Amy  Heffernan. 2648 W. Cornell Ave. Anaheim, CA 92801

SS John Jay
I trained at Sheepshead Bay approximately April, May or June of 1944. After completing basic training I shipped out on the SS John Jay from Newport News, Virginia. Went through the Rock of Gibraltar, Tunisia North Africa, Augusta, Sicily thru the Straights of Messina, Naples, Leghorn etc. My memory from there is kinda fuzzy. I know that I shipped out as a Messman, and would appreciate anyone who was on the SS John Jay contact me. 10/27/03 Michael C. Cangelosi

Thomas Grier Moore kia Dec. 7, 1941
SS Cynthia Olson

Thomas Grier Moore was 3rd. Asst. Eng. on the Cynthia Olson. He was born 18 Dec. 1914 Ilwaco, Washington, was married and wife lived north of Long Beach Washington in Jan. 1945. We think they had one child. I am searching for her or any survivors of Thomas G. Moore, who was my father's cousin. 10/27/03 Dave Moore  

SS John A. Treutlen 
I am looking for crewmates from the SS John A. Treutlen that was torpedoed on 6/29/44. Some of my crewmates were Myron E. Elam, James L. Griffin, and Leo B. Uselman. 9/8/03 Murphy Hodges

SS Park Hollan
SS Justin S. Morrill
SS Arthur P. Davis
SS Ephraim Brevard

Looking for anyone that served with my late father, George Gerba, on the above ships. He came from Brownsville, PA. 9/7/03 George Gerba or 717-873-7723

Capt. Charles T. Miller
SS Mayaguez
My father was Captain of the Mayaguez during the seizure of the Mayaguez. If you remember my late father I would like to hear from you. 9/7/03 James Miller

Salvatore Masullo
50 years ago my good friend and I sailed the North Atlantic. We lost touch with one another until 1972, soon after we lost touch again. And for the past 30 years I looked for him in Italy and in the US. Salvatore Masullo and his brother were Pursers on a President lines ship out of San Francisco. He is in his early seventies. I would like to find either of the brothers. 8/11/03 Armando D. Corsini

SS Aries, June 20, 1942 to April 2, 1943
USAT Edmond B. Alexander, April 28, 1943 to June 21, 1943
Searching for shipmates of my late father, Charles Henry Glasgow, Gunner's Mate Third Class, and convoy information of the ships he served on as Armed Guard. 8/2/03 June Ashley

Harvey Swados
SS Clinton Kelly
SS Autosee

In my continuing research on the WWII merchant marine and the SS Santa Margarita, I am seeking anyone who may have met Harvey Swados, novelist and critic, while at sea on the above ships during the war. 7/28/03 Theron P. Snell, Ph.D

SS Charles C. Pinckney
My father, Stanley G. Castle, was an oiler on that ship. Last time I saw him was early Nov. 1942. If there is anyone that had a relative or friend on that ship that may have photos of some of the crew, I would like to get a copy. 7/28/03 Ernest Castle My address is 722 Pine Drive Brick NJ 08723

SS Pachaug Victory [Jan. 1945- ]
SS Taos Victory [Jan. 1945- ]
SS Stamford Victory [Jan. 1945- ]
SS Winchester Victory [Jan. 1945- ]
SS Kings Point Victory [Jan. 1945- ]
SS Amherst Victory [Jan. 1945- ]
SS Georgetown Robert Victory [Jan. 1945- ]

We are doing initial research for a documentary film. We are looking for first hand accounts of soldiers/merchant mariners/intelligence officers knowledgeable about U.S.G./military operations to support the French recolonization of Indochina at the end of World War II. Any recommendations of books on the subject would also be very much
appreciated. We hope to speak with crewmembers of the above-cited ships who were crew in mid- to late-1945. We are also very interested in getting ships logs for crew members and destinations during this period. 7/28/03 Robert Jereski or Kristin Gorenflo (212) 973-1782

SS Santa Olivia
I would like to correspond with any one that served on the SS Santa Olivia from 1945 to 1955 that might remember me. 7/27/03 Bill Cramer nickname "the Moose"

SS Great Republic
I am looking to contact any Merchant Marine crewmember who served on this C2 refrigerator ship. Especially interested in her '43 maiden voyage from SF to Fiji and New Zealand while operated by United FruitCompany for US Army. Also interested in her post war operations, cargo, etc. She became Navy stores ship USS PICTOR (AF-54) in late '50, serving as an underway replenishment ship during Korea and Vietnam. I served as a Navy MM in the mid '60s. Decommissioned in late 1969, she was sold in early '80's to Levine Metals Company with notation "Fishing". Do not know untimate fate. 7/24/03 Don Myers

SS Muhlenberg Victory
Would be interested in communicating with anyone who was onboard the SS Muhlenberg Victory. She saw service in WWI, Korea, and Vietnam. I have photographs of my grandmother christening the ship which is named after Muhlenberg College in Allentown, PA. My grandfather was president of the college at the time. 7/24/03 Jonathan Clement

AMMV members who were Prisoners of War
I would like to compile a list of our members who were Prisoners of War for our files at National headquarters of American Merchant Marine Veterans. Please contact me with names of living or deceased members. 7/24/03 Barbara Reher

SS Edward Canby
Gallup’s Island Radio School Class R-70

My father, Alden W. Blank graduated from Gallup’s Island in Class R-70 in 1944. He served as a radio operator from 11/44 to 01/46 on the SS Edward Canby. I would be interested in hearing from anyone who knew him. I have a list of all of the voyages and ports of call of the Canby. 7/24/03 Bill Blank

SS Walter Camp
I would like to hear from survivors of the sinking of the SS Walter Camp by torpedo on January 25th, 1944 in the Indian Ocean. Especially interested in those who remember Chief Purser, Gerald Francis Quinlan. 7/24/03 Bill Quinlan

USAT Ganandoc
Capt. Stefan P. Wesolowski, commander of the USAT Ganandoc would like to obtain information from anyone that sailed with him during WWII, photos and personal recollections. Contact Capt. Zdzislaw P. Wesolowski, PO Box 291465 Davie, FL, 33329 7/22/03

SS Alcoa Pioneer
Would be interested to hear from anyone on the SS Alcoa Pioneer hit during the Philippine invasion at San Pedro Bay 11-18-44. My Father was Roy McGowan. He was an electrician and may have made Chief by this time. 6/20/03 Bill McGowan

SS Monterey
Seeking anyone who sailed on the SS Monterey in 1976. I was a waitress aboard that Ship. 12//06/02 Renee Broussard

SS Mariposa
SS Frank J. Sprague
SS John Harvard
SS Solomon Juneau
SS Sheepshead Bay Victory
SS Marine Marlin
SS Yale Victory

My father, Leon Teddy Saretsky who died many years ago served on the above ships during WW2. I would love to hear from any seamen who served with him. He served in the stewards department. He was also at Sheepshead Bay. 11/11/02 Jeff Sarett

USAT Charles Lummis
I am searching for shipmates of my late father Luther Spivey aboard the USAT Charles Lummis during the Leyte Operation in the Philippines. He did mention a shipmate by the name of James "Jimmy" Stringer. Also, I am trying to obtain a picture of the Charles Lummis. I have a picture of his Armed Guard graduation at Great Lakes Naval Training Center on February 14,1944. 10/13/02 Barbara Cooper

Mercy Ships needs volunteer engineers and mates
Mercy Ships, a beneficial organization that helps developing nations, is looking for deck and engine officers. They operate a fleet of hospital ships that deliver agriculturists, doctors, dentists, and engineers to help resolve misery and create a foundation where people can prosper self-sufficiently long after the ships have pulled out of port. Marine Recruitment Officer Dale Howard is looking for volunteers to help make a difference. He can't offer you money because they are an "all-volunteer army." However they can offer a solid working environment and a chance to do something good. Visit 10/13/02

SS Calvin Coolidge [Aug.'44--Dec.'44]
SS Joseph H. Hollister [Jan.'45--June'45]
SS LeBaron Russell Briggs [June '45--Aug.'45]
SS John Vining [Mar.'44-July '44]
SS Steel Mariner [Nov.'43--Feb.'44]
SS W. W. Mills [Aug.'43--Oct.'43]

I served as Fireman, Oiler and Junior Engineer. Trained at USMS Sheepshead Bay from April '43 to May '43; at U.S. Maritime Service Graduate Station / Hoffman Island NY from May '43 to June '43; and at USMS Graduate Station, Fort Trumbull from June '43 to July '43. I would like to hear from shipmates. 10/13/02 Carmie Kilgore 2819 State Route 141, Gallipolis OH 45631

SS Katherine L. Bates
Charles Polisher

My father, Charles Polisher, was a mariner on the Katherine L. Bates sometime between 1942 and 1946. I know that the Captain's name was Snow and that one of Dad's shipmates was Ace Maxim (sp?). Dad passed away recently and I am searching for people who may have known him and feel like sharing stories. 8/27/02 Lisa Polisher

SS East Indian
I am searching for shipmates still alive from the SS East Indian sunk off Capetown on Nov 3, 1942. My Grandfather Earnest Larson was Chief Engineer on the freighter bound for New York with a cargo of manganese. 8/27/02 Todd Larson

Notification of Families in WWII
I am researching mariners/armed guard reported missing in WWII and would like to hear from families who were never notified by the U. S. Government as to the ultimate demise of their loved one and/or the ship on which he was sailing beyond the initial telegram from the Coast Guard. 8/4/02 Norma Andreasen

Esso Fleet in WWII
Esso Williamsburg
I. C. White
F. G. Barstow
Hans D. Andreasen

My father, Hans D. Andreasen, was Chief Mate on the Esso Williamsburg (all hands lost) when it was torpedoed in the Greenland Air Gap in September of 1942. He was also wartime master of the I. C. White, and sailed on the F. G. Barstow in the early months of the war. I am interested in hearing from family members of the crew/armed guard, as well as from shipmates on any of these vessels in connection with a book I am writing. 8/4/02 Norma Andreasen

Married couples in Military Sealift Command
My husband and I are in the process of joining Military Sealift Command and wanted to talk to other couples doing the same. 8/4/02 Karen Hansen

TS Tusitala (1941)
TS Joseph Conrad (1941)
TS American Seaman (1941)
SS Winding Gulf (1942)
SS Alcoa Cadet (lost) (1942)
SS Algic (1942)
SS Esso Dover (1942)
SS G. Harrison Smith (1943)
SS Newton (1943)
SS James W. Marshall (lost) (1943)
SS Carlos J. Finlay (1943)
SS Winslow Homer (1943)
SS Robin Locksley (1946)
SS Sovereign of the Seas (1946)
SS Richard Stockton (1946)
SS Agwidale (1946)
SS Anchor Hitch (1952-3)
USS LCI-(L) 990 (1944-45)
USS Sanborn APA-193 (1944-45)
USSCGC Storis WAGL-38 - Alaska (1960-78)
USCGC Wachusett WPG-44 - Alaska (1960-78)
USCGC Winona WPG-65 - Alaska (1960-78)
USCGC Klamath WPG-66 - Alaska (1960-78)
USCGC Diligence WMEC-616 - Florida (1960-78)
USCGC Steadfast WMEC-624 - Florida (1960-78)
USCGC Dauntless WMEC-623 - Florida (1960-78)

I am keen to be in touch with old shipmates, also interested in personal memories about USMS training and experiences. 7/15/02 W. A. Haskell

Newhall Hills
James D. Trask
"Red" Hiram Lamar Duffey

I am seeking anyone who may have been in the Merchant Marine in 1945-1947 on the above ships or at Catalina Island with Hiram Lamar Duffey. 7/15/02 Josie Duffey

SS William N. Pendleton
I am assisting a biographer with research on a WWII U.S. Army nurse named Francis Slanger, who was killed in action in Belgium on October 21, 1944. She and other members of the 45th Field Hospital landed at Utah Beach from the Merchant Marine freighter William N. Pendleton on June 10, 1944. I would like to contact any member of the crew who was aboard. 7/15/02 Patrick Gariepy 4278 Torrington Ave, Eugene OR 97404

Jack M. MacKenzie
SS Nathan Hale

Looking for any information on Jack McKenzie believed to have died on a ship, possibly the Nathan Hale off Italy in Feb.1946. I know his ship sailed out of Cardiff South Wales at the end of WWII. Would be grateful to hear from anybody who knew him, or any family members. 7/1/02 Paul Dodds

SS President Harrison
My father was on the Harrison and I was wondering if any survivors would like to share information surrounding the crew, time on board, internment, etc. My father, the barber, William Levy died in 1966, and I have so many unanswered questions. 5/24/02 Mary French, 20 Gilbert Street, Mansfield, MA, 02048

SS James W. Denver
I am looking for anyone who was on the SS Denver when it was torpedoed and sunk in 1943. My grandfatehr Elmer G. Cornwell was aboard the Denver at that time and survived 34 days in a life boat with 18 other men. My grandfather died in 1971 and my family never got to know him or what his life was like. 5/23/02 Cheryl Selden

SS James Duncan 1944-45
SS John Mortin 1945-46
Fronz Siegel 1946
Hattiesberg Victory 1946

Would love to hear from anyone who served with me, Clarence Jennings on these ships. 4/23/02 Clarence Jennings

SS Norman Hapgood
Would like to connect with any crew members who were aboard the Hapgood 5-29-45/6-30-45 during the voyage to and occupation of Okinawa - my late father Capt. Joseph LeBlanc was master. 4/23/02 Rick LeBlanc

SS Arkansan - 06/16/42
SS Barbara - 03/07/42
SS Cardonia - 03/07/42
SS Colabee - 03/13/42
SS George Thatcher - 11/01/42
SS Gulfbelle - 07/03/42
SS Kahuku - 06/16/42
SS Lehigh - 10/19/41
SS Mariana - 03/05/42
SS Olga - 03/12/42
SS Texan - 03/12/42
SS Warrior - 07/01/42
Robert Edison Dunn

My dad, Robert Edison Dunn, was Third Engineer on the SS Cardonia when she was shelled, torpedoed, and sunk by the U-126 March 7, 1942. I am trying to locate any survivors of the Cardonia's sinking as well as any survivors of the other ships I have listed. They were all attacked by U-126 on the dates listed. Also would like to hear from others who shipped out with him from Galveston and/or San Francisco during the war. 04/09/02 Ken Dunn 3921 Potomac Court, Charlotte, NC, 28211, (704) 364-4611

Concrete Steamships
I am interested in corresponding with anyone that sailed on the concrete steamships that were in use during WW2. I am researching the histories of seven of these vessels, the John Smeaton, Thaddeus Merriman, Henri Le Chatelier, Armand Considere, LJ Vicat, PM Anderson, and Emile N Vidal. The hulks of these ships are still afloat and form part of a breakwater in British Columbia. I am interested in any anecdotes about serving on any of these ships or on concrete ships in general and am searching for interesting photographs. 4/2/02 John A. Campbell

SS William S. Thayer
The Liberty Ship William S. Thayer was torpedoed and sunk on April 30, 1944 returning from Murmansk, Russia. Aboard and saved was my father Charles W. Jensen, the chief steward. Anyone with relatives who served aboard the Thayer please contact me. The Thayer made only two voyages, the first to the Med. and North Africa. 3/23/02 Charles W. Jensen, Jr. 203-637-9548 (Connecticut)

SS Etolin
MS Esso Little Rock
SS Sparrows Point

My father, Orville Loyal Massey, trained at Avalon Bay in Catalina from Jan. to May 1943 in the engine section, and was on many ships, mainly the SS Etolin and MS Esso Little Rock. He was there when the Army pilots were rescued from the PBY. He would like to hear from shipmates. 3/23/01 David Massey

SS Billy Sunday
I would like to hear from anyone that was on the SS Billy Sunday on its voyage from San Francisco to Okinawa 1944-45. Iwas the signalman have medical problems and need two witnesses, my records were burned in the National Archives fire. 2/12/02 Jack Norris 2 Stanford Dr., Fulton. MS 36643

SS M. E. Lombardi
SS Santa Monica
SS Edward E. Hale

My father, Glen Harold Phillips, was a gunners mate 2-15-43 until 2-6-46 on the above ships. He would like to hear from shipmates. 2/12/02 Harold Keith Phillips, 1500 FM 568, Coleman, Texas

SS Memphis City 5/42-11/42 (Suez Canal)
SS Robin Doncaster 11/42-12/42 (Africa)
SS James Caldwell 4/43-12/43 (Iran)
SS Harry Lane 3/44-5/44 (Italy)
SS Henry Hadley 11/44-1/45 (France)
SS David Farragut 3/45-5/45
SS W.W. Bruce 6/45-7/45 (Mexico)
SS Horace Mann 10/45-12/45

Seeking Shipmates of my dad, Edward "ED" Rasch, and living in Fla. 2/12/02 Linda Wemmer

SS Swan Island
Donald Ayers
B. B. Williams

Looking for Donald Ayers of Atascadero, CA class of 44 section 313 Catalina, and B. B. Williams from Alabama who was in the engine dept. 1944-45. 12/14/01 Jack Winger

SS Meuse Argonne
My father served on the Meuse Argonne and I am hoping to find a copy of any issue of the ship's newsletter "The Meuse" for a book of memories I am putting together for him. 11/21/01 Shirley White

SS Dunboyne to Murmansk
I am looking to correspond with anyone who served on board the SS Dunboyne during her trip to Murmansk in Convoy PQ-13, early March 1942. I am interested in learning more about this trip and about her master, Captain Ernest Prather who went on to serve as master of the SS Santa Margarita fromOctober 1942 to the end of the war, and master of the Santa Teresa in 1946. 11/21/01 Theron P. Snell

SS Walter Jennings
SS John McKinley
SS Noah Webster
SS Esso New Haven

I served as signalman board these ships from Aug. 1943 to July 1945. interested in hearing from any crew members. 10/31/01 James William Gage or 732-382-6491

USNS Harkness
M/V Falcon Princess
2ND Lt. John Paul Bobo

I would like to find former shipmates on these ships from Desert Storm: USNS Harkness (a Mar Ship Operators ship leased to the Navy - 1990-91). M/V Falcon Princess - Haifa, Israel - Shipping company out of Texas. 2ND Lt. John Paul Bobo (An AMSEA ship out of Quincy, Mass) pre-positioned in 1992 at Panama City, FL.10/31/01 Stephanie McCool

SS Pan Pennsylvania
On April 16 1944 the tanker Pan Pennsylvania was torpedoed by U-550 under Kapitänleutnant Klaus Hänert. U-550 was sunk by the three escort Destroyers. As I have already contact with former crewmembers from the german U-boat and the Destroyers, I would like to have contact with former crewmembers of the Tanker, to have the story complete from the three sides involved. 10/31/01 Eric-Jan Bakker

Beaconhill - Esso tanker 1942-44
I have spent several years reconstructing my grandfather George Frederick William Brendel's service on the ship Beaconhill. I know that he was aboard Murmansk and Molotovsk convoys as well as sailing to South Africa and Port Trivanium, India between 1942-44 beginning and ending his service in New York. I have a fairly good grasp on his "official record", but he died when I was a child and so I would like to locate somone who made these same voyages and could give me an idea of the daily life aboard, what it was like being frozen in port, under attack, etc.10/31/01 Karen Lamberton

John Gilbert Pope
SS Mormachawk
SS Joseph J. Kinyoun
SS Sinclair Superflame

Looking for shipmates, ship histories of my father John Gilbert Pope. Served in 1944 & 1945 on above ships. He died in 1996. 10/13/01 J.D. Watson

Jack Beldon
The U.S. author and reporter, Jack Beldon, served in the preWWII merchant marine, sailing to China in the late 1930's. I am trying to discover the ship or ships upon which he shipped. I would especially like to correspond with anyone who might have known him. I find his book STILL TIME TO DIE an especially important book and want to know more about the author.10/13/01 Theron P. Snell

SS Iran Victory - Aug.30,1944 to May 25,1945
I would like to hear from shipmates sailing on: SS Iran Victory (Ralph E. Gibson, Master); Voyage III, loading at Port Chicago; Finchaven, Manus, Babelthuap, Leyte, Ulithi Atoll (USS Randolph hit by Kamikaze next berth over), Guam and San Pedro. Like to hear from shipmates: James A. Smith; Robert A. Nuckols; Robert J. Burns; Deck Cadet John H. Downey Jr.; Engineer Cadet George Istimada Ebat; Bob Simmonds RM3c USN. 10/13/01 A. John Terrell

SS Heredia
John M. (Jacky) Marotta (Armed Guard)

I am seeking information about the SS Heredia, torpedoed and sunk by a German sub in the Gulf of Mexico on 5/19/42. My uncle, John M. (Jacky) Marotta, Navy Bosun's Mate 1st class survived the sinking. He was from East Boston, Massachusetts. Jacky passed away about six years ago and I have obtained most of what I know about the ship/sinking from my father but would love to learn
more. 10/13/01 Norma Walsh

SS Benjamin Warner
I served in the Navy Gun Crew and would like to make contact with any of Gun Crew. 9/12/01 C. E. (Pete) Peacock

Capt. Alfred William ("Will") Hudnall
S.S. Collis B. Huntington
S.S. John Lafarge
S.S. John W. Brown
S.S. Rockland Victory

Capt. Hudnall (1883-1951) sailed as Master on the above vessels from 1943 to 1948. Sailed in World War I and possibly also in Spanish-American War. On the Collis B. Huntington, suffered damage to propeller while bound from Archangel to Murmansk, left behind by convoy but made it to Murmansk unscathed. Capt. Hudnall died in freak accident in 1951, at his home in Lancaster County, Virginia. Wish contact with nyone having sailed with Capt. Hudnall, or having some information. 9/10/01 E.L. Sherrill 757-342-1661

SS Mary Ann Livermore
Looking for shipmates from SS Mary Ann Livermore. My dad, Leonard Thomas Row, Jr was on that ship. 9/2/01 Julie Blake

SS Vincent
Ralph "Blackie" Deno Turchiano

I am searching for anyone who may have known my father, Ralph Deno Turchiano, also known as "Blackie". He was on the SS Vincent when it was torpedoed on Dec. 12, 1941....and 37 crew were captured. They were released after the Japanese surrendered. I would like to chronicle his years during WWII. 9/2/01 Carol Turchiano Humble

SS Dorchester
Don or Dan Gillette, Lil, Eileen

I found a prayer book from a Don or Dan Gillette at a flea market in Rockland County, New York.. The prayer book was inscribed with an entry from February 3, 1943. That day Mr. Gillette was rescued after his ship, the SS Dorchester had been sunk earlier that morning in the North Atlantic. The prayer book has various other inscriptions, all very personal and poignant and I'm sure his family would value it. He had a wife, "Lil", and daughter, Eileen, as they are mentioned various places in the book. 9/2/01 Michael Formichelli

SS M. F. Elliott
Adolf "Gus" Anderson

I am searching for survivors or others regarding the sinking of the SS M. F. Elliot, about 150 miles northwest of Trinidad, on June 3, 1942. My grandfather was Adolf Anderson, Chief Engineer. He was officially reported lost, however, at the time, there were many conflicting stories. The first mate, who came to my grandmother's house shortly after the sinking, said that he saw Gus taken prisoner by the Germans. But I have no other documentation or information to support this, and the Red Cross would not help my grandmother to verify this story. Although the torpedo hit the engine room, Gus was not there at the time. There were accounts that he was seen on deck after the hit, implying that he was not killed by the explosion. Of the 45 crew members, 38 survived. 9/2/01 Patricia Mikkelsen

Operation Pedestal (Malta Convoy)
I am trying to reach Cadets Harold Bennett and Bob Waxman who were on the SS Almeria Lykes in the Malta Convoy of August 1942. 9/2/01 Simon Cusens

SS Robert E. Lee
The wrecks of the SS Robert E. Lee and the German submarine that sank it, the U-166, were recently found during a pipeline survey in the Gulf of Mexico. As part of on-going historical research, we would like to speak with any survivors of the sinking of the Robert E. Lee, which occurred on July 30, 1942. 9/2/01 Jack B. Irion, Chief, Social Sciences Unit, Minerals Management Service, U.S. Dept. of the Interior, 1201 Elmwood Park Blvd., New Orleans, LA 70123 (504)736-1742

SS Jose Navarro
Would like to hear from any buddies in the Armed Guard aboard the Jose Navarro that was torpeoded December 27, 1943 in the Indian Ocean. I was a U.S. Armed Guard Seaman First Class. 6/16/01 Paul Roberts

Bill Lindsay, Hoboken, NJ
I trained at Sheepshead Bay during the above dates then, after completing basic training shipped out on an Esso tanker. I am looking for a copy of the group photo taken during training. I would like to contact one of my buddies at that time, Bill Lindsay from Hoboken, New Jersey. 5/23/01 Ozzie Naveira

SS John Barry
William (Bill) Hanley

My late Dad was a Merchant Seaman in the '40s, one of his ships was the SS John Barry. I would love to hear from anyone who knew him. 5/8/01 Denise Hanley Knoff

USAHS Dogwood 7/43-11-43
USAT SeaTrain Texas 44-45
Al DeAngelis

I would love to correspond with anyone who knew my Dad, Al DeAngelis (Alfred Joseph). He was chief plumber on the Dogwood and a member of the 'black gang' on the SeaTrain Texas. Ken DeAngelis, 9 Piccadilly Ct., Newburgh, NY 12550. 5/8/01 Ken DeAngelis

Meuse Argonne '45
My Dad, Clarence E. White, was second galley cook on the tanker Meuse Argonne. She was renamed the Maratha Transhipper 1969. I would like to hear from shipmates or anyone knows what became of her or has a photo, to surprise my father for his birthday. 5/8/01 Shirley White

My late father, Gordon B. Mitchell, served aboard the Aycock (and other ships) as a Purser during WWII and went on to sail for United Fruit Company  and American Coal out of New York into the late 1950's. I have photos of the ship and would like to hear from his shipmates. He trained at Sheepshead Bay and Gallups Island. 5/6/01 Gordon B. Mitchell, Jr.

R. A. Johnston, Sheepshead Bay 1942
I have a bracelet for R. A. Johnston, Sheepshead Bay 1942, Service # 4214 03321, T11/42 U.S.M.S. B. I would like to contact him or his family. 4/19/01 Pat McDonald

SS Cornith T2-SE-A1
I am searching for shipmates of my grand father Mack Wilson Butler, who was on the SS Cornith in the 1940's, as a boiler room fireman. 3/28/01 P. K. Marek

SS Ignatius Donnelly
Searching for shipmates of my late father, Philip Kufeldt, who served on the Donnelly 1945-46. I have a number of pictures I am trying to identify. 3/20/01 Alex J. Kufeldt, 21235 115th Road, Riverdale, NE 68870

SS Agwimonte
I am looking for shipmates from the SS Agwimonte torpedoed May 1943 in Indian Ocean. I was OS aboard at the time. 3/20/01 Capt.Chris Christensen

Sheepshead Bay December 1943-April 1944 Section #815
SS Samuel Mitchell
SS Frank Dale
SS Joseph H. Hollister
SS Sea Nymph
SS Lot M. Morrill

Seeking those who trained with my father, Homer C. Schroeder, at Sheepshead Bay. He reported for training December 17, 1943, sat for a "Class/Section" photo January 10, 1944 of which I have a copy and partial roster, was assigned to Stewards Training January 24, 1944, graduated from Stewards Training April 3, 1944 and reported to USMS Graduate Station Norfolk, VA, April 15, 1944. I have much to share with those who served with him there or on the ships. 3/8/01 Daniel Schroeder

Photograph of SS Lot M. Morrill
I am seeking a photo of the Liberty ship, SS Lot M. Morrill. I have searched all public records, museums, governmental agencies and many well-known private collectors/historians for several years and have come up empty. 3/8/01 Daniel Schroeder

Murray Blum
SS Leonidas Polk

My brother was at Gallup Island in late 1941. He was killed on the SS Leonidas Polk on Dec 3,1943 during the Mumansk run. He was awarded the Distinguished Service Medal. There must be a school picture - or if anyone knew him I would appreciate hearing from you. I have pictures and his diary leading up to his death. Monte Blum

SS John C. Breckinridge
SS Eli Whitney
Convoy UGS-18

Continuing my search for merchant seamen who sailed in Convoy UGS-18, September-October 1943. I am especially looking for men who were on board the Eli Whitney or the John C. Breckinridge on 4 October 1943 and can recall the German air attack on the convoy and their ships. I would be interested in corresponding with anyone who sailed in this convoy on any ship, or who shipped on board the Santa Margarita at any time during the war. 2/20/01 Theron Snell

Richard Wilmarth
SS Harry Lane
SS William Cushing
SS Appleton Victory

I would like to hear from shipmates of my late father who was chief mate on the SS Harry Lane from Aug 42 to winter 43. He then took comand of the SS William Cushing and sailed to the Medditterrean from spring of 43 to the winter of 45. Next he commanded the SS Appleton Victory which went to Okinawa.2/8/01 Richard Wilmarth

SS Bryce Canyon
I am looking for shipmates who served on the tanker SS Bryce Canyon T-2-SE-A1 from10-08-1944 till some time in 1945. 2/8/01 James Jim"Guns" Henry

Pan Amoco
I'm looking for anyone who was on the tanker Pan Amoco during or after WWll. She was built in Chester, PA in 1936. She is still in service as a cement carrier on the Great Lakes. I was 3rd mate on board last summer and want to learn of her war-time duties. 1/15/01 Gary Schweitzer

Harry Russo
I am hoping to contact Harry Russo, a pumpman aboard the SS Stanvac Singapore. Ship left Beaumont, Texas on Dec. 14, 1949 and returned to US around July 1950. 12/13/00 William Wright

SS John Murray Forbes
I was a radioman on the SS John Murray Forbes during the invasion of Anzio, in Jan/Feb.44....was hit by a piece of shrapnel....all the national archives say is: "a crewman was hit by shrapnel, but not identified"...I am that Armed Guardsman...I am looking for anyone who was on the Forbes who can attest to my combat injury. The Navy said I needed a doctor to certify the wound...needless to say we never had a doctor on board....I need affidavits from some of my crewmembers to establish the fact that I was wounded.. so I can get a Purple Heart.11/25/00 John Lang

Convoy UGS-18
As part of my continuing work on the SS Santa Margarita, I am researching Convoy UGS-18, which went from Norfolk into the Mediterranean in late September 1943. On 4 October, 1943 off Cape Tenes in the Med, convoy was attacked by German aircraft. The US flagged ship Hiram S. Maxim was seriously damaged. The Cotton Mather was slightly damaged. The British Fort Fitzgerald was sunk, and the Samite was seriously damaged. The Norwegian Selvik was also damaged. There were some 65 ships in this convoy. I am looking for anyone who was in this convoy. Other ships include the Abraham Lincoln, Thomas Pollock, Dean Emery, Gulfwing, Leslie M. Shaw and Harry Lane. I can provide a complete list of ships or addtional details of the convoy if necessary. 10/23/00 Theron P. Snell

US Maritime Service
I am preparing a history of US Maritime Service from its inception to its demise and would those who served or trained in the Service to get in touch with me so their recollections, memories and history can be included. My last book, Shadows on the Horizon: The Battle of Convoy HX-233, published 1998, is still available from Naval Institute Press. 10/23/00 W. A. Haskell, Lorenzstr 24, 76359 Marxzell/Pfaffenrot, Germany

MS Australia
My father, Ages H. Haywood, was serving on the MS Australia when a German torpedo sank the ship on March 16, l942, 25 miles east of Cape Hatteras, N. C. He, along with three others were killed. I am interested in hearing from any survivors, or from any other shipmates. 10/23/00 Justine Haywood Moon

Greenville Victory
My father E. P. Gaskill was radio operator on this ship from about 1943. I would like to hear from shipmates. He passed away 1982. 9/26/00 Patrick Gaskill

SS Robert Rowan
My late father served on three destroyers in WWII. I am currently writing a book based on his diaries and memoirs. The crew of his ship USS Butler, DD-636 was in the area where the SS Robert Rowan was bombed off Gela, Sicily on 7/11/43. I would like to hear from survivors or their families regarding this bombing so that I may pay respect to her brave crew and add the account my father's diary entry on that date. 9/26/00 Diane Ruiz

Philip Drolet Randall
Am searching for my father, Philip Drolet Randall. He was born in Michigan in about 1919 and served as a Merchant Marine out of San Francisco area in WWII. 9/8/00 David Randall

Marvin Austen
SS Santa Rosa
SS Santa Mercedes
SS Valley Forge

An old friend is looking for information on Marvin Austen, a Grace Line radio operator around 1966. His wife was named Antonia. 9/8/00 Scott Lawrence

Distinguished Service Medal Recipients
Meritorious Service Medal Recipients

We are looking for photographs of recipients of Distinguished and Meritorious Service Medals recipients. 7/16/00 Toni, Webmistress

Training Ship Vema at Hoffman Island
Looking for shipmates who were with me on Hoffman Island on the training ship Vema prior to and during 1941. 7/16/00 Bob Bessell 107 Ridgetop Road, Landrum, South Carolina 29456

SS Guam Bear
My father, Bob Mumby was a Radio Operator on the SS Guam Bear in the 70s. I would like to hear from anybody who knew my father or was on the ship. 6/21/00 Mary Mumby Ramirez

USNS Mispillion
I would like to talk to anyone who was serving on the USNS MISPILLION in 1981, 1982 or 1983. Please contact me. 6/9/00 Irene Kopel

SS Molino Del Rey
Would like to hear from anyone that served on this T 2 tanker from April through August 1943 as it made two Pacific trips to New Guinea and the Marshall islands. 6/8/00 Flare Fredricksen

SS Nicholas Biddle
Murmansk Run JW 65 and RA 66

Looking for shipmates of my late husband, Warren C. Mitchell, who was on the SS Nicholas Biddle 29 Jan 1945 - 29 May 1945 or anyone who was in those convoys. 5/2/00 Maria Mitchell

SS Richard Caswell
Seeking survivors (or their relatives) of the sinking of the Caswell by the U-513 on July 19, 1943 in South Atlantic. Nine members of crew perished. My father (now deceased) was a U.S. Navy Armed Guard. 5/2/00 Roger Ross

SS George Vancouver
I am a member of the North America Oceanographic Society in Houston Texas. We are conducting research on the history of the WWII Liberty Ship, the SS George Vancouver, now sunk of the coast of Texas as an artificial reef. I would like to pay tribute to the men and women of the USMM by including any personal accounts or testimonies, including letters or pictures. 5/2/00 Jim McNinch

Paul Myers
SS John S. Casement

Looking for Paul Myers, who served as Second Engineer on SS John S. Casement to Okinawa in 1945 or 1946. Last heard of in Chicago.4/24/00 Jack McDowell (Sparks), 254 Route 1, Hindsville, AR 72738

SS Peter McGuire
Hello to all mates on the SS Peter McGuire on the Mediterranean voyage 1943. My father-in-law Don E. Robertson (O.S.) is living in Georgia and currently very active in the Merchant Marine Memorial in Brunswick, GA and would like to hear from shipmates. 4/24/00 Don E. Robertson

Pharmacists in Merchant Marine
I would like to hear from Pharmacists (not those trained by USMS as pharmacist mates) who served in the Merchant Marine or USMS. 4/19/00 Dennis Worthen

Peter Dziuban
My name is Maureen McMahon, and I was adopted. I am searching for my biological father, Peter Dziuban who was born around 1915, probably in New York, and served in the Merchant Marine during and after World War II. 3/29/00 Maureen McMahon

MS Louisiana
MS Tercero, Norwegian tanker
MS Brenas, Norwegian freighter
US Navy two-motor land-based aircraft

My father, Domonic Thomas (Alomenico) Rocchio was a member of the MS Louisiana crew which was torpedoed and sunk by U-108 on August 17, 1942 enroute from Trinidad to Rio, with no survivors. According to the U-boat log, a US Navy two-motor land-based aircraft, attacked them during the attack on the Louisiana. It also mentions that a POW [Master of the Norwegian Brenas] was on board the U-boat at the time of the attack. The U-boat log and eye witnesses on the MS Tercero, a Norwegian tanker which was in the area, mention a motorized life boat with three men on board dispatched from the Louisiana. I would appreciate any further information regarding the sinking of my Dad's ship, especially by eyewitnesses. 3/29/00 Tom Rocchio

Raymond Zane
SS Hampton Roads

I am looking for Raymond Zane who was Second Asst. Engineer on the SS Hampton Roads in 1953 and 1954. I was his Junior Engineer on second shift. 3/22/00 Robert Reidlinger

Captain Ira Lasdon Morris
SS Mariposa
SS Hope Victory

My father Captain Ira L. Morris served from 1942 to 1977. He was on SS Mariposa during WW2. Was with Matson after the war and was in "Nam" as Captain on the Hope Victory. Retired and 1 year later was killed in a automobile accident. Anyone who served with him? 3/22/00 S. Morris

Donald Blodgett
Gerald Hill
Aedanus Burke
Sturdy Beggar

My grandfather, Donald Blodgett, served as deck officer on the Aedanus Burke and chief mate on the Sturdy Beggar from 1942-1946. He graduated from Fort Trumbull in 1942. I'm especially anxious to contact his friend Gerald Hill, who served as second mate. 3/5/00 Jen Taylor

SS Almeria Lykes
SS Frank Lykes

I was a USMMA Deck Cadet on the above vessels in 1958-59. Would be interested in contact with any shipmates. 2/21/00 John Donaldson

SS Carolinian, 1940 Second Mate,1941-Chief Mate
SS Kentuckian, 1941 Chief Mate
SS Virginian, 1942 Chief mate
SS Cape Archway, Chief mate
SS William Beaumont, 1947 Captain?
SS Queens Victory, 1952 Chief Mate

Is anyone out there who knew my father Thomas D. Luosey? Most of the voyages originated out of San Francisco and were intercoastal runs or to Japan after the war. 12/22/99 Pat Yearian

SS James L. Breck
Francis P. Hayes

Am searching for info from anyone who sailed with my late father Francis P. Hayes aboard the SS James L. Breck from June to Sep. 1944. 12/22/99 Dennis G. Hayes

Alcoa Mariner (ex-SS New Windsor)
Looking for crew members, Armed Guard or information about the sinking of the Alcoa Mariner (formerly SS New Windsor built 1918 Newburgh Shipyards, New Windsor N.Y.) on Sept. 28, 1942 by U-175 commanded by Capt. Heinrich Bruns in Orinoco Delta near British Guiana. The vessel's master was Capt. John Luther Martino. She was traveling from Trinidad to Georgetown British Guiana to pickup bauxite ore.12/22/99 Glenn Marshall - New Windsor Town Historian

USAT Cable Ship Restorer
Any one who sailed on the USAT Cable Ship Restorer. Am writing a book about the cable ships role in WWII. 12/4/99 Ira "Flare" Fredricksen

Normandy Blockships
I was on the concrete ship SS Vitruvious which was one of the "blockships" we scuttled in Normandy to form an artificial harbor. Would like to hear from any mariner or Armed Guard on any of the blockships. 11/16/99 Richard Powers, PO Box 753, Clarksville, TN 37041

John Chow, Radio Operator
I saw my old friend John Chow's photo and text at the "Sparks, Waves and Wizards: Communication at Sea" exhibit at the Maritime Museum in San Francisco, and would like to contact him. He was the REO on many west coast ships and started going to sea during WWII.11/19/99 Louk Wijsen, ROU/MEBA ret.

Sheldon Dale (Dail)
I am attempting to locate information concerning a World War II United States Merchant Marine officer named Sheldon Dale (or Dail) of Beverly, Massachusetts, who was robbed and killed while ashore in India. A former neighbor, who was about 10 years old at the time of the incident, wants to have Mr. Dale's name added to the Beverly Veterans memorial. 11/8/99 Captain George Duffy

Harvey Carl Collar
Albert E. May
SS Isaac Mayer Wise
SS Edward Richardson
SS George Walton
SS Francis Lee
SS Francis Newlands
SS Frank Emerson
SS Park Benjamin
Poison gas cargo

Important that I find any seaman that sailed on Liberty Ships carrying German poison gas bombs to the U.S. and elsewhere in 1946. Looking for Harvey Carl Collar and Albert E. May. Re: S/S Isaac Mayer Wise Jan 15, 1946 to June 26,1946. Cargo German poison gas bombs from Antwerp, Belgium to San Jacinto Army Ordnance Base, Texas. These Liberty Ships carried a number of different poison gases...mustard, phosgene, lewisite, SARIN and others! SS Edward Richardson, Liberty Ship, in search of any of her crew. Government is very hesitant to give me info that I require! These ships had a total of 96 confirmed leakers! 10/27/99 Ed Aho or 3361 Franklin Ave. Astoria, OR 97103-2615 Phone 503-325-4875

SS Morro Castle
Looking for photos of the fire/sinking of the SS Morro Castle off Asbury Park NJ . My father Charles A. Maki was 3rd asst R/O on board.. All my photos were destroyed in a fire. 10/27/99 C. Maki

SS Sul Ross
Al Zubchonick

Looking for anyone who sailed on the SS Sul Ross August ,45. Went to Philippines, Australia, and Japan. Would like to find whereabouts of Al Zubchonick, A.B. who was my buddy. 6/27/99 Hank Cap

SS Tuskegee Victory
My late father, Henry J. Bosmans, aged 41 , served as 2nd Cook on this ship from Feb.26, 1946 to March 12, 1946 sailing from Antwerp Belgium to New York City. Master of Vessel was E.H. Peterson. Looking for anyone who knew him. 6/27/99 Bert Bosmans

SS Oklahoma
SS Esso Baton Rouge

The Propeller Club, Port of Brunswick, GA, is interested in locating any survivors, or relatives of survivors of U-123's attack on these two vessels during the early morning hours of 8 April 42. We are compiling local residents accounts of this incident as a part of our local history - to be taught in our schools. 5/26/99 Michael Higgins [Close To Home: the sinking of these ships and identification of four of the dead in 1998.]

Murmansk Run
I am the daughter of Sam Hakam, radio operator on the SS Richard Henry Lee, on Convoy PQ 16 to Murmansk, '42. I am trying to contact anyone who was on the Murmansk Run during any year. 5/20/99 Wendy Joseph

SS Mae
Hans Monsanto was an eighteen year old messman on the Norwegian ship SS Sorvangen September 1942 when they picked up survivors of the torpedoed SS Mae and took them to Trinidad. Hans would like to find any members of the SS Mae. Hank Cap

-George M. Schulman
SS Hobart Victory
SS Woodbridge Victory

I am looking for anyone who served with my late father George M. Schulman on the Hobart Victory and the Woodbridge Victory during 1944-1945. Joseph M. Schulman 908-925-9309

SS William Pierce Frye
John Poor (Poore)

I am seeking survivors or others who may have known my grandfather, John Poor, 1st Asst. Engineer who perished with the ship on March 29, 1943 in the North Atlantic. Alan Poore

SS Santa Margarita
SS Alboni
SS Santa Adela

I am looking for first hand accounts, copies of letters men may have written home, copies of crew lists, and especially snap shots of the SS Santa Margarita, both during WWII and postwar. I am writing a book-length "biography" of the WWII era freighter, which was built in 1942 and operated by Grace Line. Her first voyage was in the D+5 follow-up convoy to the invasion of North Africa (Convoy UGF-2). After the war, her name was changed first to Alboni and then to Santa Adela. She was scrapped in 1970. Theron Snell

SS Lakeland Victory
SS War Admiral, City Service Tanker
SS William Paca
SS Willard A. Holbrook
SS Brigham Victory
SS Pine Bluff Victory

My Father's name is Ernest J. Quello. He was in service from July 30, 1942 to October 12, 1945. I would like to hear from his shipmates. Brian S. Quello

SS Samuel Mitchell 4/23/44 - 5/17/44 Bulk Carrier Coastwise
SS Joseph H. Hollister 5/19/44 - 10/03/44 Liberty Foreign
SS Frank Dale 11/8/44 - 12/12/44 N3 Coastal
SS Lot M. Morrill 1/02/45 - 3/12/45 Liberty Foreign
SS Sea Nymph 4/09/45 - 7/18/45 C2 Foreign

My father, Homer C. Schroeder aka "HUP", served on the above merchant vessels during WWII. I have copies of the Ship's Logs, Crew Lists, the Secret Logs, Movement Cards and more coming in each day. I am searching for any of the men who served on these ships during his voyages for discussion about the voyages and/or my father. Daniel Schroeder

-SS Alcoa Partner
Emiliano Arcay

Looking for information about my father Emiliano Arcay who was killed when SS Alcoa Partner was torpedoed on April 26, 1942. I was two years old at the time and never got to know him. If there are any survivors out there I would like to know more about him. Melania Arcay Belligiere

Maritime "M" Award
Medical Chest and Training

I am trying to document the Maritime production award (Maritime "M") during W.W.II. The award was given to plants, shipyards, etc. engaged in the building of the Liberty Ship fleet and others. I am also interested in learning more about the medical chest that was carried about merchant marine ships and the training and deployment of corpsmen (Purser-Pharmacist) by the Public Health Service on these vessels. The director of this may have been George Archambault. Dennis Worthen

SS Tumacacori (T-2 tanker)
SS Fort Lee

Looking for any shipmates. We sailed from San Francisco in Aug. of 1944, returned to Seattle in Aug. of 1945. Skipper was Sydney Fargo. Also any of the survivors we picked up in the Indian Ocean from the tanker SS Fort Lee. We dropped them in Australia as some were in bad shape. Jerry Scovel, AB

SS John Miller
I am searching for the crew list for the SS John Miller which sailed from San Francisco May 16,1946 and returned to Baltimore on Nov. 4th 1946. I was an able bodied seaman on that voyage that sailed to Hawaii, Panama Canal, Greece, Portugal, the Gold Coast and finally Baltimore. I am trying to locate the assistant ships cook whose first name was Sam.

SS George Gershwin
I am the daughter of Captain Thomas D. Luosey who was the first master of the Liberty Ship SS George Gershwin. It's first voyage began from Los Angeles in May of 1943. Some of the voyages were in convoy to Europe and into Normandy out of Liverpool in June of 1944. I am looking for anyone who may have shipped out at any time. Pat Yearian

Clifton Coates
Would like information/stories from anyone who may have known my father, Clifton Coates, who was in the Merchant Marine in the late 1940's, possibly up to 1950. He was born in Atlanta, Ga. died in Cincinnati, Ohio in 1955 and I was too young to remember him. C. Coates

Elihu B. Washburne
William Ludwig Wenner

My father and I are looking for information and the passenger list of the Elihu B. Washburne. The ship was sunk in the South Atlantic on July 3, 1943. We believe a relative, William Ludwig Wenner, was on this ship. We would welcome any communication from shipmates who knew Bill Wenner. Arthur Wenner

SS J. Pinckney Henderson
Lelia Walker

Searching for info on my great uncle Glenn Travis. When stationed at the US Maritime Service Training Station in St. Petersburg, FL (May 1943), he was in Class 146. Family lore says in August 1943 his ship caught fire (possibly hit a tanker) and almost everyone on board died except for 3 men. My great grandmother kept letters and telegrams that he wrote to her but nothing lists the ships he was on. I have a telegram from the United Fruit Co. (on advice of the War Shipping Admin) that he was reported missing at sea since Aug. 19, 1943. I believe the ship he was on was the SS J. Pinckney Henderson. Also am searching for his girlfriend who lived in Waco, Texas. Her name was Lelia Walker; she had 2 sisters. I am a history major conducting research and I would like to piece this puzzle together so that future generations will know about the bravery and heroism of Merchant Mariners. Stephanie Landis

[SS J. Pinckney Henderson collided with the Panamanian-flag tanker J. H. Senior while in convoy on August 19, 1943. Only 4 survived the SS J. Pinckney Henderson, only 6 of the crew and Armed Guard from the J.H. Senior survived. Glenn Travis is listed among the casualties.]

Merchant Ship Patapsco (1734)
Captain Darby Lux
George Buck of Biddeford, England

Seeking info about subject merchant ship skippered by Captain Darby Lux. This merchant ship may have done trading with George Buck of Biddeford, England in 1734. According to Mr. Peter Wilson Coldham, English writer, a William Moisey was transported to plantation work in the Colony of Maryland, 18 April 1734. Patapsco(e) Merchant arrived in Baltimore Town 3 July 1734. Eugene A Moisey Sr., Retired Engineer

USAT Edmund B. Alexander
Looking for any one on board September 6, 1946, when ship was rocked by explosion off Bremerhaven, Germany. Bernard Bovasso

V-4 Ocean going Tugs
The War Shipping Administration built 49 ocean going rescue tugs during the early part of World War II. These tugs served in both the Atlantic and Pacific war zones. Ten of them took part in the Normandy invasion. I served on one of these tugs, the MV FARALLON and would certainly like to hear from any other seamen who served aboard that tug or any of the other 48. Perry Adams

Michael Marino
A close relative - Michael Marino- in the USMM in WW2 was on a ship off Barbados when the Germans told everyone to collect their belongings, had everyone leave the ship, and then blew up the ship. We are interested in what Michael did during WW2, and what the name of the ship was. Mildred Marino

Charles Bill Brown (Charley)
I am trying to locate any thing about my husbands father. He was a Merchant Marine who sailed from New Jersey or New York during WW2. Name: Charles Bill Brown born: Durant, Oklahoma 1908. He died in New York City in 1956 and is buried in Durant, Oklahoma. He was divorced from my husbands mother in 1938. My husband never met him. We have a picture of him with the medal he received, but it doesn't look like the ones on the board. His medal: Has the color bar on top then the medal is a triangle with the point at the bottom. We have a book from the Sea Farers Union with his name on it, but we don't know if he was on the ships in the book. Does anyone know Charley? Charley had another family in New York. Don't know wife's name but son was a Charles also.^ Peggy Brown

Howard Bates
Am seeking info on Howard Bates of Massachusetts, a Merchant Mariner born 1907. Last time he visited his family (which he did whenever he was in port) was around 1942. He went back to sea never to be heard from again. Family tried to located him thru the Red Cross but were told only that he was believed to have been "lost at sea." No further information was ever received, and there was nothing in writing. Parents and only brother all died never knowing what happened to their son. Have tried to access Coast Guard records but they want a death certificate, and I can't get one without knowing where he died and if a death "at sea" was even registered anywhere. Would like to fill in this blank in my family tree and get info on his career. I am his niece, and am the last known living relative.

George F. Kirk
My late father, George F. Kirk, was a Merchant Marine during WWII. From stories my mother told before her death, he was with the Navy at Pearl Harbor, but was discharged and joined the Merchant Marine. At some point in 1944 or 1945 he was on a ship in the South Pacific which was attacked and sank by the Japanese. As the story goes, the ship sank and the surviving crew, having no papers to prove their identities, were placed in an American "Detention camp" in Australia for what was about 6 months to a year. When their identities were confirmed they were shipped to San Francisco. If anyone recognizes this story or knows George Kirk I would greatly appreciate your contacting me to help fill in the gaps. Marlie Kirk Plenzo

Lucky Buckner and Merchant Marine Song
I am trying to learn more information about J.L. (Lucky) Buckner, who wrote "The Sons of the Merchant Service" in 1942. Apparently Jimmy Buckner was a friend of my grandfather, Sam Hoffman. I have a manuscript score to this song, autographed by Buckner, which says "from your father's friend, Jimmy Buckner." I would welcome any information about Buckner, and wonder if he is still alive. Paula G. Panzer and Richard S. Hoffman

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