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The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (Stimulus Bill)
The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) provides an estimated $787 billion to re-energize the U.S. economy. ARRA is part of the President's larger economic recovery plan which includes:
Financial Stability Plan
Capital Assistance Program
Homeowner Affordability and Stability Program
Emergency Economic Stabilization Act and the Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP)
American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA)
National ARRA Information
National ARRA Information - The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009
document President's Address to the nation on ARRA 
document Bill Overview 
document Official Summary of Appropriations 
document Official Summary of Tax Provisions 
Bill Language: 
document Appropriations Section 
document Tax Provisions 
document ARRA Accountability and Reporting 
Congressional Budget Office Reports: 
document Bill Analysis (Conference Committee Report) 
document Macro Economic Effects 
Oregon ARRA Information
The Oregon Way 
document Governor's press release on ARRA 
document Oregon Recovery Web Site 
document Go Oregon! Web Site 
OHCS Programs and ARRA Funding 
document Summary of OHCS ARRA Allocations
The following OHCS programs will receive funding through ARRA:
document Low-Income Weatherization 
document Tax Credit Assistance Program 
document Tax Credit Exchange Program 
document Neighborhood Stabilization 
document Homelessness Prevention 
document Community Services Block Grant 
document Commodity Assistance (TEFAP) 
document Community Service Programs 
document Homebuyer Tax Credit 
OHCS ARRA implementation plans 
document (DRAFT) Weatherization Plan
  document Estimated OHCS ARRA
    Low-Income Weatherization Allocations (06-09-09)
  document Weatherization Impact Analysis
document (DRAFT) Homelessness Prevention Plan 
document (DRAFT) Community Services Block Grant Plan (6 MB) 
document (DRAFT) Tax Credit Assistance / Tax Credit Exchange Implementation Plan 
document (REVISED) Tax Credit Assistance / Tax Credit Exchange Implementation Plan 
  A public comment period regarding the TCAP Competitive Selection Process and Criteria as outlined in the ARRA Implementation Plan Draft (pages 6 through 9) is planned for May 14 through May 20, 2009.
document Notice of TCAP Public Comment Period and Public Meeting Notice
Other ARRA Information
National ARRA Information - The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009
Not all ARRA funding for housing and community services flows through OHCS. These other housing and community-based services programs include:
document Public Housing Capital Fund
document Indian Housing Block Grant
document Emergency Food and Shelter
document Rural Housing Service
document Project-Based Rental Assistance
document Community Development Block Grant
Other ARRA Information
Instances of fraud, abuse, or any inappropriate use of ARRA funds should be reported immediately to the Oregon Secretary of State Audits Division.  Comments will be kept confidential.
document Report Fraud and Abuse 

Page updated: July 31, 2009

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