National Maritime Day and Other Resolutions, Proclamations, Speeches and CommemorationsNational Maritime Day Poster 1944

Joint Resolution of Congress Designating May 22 as National Maritime Day, 1933

National Maritime Day Proclamations by President Franklin D. Roosevelt

National Maritime Day Proclamations by President Harry S. Truman

National Maritime Day Proclamations by President Dwight D. Eisenhower

National Maritime Day Proclamations by President John F. Kennedy

National Maritime Day Proclamations by President Lyndon B. Johnson

National Maritime Day Proclamations by President Richard M. Nixon

National Maritime Day Proclamations by President Gerald Ford

National Maritime Day Proclamations by President Jimmy Carter

National Maritime Day Proclamations by President Ronald Reagan

National Maritime Day Proclamations by President George Bush

National Maritime Day Proclamations by President William Clinton

National Maritime Day Proclamations by President George W. Bush

National Maritime Day Proclamation by President Barack Obama

Maritime Day Proclamations by Governors and Speeches by Senators and Members of Congress

National Maritime Day Commemorations in stories and pictures

War Shipping Administration Press Release 1945


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