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"Protecting Lives, Property and Natural Resources, Since 1906."

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Wildfire History of New Jersey

Please note New Jersey's wildfire history by clicking the link above. This is an interactive PDF that allows users to query wildfire start dates, causes, size, and municipality or county demographic data. To query this PDF, please click the link above, right click, and save the PDF to your computer. After opening the saved PDF, the PDF can now be queried by using the "Object Data Tool" under "Tools." It can also be queried by using the "Layers" and "Model Tree" navigational panels on the left of Adobe Reader to investigate the data

The southern pine beetle (SPB), one of the most destructive forest insects in the southeastern United States, quickly devastates pine-dominated forests during high infestations.  Not only is the Southern Pine Beetle one of the most destructive insects, but it also increases wildfire danger to people, property, and the environment.

RSG NJ Action Guide is now available

Southern Pine Beetle in New Jersey

Prescribed Fire Burns

November 23, 2012 13 acres.




Map Key


New Jersey Incident Management Team

National Situation Report

Remember – Only You Can Prevent Wildfire!




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Copyright © State of New Jersey, 1996-2004
Department of Environmental Protection
P. O. Box 402
Trenton, NJ 08625-0402

Last Updated: November 21, 2011

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