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Disclaimer: disabilityworks is unable to verify that every job lead or announcement sent through is from disability-friendly source. Rather, news and job leads are sent to give disabilityworks members more access to employment information.

Increasing Economic Opportunities for People with Disabilities

disabilityworks, an exciting initiative from the Chicagoland Chamber of Commerce, the Illinois Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity and the City of Chicago, is designed to increase employment opportunities for people with disabilities throughout Illinois.

A Hub for Three Groups

Through disabilityworks, employers, people with disabilities, and disability/employment service providers are strategically linked:

  1. Employers will understand the business benefits of hiring qualified people with disabilities and will gain access to a large pool of productive and diverse employees. Participate in Disability Awareness Training for Businesses.
  2. People with disabilities will have access to job opportunities and choices for full inclusion and specialized services. This includes accessing our CPLN list of Job Placement & Occupational Training Providers.
  3. Providers will operate as a resource to employers and people with disabilities, training people with disabilities and referring them to the right jobs. The term "providers" in this site refers to organizations that offer job readiness, job training, job placement, and educational services to people with disabilities.

What can disabilityworks do for you?

disabilityworks can link you to the following economic opportunities:

  1. Employers can join a network of business leaders that have expanded their bottom lines through the hiring of people with disabilities (CBLN), and learn about tax incentives for hiring people with disabilities.
  2. Find small business development opportunities or centers (SBDC)
  3. Find jobs in the non-profit sector.
  4. Colleges, universities and job placement/training organizations can join a network of disability/employment service providers (CPLN).
  5. Find work incentives and supports for people with disabilities.
  6. Gain access to employment services. Note that disabilityworks does not do direct job placement. Rather, we refer to the CPLN service providers in our network.
  7. Gain access to transition information from K-20 educational programs.

disabilityworks Online Calendar of Events

disabilityworks encourages people with disabilities, employers and service providers to submit relevant events for posting on the website. Appropriate calendar postings include the following:

  • Career or employment related events
  • Training events
  • Disability related events with an emphasis on workforce issues.

Other events may be considered on a case-by-case basis. Click here to submit events.

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