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Restorative Justice Resource Center

Restorative justice is an emerging philosophy of justice that, with increasing frequency, is being used to guide justice system responses all over the world. Of late, increasing numbers of jurisdictions in the United States are using the philosophy of restorative justice to guide both adult and juvenile justice system decision making. Here in Illinois, the language of balanced and restorative justice is used in the purpose and policy statement of Illinois' revised Juvenile Court Act (705 ILCS 405/5-101).

Consistent with our mission to improve the administration of justice in Illinois, through the links on this page, we are making information on restorative justice and balanced and restorative justice available to visitors to our website. Because of the constantly changing nature of thinking and research on restorative justice and balanced and restorative justice, the information on this page will change frequently. Check back regularly for the most recent updates to this page.


Juvenile Justice Conference Connecting the Pathways held in Springfield, October 30 - November 2, 2007

The Authority awarded a Juvenile Accountability Block Grant to Jefferson County to support the Collaborative Juvenile Justice Conference entitled "Connecting the Pathways. Additional funding was received by the Annie E. Casey Foundation, Illinois Department of Human Services, Illinois Juvenile Justice Commission, and John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation. The goals of the conference were to illustrate the similarities between the many state juvenile justice reform initiatives and to promote collaboration between the following initiativesDisproportionate Minority Contact, Illinois Balanced and Restorative Justice Initiative, Juvenile Detention Alternatives Initiative, Models for Change, and Redeploy Illinois. [ Read More ... ]

ICJIA 2005 BARJ Conference

The Illinois Criminal Justice Information Authority (ICJIA) hosted "Juvenile Justice in Illinois: Implementing Restorative Practices in Your Community." The conference, held March 2-4 in Springfield, provided juvenile justice practitioners in Illinois practical guidance on the programmatic application of the BARJ philosophy. The conference featured discussions about services to victims, offenders, and communities, and developing community partnerships. [ Read More ... ]


This is the website for the University of Minnesota Center for Restorative Justice and Peacemaking. One of the highlights of this site is a summary of restorative justice research findings. Here you can also find video and print materials, information on the National Restorative Justice Training Institute, The Balanced and Restorative Justice Project, and links to many other sites related to restorative justice.

The Illinois Balanced and Restorative Justice Initiative is a collaboration of approximately 35 volunteers throughout Illinois representing the judiciary, prosecutor and defense attorneys, law enforcement, probation, corrections, schools, community and faith-based organizations, including both victim and offender advocates. The website provides state-wide information on trainings, technical assistance, and other resources and practices in Illinois, as well as to connect you with other restorative justice practitioners

The International Institute for Restorative Practices (IIRP) is a non-profit organization which provides education and research in support of the development of restorative practices. IIRP is dedicated to discussing and publicizing definitions, ideas, best practices, theories and standards for restorative practices; undertaking and publicizing useful research about restorative practices; encouraging and developing education, training and educational resources about restorative practices

This is the website for Restorative Justice in Australia, a component of the Australian Institute of Criminology. Australia, borrowing much from the extensive experience of their neighbors in New Zealand, is doing a great deal of work in the field of restorative justice. Here you will find information on specific restorative justice related projects in Australia as well as written documents covering restorative and community justice issues.

This site is a service of Prison Fellowship International. Here you will find current news and events about restorative justice, as well as presentations about important issues in restorative justice, a searchable annotated bibliography on restorative justice, and tutorials on restorative justice theory and practice.

Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention.

National Criminal Justice Reference Service.


For more information, please contact:
Kimberly Burke ( or Jessica Ashley (

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