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The Oregon Accountability Model - Community Supervision and Programs
Community Supervision and Programs
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The Oregon Accountability Model encompasses the simultaneous, coordinated and efficient implementation of many Department of Corrections initiatives and projects that provide a foundation for inmates to lead successful lives upon release.
The Oregon Accountability Model has six components. Each of these components stands on its own as a project or a part of the Oregon Department of Corrections’ organization and culture. However, woven together these six separate components form a stronger fiber that strengthens the department’s ability to hold inmates/offenders accountable for their actions and DOC staff accountable for achieving the mission and vision of the department.
Community Supervision Component of the Oregon Accountability Model
There are more than 30,000 offenders in Oregon’s communities on felony probation, parole, and post-prison supervision. People are sentenced directly to community supervision (probation) or to supervision following a prison term(post-prison supervision, parole). To prevent offenders from committing additional crimes, the Department of Corrections works closely with each of the state’s 36 counties regarding the delivery of supervision, services and sanctions to these offenders.
Under the Oregon Accountability Model a natural partnership has developed between county community corrections agencies and the department to improve the transition of offenders from prison to the community. There is a strong correlation between a well-planned transition and an offender’s successful reintegration.
Some of the most challenging aspects of transition, if not addressed, are also known risk factors: employment, housing, transportation and the availability of programs all contribute to an offender’s chances for success on the outside. It is the goal of the Department of Corrections to work closely with community corrections agencies to put these pieces into place prior to an offender’s release from prison. The partnership developed a unique “reach in” component to allow community corrections agencies to begin work with offenders prior to release and to make transition as seamless as possible.
While under supervision, all felony offenders are classified based on their risk to recidivate. Requirements of supervision are determined by the offender’s risk to the community, individual needs, and court-ordered conditions of supervision. High-risk offenders are supervised more closely than lower risk offenders.
Community Corrections Programs and Interventions
There are a wide range of programs available in the community such as substance abuse treatment, both in-patient and out-patient; cognitive skills development; employment readiness and job search; sex offender treatment; drug urinalysis monitoring; drug court; and intensive supervision programs such as day reporting. Referrals to these programs are generated by the supervising parole/probation officer based on the needs of offenders as well as court-ordered conditions of supervision.
Recognizing that cost and effectiveness are important, counties look to the same research on best practices that has influenced the Department of Corrections in creating the Oregon Accountability Model. Consistent with the Oregon Accountability Model, county community corrections agencies assess each offender’s risk to re-offend and the needs or problems of offenders that are related to ongoing criminal behavior. The most intensive supervision and programs are focused on the higher risk individuals and interventions are designed to address the criminogenic risk factors in order to reduce the likelihood of future criminal behavior.
Technical Assistance and Training
The department also provides technical assistance to counties regarding supervision, sanctions, and services. If a county has a particular issue they need help working through or they want to learn how other counties approaches problems, the department is often used as a resource.
Training is developed by the department specifically to enhance county operations. Training addresses common issues and concerns in areas such as automation, sanctions, research-based practices, and caseload management.
The department’s partnerships with counties promotes public safety by holding offenders in the community accountable for their actions and reduces the risk of their involvement in future criminal behavior.
The Oregon Accountability Model
The ultimate goal of the Oregon Accountability Model is to improve public safety. The model ties together many concurrent and interrelated efforts of the department and its partners into a cohesive strategy to reduce recidivism and influence inmates into becoming productive citizens.
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Page updated: February 28, 2008

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