National Immigration Law Center
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Frequently Asked Questions about Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA)

President Obama announced on June 15, 2012, that the government would not deport certain immigrants who arrived in the U.S. as children. Instead, they could request temporary relief called “deferred action.” Find more info in this FAQ created jointly by NILC and United We Dream.

Únete al Sueño / Own the Dream

Un sitio web bilingüe (español e inglés) con recursos para los jóvenes interesados en solicitar la acción diferida.  |  A bilingual (English & Spanish) website with resources for young people interested in requesting deferred action.  (NILC es un socio en el sitio web Únete al Sueño. NILC is a partner in the Own the Dream website.)

Overview of Immigrant Eligibility for Federal Programs

This article focuses on eligibility and other rules governing immigrants’ access to federal public benefits programs. In determining an immigrants' eligibility for benefits, it is necessary to understand the federal rules as well as the rules of the state in which an immigrant resides.