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Message from the Administrator
Welcome to the Oregon Medical Insurance Pool Web site. Oregon has placed great emphasis on the issues surrounding health care for many years. Innovative ideas and creative thinking to find solutions for uninsured Oregonians have always been a priority. The Oregon Medical Insurance Pool is one part of that overall strategy.

The 1987 Oregon Legislature established the Oregon Medical Insurance Pool (OMIP) as a quasi-private agency. In 1989, the Pool became a state agency, received funding and a seven-member board was appointed. One million dollars in General Fund money was put into the Pool to begin operation. In February 1990, an administering insurer was selected and the first policy was issued in July 1990.

The Pool has continued to grow and evolve with the changing needs of Oregon's population and with the requirements of health care reform. When the Pool was first established, its goal was to provide health benefit plans to Oregonians unable to purchase individual health insurance because of health conditions.

OMIP has expanded its mission to include not only medical eligibility, but also a portability option. The Pool offers four health benefit plans to choose from for either medical or portability eligible applicants. All four plans are Preferred Provider Organization (PPO) Plans with different co-insurance, deductible, and maximum out-of pocket amounts. Every effort is made to provide members the premium reduction benefits of cost-containment features while providing the highest quality of care.

While OMIP is not the ultimate solution to insurance access, it has been the answer for more than 32,000 Oregonians who would have gone without coverage without it.

rocky�s signature

Howard "Rocky" King
Administrator, Oregon Medical Insurance Pool

Page updated: February 28, 2007

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