Animal Information

Natural Heritage Information Center
About Us
Oregon Natural Heritage Program
Program History
Advisory Council
Oregon Natural Heritage Act
Natural Areas Program
Natural Heritage Plan
Register of Heritage Resources
Dedicated Conservation Areas
Research Natural Areas
OWEB Acquisitions
Species Ranking
Survey and Manage Assessment
Survey and Manage Ranks
Rank Definitions
Biodiversity Data and Services
Data Requests
Download Data
Submit Data
Plant Information
Rare Plant Guide
Rare Plant Basin Search
Exotic Species
Exotic Plant List
Animal Information
Conservation Strategy
Endangered Invertebrate Program
Oregon Gap Analysis Program
Gap Background
Aquatic GAP
Protected Areas
Existing Vegetation
Historical & Potential Vegetation
Wildlife Models
Staff and Contacts
Publications and Reports
Site Index
Information on the status, identification, and ecology of Oregon's rare, threatened, and endangered animal species are found on these pages.

If you are new to the Heritage Program and its methodology, the following links provide background information on ORNHIC and the Heritage Network:

  • NatureServe, the membership organization for a global network of more than 70 Natural Heritage Programs and Conservation Data Centers.

  • NatureServe/Natural Heritage Network Ranking, the international system for ranking rare, threatened and endangered species.

  • BIOTICS, the database system we use to track rare animals in the state.

Rare, Threatened and Endangered Species of Oregon
Summarizes in list format rare, threatened and endangered species, including those that are at-risk or potentially at-risk due to rarity, restricted distribution, habitat loss, and/or other factors in Oregon and is used to direct our data acquisition.

You can also download spreadsheets of the RTE data for 2007 and 2004 at our Data Download page.

GAP 2004 Wildlife Species Models
For the Oregon Conservation Strategy, ORNHIC developed updated Gap Analysis species habitat and distribution maps. These are based on habitat suitablity models and refined distribution maps. The 2004 maps can be downloaded as an ArcGIS 9.1 geodatabase. An updated set of maps is currently in development. Available online: (zip file 44 MB). The metadata for the 2004 geodatabase is posted here.

Oregon Wildlife Explorer
ORNHIC worked with OSU and Oregon Fish and Wildlife to produce this site to bring together information on Oregon's wildlife species. Create a list of species that could occur in your area or read information about the life history and population trends of these species in Oregon.

Exotic Species
Links to exotic species resources for Oregon.

Publications and Reports
Oregon Natural Heritage Information Center reports in PDF format. These reports provide addtional information on Threatened and Endagered Species and their habitats in Oregon.

Data Requests
Unable to find the information your are looking for or need specific species location information? Please submit a request in writing via e-mail, fax or regular mail.

Related Sites
Links to federal and state agencies, Oregon Universities, and other sites of conservation and ecological interest.


© Institute for Natural Resources

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Photo of Washington ground squirrel
© Michael Medina