U.S. EPA Contaminated Site Cleanup Information (CLU-IN)

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
U.S. EPA's Technology Innovation Program

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Archived Internet Seminars & Podcasts

Over the past 10 years, we have presented Internet Seminars covering a wide variety of technical topics related to hazardous waste characterization, monitoring, and remediation. For each seminar topic, we have selected the highest-quality offering for placement in our archives. Below, you will find a list of these archived offerings with links that will allow you to access the presentation materials and audio from that date.

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You may browse all 265 archived seminars below or you may search the archives for seminars that interest you based on keywords, sponsors, and archived date.

Seminars sponsored by the U.S. EPA Technology Innovation Program

EPA's Electronic Report on the Environment - Finding, Understanding and Using National and Regional Environmental Indicators

Archive of Apr 16, 2009 Seminar (2 Hours):

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Green Remediation: Opening the Door to Field Use Session C (Green Remediation Tools and Examples)

Archive of Jan 13, 2009 Seminar (2 Hours):

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December 2008

Green Remediation: Opening the Door to Field Use Session B (Green Remediation Tools and Examples)

Archive of Dec 16, 2008 Seminar (2 Hours):

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Green Remediation: Opening the Door to Field Use Session A (Introduction and Carbon Calculus: A RCRA Case Study)

Archive of Nov 24, 2008 Seminar (2 Hours):

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A Systematic Approach for Evaluation of Capture Zones at Pump and Treat Systems

Archive of Nov 13, 2008 Seminar (2 Hours):

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EPA Region 7 Brownfields Workshop Part II: Overview of the FY 09 Proposal Guidelines and Q & A

Archive of Oct 21, 2008 Seminar (2 Hours):

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The Brownfields Assessment, RLF and Cleanup Grant Proposal Guidelines: A National Q&A Session

Archive of Oct 16, 2008 Seminar (2 Hours):

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A Systematic Approach for Evaluation of Capture Zones at Pump and Treat Systems

Archive of Oct 8, 2008 Seminar (2 Hours):

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Tree Coring to Assess Subsurface Volatile Organic Compounds

Archive of Sep 25, 2008 Seminar (1 Hour, 30 Minutes):

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EPA Region 7 Brownfields Workshop Part I: Understanding the FY 09 Proposal Guidelines

Archive of Sep 24, 2008 Seminar (2 Hours):

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Tools for Evaluating and Optimizing Groundwater Monitoring Networks

Archive of Sep 24, 2008 Seminar (2 Hours, 30 Minutes):

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Brownfields Cleanup and RLF Grant Writing Workshop for Northeast States

Archive of Sep 18, 2008 Seminar (2 Hours):

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Brownfields Assessment Grant Writing Workshop for Northeast States

Archive of Sep 17, 2008 Seminar (3 Hours):

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Triad: Beyond Characterization to Long-term Management of Groundwater Contaminant Plumes

Archive of Sep 12, 2008 Seminar (2 Hours, 30 Minutes):

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A Systematic Approach for Evaluation of Capture Zones at Pump and Treat Systems

Archive of Sep 11, 2008 Seminar (2 Hours):

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Sustainable Practices, Brownfields Prevention Challenge 3: Elkhart County, Indiana

Archive of Sep 10, 2008 Seminar (1 Hour, 30 Minutes):

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August 2008

X-ray Fluorescence (XRF) Session 8: Q&A and Resources Review

Archive of Aug 28, 2008 Seminar (2 Hours):

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Treatment of Heavy Metals and Elimination of Sulfur with a Novel Sulfate Reducing Permeable Reactive Barrier Containing ZVI

Archive of Aug 27, 2008 Seminar (2 Hours):

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Using High-resolution Piezocone to Determine Hydraulic Parameters and Mass Flux Distribution

Archive of Aug 27, 2008 Seminar (1 Hour, 30 Minutes):

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Sustainable Practices, Brownfields Prevention Challenge 2: City of Moline, Illinois

Archive of Aug 26, 2008 Seminar (1 Hour, 30 Minutes):

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X-ray Fluorescence (XRF) Session 7: Dynamic Work Strategies Part 2

Archive of Aug 25, 2008 Seminar (2 Hours):

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Sustainable Practices, Brownfields Prevention Challenge 1: South Suburban Mayors and Managers(SSMMA), IL

Archive of Aug 21, 2008 Seminar (1 Hour, 30 Minutes):

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X-ray Fluorescence (XRF) Session 6: Dynamic Work Strategies Part 1

Archive of Aug 21, 2008 Seminar (2 Hours):

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X-ray Fluorescence (XRF) Session 4: Demonstration of Method Applicability (DMA)

Archive of Aug 14, 2008 Seminar (2 Hours):

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X-ray Fluorescence (XRF) Session 1: Introduction and Basic XRF Concepts

Archive of Aug 4, 2008 Seminar (2 Hours):

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EPA Brownfields Job Training Grant Workshop: Understanding the FY2009 Application Guidelines

Archive of Jul 30, 2008 Seminar (1 Hour, 30 Minutes):

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A Systematic Approach for Evaluation of Capture Zones at Pump and Treat Systems

Archive of Jul 21, 2008 Seminar (2 Hours):

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Clean Water Act State Revolving Fund: What's in it for Watersheds?

Archive of Jul 16, 2008 Seminar (2 Hours):

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June 2008

Responsible Management of Methane Gas at Superfund Landfills

Archive of Jun 24, 2008 Seminar (1 Hour, 30 Minutes):

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ConSoil 2008 Special Session: Brownfields, Bioenergy and Biofeedstocks (Rejuvenate)

Archive of Jun 6, 2008 Seminar (1 Hour, 30 Minutes):

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ConSoil 2008 Special Session: Green Remediation

Archive of Jun 5, 2008 Seminar (1 Hour, 30 Minutes):

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Management and Interpretation of Data Under a Triad Approach

Archive of May 22, 2008 Seminar (1 Hour, 30 Minutes):

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February 2008

Wastewater Utilities Using Sustainable Watershed Approaches

Archive of Feb 20, 2008 Seminar (2 Hours):

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Community Action for a Renewed Environment (CARE) National Webcast for the 2008 Request for Proposal

Archive of Feb 11, 2008 Seminar (1 Hour, 30 Minutes):

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Characterizing Mass Transfer and Mass Flux for DNAPL Source Zones

Archive of Feb 5, 2008 Seminar (1 Hour, 30 Minutes):

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Characterizing Mass Transfer and Mass Flux for DNAPL Source Zones

Archive of Jan 22, 2008 Seminar (1 Hour, 30 Minutes):

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Community Action for a Renewed Environment (CARE) National Webcast for the 2008 Request for Proposal

Archive of Jan 18, 2008 Seminar (1 Hour, 30 Minutes):

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The Wastewater Information System Tool (TWIST) For Managing Decentralized Treatment Systems

Archive of Jan 16, 2008 Seminar (2 Hours):

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Ecological Revitalization Resources Available through EPA - Part 1

Archive of Dec 3, 2007 Seminar (2 Hours):

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October 2007

What's New with CLU-IN? Highlights and Future Directions

Archive of Oct 26, 2007 Seminar (1 Hour, 30 Minutes):

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Earth Gauge™: Conveying Environmental Information Through the TV Weather Report

Archive of Aug 15, 2007 Seminar (2 Hours):

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Life Cycle Thinking and Solid Waste: A State's Perspective

Archive of Aug 13, 2007 Seminar (0 Hours, 45 Minutes):

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Ecological Revitalization Case Studies - The Atlas Tack Site and the Poudre River Site

Archive of Aug 2, 2007 Seminar (2 Hours):

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July 2007

Phytostabilization of Mine Tailings in Arid and Semi-Arid Environments

Archive of Jul 25, 2007 Seminar (1 Hours):

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Understanding and Reconstructing Soil Conditions at Remediation Sites

Archive of May 2, 2007 Seminar (2 Hours):

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April 2007

7th Passive Sampling Workshop and Symposium (Day 3)

Archive of Apr 26, 2007 Seminar (1 Hour, 45 Minutes):

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7th Passive Sampling Workshop and Symposium (Day 2)

Archive of Apr 25, 2007 Seminar (8 Hours):

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7th Passive Sampling Workshop and Symposium (Day 1)

Archive of Apr 24, 2007 Seminar (3 Hours, 45 Minutes):

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February 2007

Catalytic Destruction of PCE and TCE in Soil Vapor — Laboratory and Field Studies

Archive of Feb 28, 2007 Seminar (1 Hours):

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Innovative Air Monitoring at Landfills Using Optical Remote Sensing with Radial Plume Mapping

Archive of Feb 22, 2007 Seminar (1 Hour, 30 Minutes):

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Implementing TMDLs and Trading Through the National Estuary Program

Archive of Feb 21, 2007 Seminar (2 Hours):

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January 2007

Introduction to Nanotechnology - Applications and Implications for Superfund

Archive of Jan 18, 2007 Seminar (2 Hours):

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Using NEMO - Nonpoint Source Education for Municipal Officials - to Advance Watershed Management

Archive of Jan 17, 2007 Seminar (2 Hours):

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December 2006

Revegetation and Restoration of an Oil Contaminated Wetland in Northern New Jersey

Archive of Dec 14, 2006 Seminar (2 Hours):

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November 2006

Integrating Drinking Water into Watershed Protection

Archive of Nov 29, 2006 Seminar (2 Hours):

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October 2006

Sediment Remedies: Monitored Natural Recovery — Technical Considerations for Evaluation and Implementation

Archive of Oct 30, 2006 Seminar (2 Hours, 15 Minutes):

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Sediment Remedies: Dredging — Technical Considerations for Evaluation and Implementation

Archive of Oct 23, 2006 Seminar (2 Hours, 15 Minutes):

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Sediment Remedies: Capping — Technical Considerations for Evaluation and Implementation

Archive of Oct 17, 2006 Seminar (2 Hours, 15 Minutes):

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Uses of Spatial Analysis and Decision Assistance (SADA)

Archive of Oct 11, 2006 Seminar (1 Hour, 30 Minutes):

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September 2006

Pharmaceuticals and Personal Care Products in the Environment

Archive of Sep 26, 2006 Seminar (2 Hours):

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Using Brownfields Grants for Watershed Restoration and Revitalization

Archive of Sep 20, 2006 Seminar (2 Hours):

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August 2006

Uses of Spatial Analysis and Decision Assistance (SADA)

Archive of Aug 15, 2006 Seminar (1 Hour, 30 Minutes):

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Introduction to Environmental Insurance and Other Risk Management Tools

Archive of May 2, 2006 Seminar (1 Hour, 30 Minutes):

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April 2006

Opportunities for Citizen Involvement in the Clean Water Act

Archive of Apr 19, 2006 Seminar (2 Hours):

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February 2006

Plan2Fund: A Tool to Organize your Watershed Funding

Archive of Feb 15, 2006 Seminar (2 Hours):

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Draft Handbook for Developing Watershed Plans to Restore and Protect Our Waters

Archive of Jan 18, 2006 Seminar (2 Hours):

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December 2005

Introduction to Trading for Water Quality Protection

Archive of Dec 14, 2005 Seminar (2 Hours):

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The Basics: Understanding the Behavior of Light Non-Aqueous Phase Liquids (LNAPLs) in the Subsurface

Archive of Dec 12, 2005 Seminar (2 Hours, 30 Minutes):

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Improving Contracting, Design, and Evaluation of Groundwater Pump and Treat Systems

Archive of Dec 5, 2005 Seminar (2 Hours):

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November 2005

Stormwater Phase II Requirements: Improving Stormwater Quality Over the Long-Term

Archive of Nov 16, 2005 Seminar (2 Hours):

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October 2005

DNAPLs - Enhanced Remediation of DNAPL-Contaminated Subsurface Systems

Archive of Oct 26, 2005 Seminar (1 Hours):

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Low Impact Development Strategies, Tools and Techniques for Sustainable Watersheds

Archive of Oct 19, 2005 Seminar (2 Hours):

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25 Years of Contaminated Land Management - Achievements and Work Still to Be Done Panel 1: Shifts in Contaminated Site Management in the EU and US

Archive of Oct 4, 2005 Seminar (1 Hour, 30 Minutes):

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25 Years of Contaminated Land Management - Achievements and Work Still to Be Done Panel 2: From Site Screening to Redevelopment, Progress in Every Step

Archive of Oct 4, 2005 Seminar (1 Hour, 30 Minutes):

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DNAPLs - Above-Ground (Ex situ) Chemical/Physical Remediation Methods

Archive of Sep 7, 2005 Seminar (2 Hours):

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August 2005

DNAPLS - Source Zone Behavior and Mass Flux Measurement

Archive of Aug 10, 2005 Seminar (2 Hours):

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July 2005

Getting In Step: Developing Your Message and Publicizing it Effectively

Archive of Jul 20, 2005 Seminar (2 Hours):

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May 2005

Sustainable Management Approaches and Revitalization Tools - electronic (SMARTe) Introduction and Demonstration

Archive of May 4, 2005 Seminar (2 Hours):

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February 2005

U.S. EPA Office of Research & Development Product Expo in Region 9

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November 2004

Sharing Lessons Learned: Sustainability and Brownfields Reuse
PART II. Brown is the New Green: Smart Reuse at all Scales

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October 2004

U.S. EPA Office of Research & Development Product Expo in Region 5

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RCRA Sites and EPA Brownfields Grants

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September 2004

Sharing Lessons Learned: Sustainability and Brownfields Reuse
PART I. Planning for Success - Brownfields Reuse in the Big Picture

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Operation and Maintenance in Superfund - Part 2

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Operation and Maintenance in Superfund - Part 1

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June 2004

EPA's Ground Water Task Force - Presentation and Discussion of Two Option Papers Available for Public Input: (1) Cleanup Goals Appropriate for DNAPL Source Zones, and (2) Ground Water Use, Value, and Vulnerability as Factors in Setting Cleanup Goals

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May 2004

Hear About the Upcoming Proposed Rule on All Appropriate Inquiries

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Biosensors for Environmental Monitoring - Part Two

View Archive of May 18, 2004 Seminar (2 Hours)

March 2004

Biosensors for Environmental Monitoring - Part One

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February 2004

ETV Evaluations of Lead-in-Dust Technologies

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December 2003

Initial Site Screening Using a Dynamic Field Activity: Callaway Drum Recycling Site

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Facilitating Reuse at RCRA Sites: Innovative Technologies for Groundwater Characterization & Cleanup

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September 2003

Application of Transport Optimization Codes to Groundwater Pump-and-Treat Systems

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June 2003

NIEHS/EPA Metals - Analytical Methods

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May 2003

NIEHS/EPA Metals - Remediation

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April 2003

EPA Small Business Innovation Research Overview and Proposal Writing

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NIEHS/EPA Metals - Bioavailability

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March 2003

Anacostia River Capping Project

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February 2003

Vapor Intrusion into Indoor Air: Introduction to OSWER Guidance

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January 2003

The Triad Approach to Better Cleanup Projects: Illustrated with the Tree Fruit Case Study

View Archive of Jan 23, 2003 Seminar (2 Hours, 15 Minutes)

December 2002

Primer Seminario Hispano-Estadounidense de Terrenos Contaminados

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In Situ Treatment of Groundwater Contaminated with Non-Aqueous Phase Liquid Contamination: Fundamentals and Case Studies (NAPL Characterization and Related Cleanup Issues)

View Archive of Dec 12, 2002 Seminar (3 Hours, 30 Minutes)

In Situ Treatment of Groundwater Contaminated with Non-Aqueous Phase Liquid Contamination: Fundamentals and Case Studies (In Situ Chemical Oxidation)

View Archive of Dec 11, 2002 Seminar (4 Hours)

In Situ Treatment of Groundwater Contaminated with Non-Aqueous Phase Liquid Contamination: Fundamentals and Case Studies (Surfactant/Cosolvent Flushing)

View Archive of Dec 11, 2002 Seminar (3 Hours)

In Situ Treatment of Groundwater Contaminated with Non-Aqueous Phase Liquid Contamination: Fundamentals and Case Studies (Opening Remarks and In Situ Thermal Treatment)

View Archive of Dec 10, 2002 Seminar (4 Hours, 30 Minutes)

NIEHS/EPA PCBs - Health Effects

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November 2002

NIEHS/EPA PCBs - Monitoring and Detection

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October 2002

NIEHS/EPA PCB Cleanup Technologies

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January 2002

Acceso a Información Sobre Tecnologías de Tratamiento de Suelos y Aguas Subterráneas Contaminados

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December 2001

Field-Based Geophysical Technologies Online Seminar

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Remediation System Evaluations and Optimization of Pump and Treat Projects

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Handbook of Groundwater Protection and Cleanup Policies for RCRA Corrective Action

View Archive of Dec 5, 2001 Seminar (2 Hours)

August 2001

Field-Based Analytical Methods for Explosive Compounds

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March 2001

Dynamic Data Collection Strategy Using Systematic Planning and Innovative Field-Based Measurement Technologies

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February 2001

Field Analytical Technologies for VOCs in Groundwater

View Archive of Feb 27, 2001 Seminar (2 Hours)

Interstate Technology Regulatory Council
Seminars sponsored by the Interstate Technology and Regulatory Council

An Improved Understanding of LNAPL Behavior in the Subsurface - State of Science vs. State of Practice

Archive of Mar 3, 2009 Seminar (2 Hours, 15 Minutes):

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January 2009

Quality Considerations for Munitions Response Projects

Archive of Jan 15, 2009 Seminar (2 Hours, 15 Minutes):

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Use of Risk Assessment in Management of Contaminated Sites

Archive of Jan 6, 2009 Seminar (2 Hours, 15 Minutes):

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December 2008

An Overview of Direct-push Well Technology for Long-term Groundwater Monitoring

Archive of Dec 11, 2008 Seminar (2 Hours, 15 Minutes):

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November 2008

Decontamination and Decommissioning of Radiologically-Contaminated Facilities

Archive of Nov 18, 2008 Seminar (2 Hours, 15 Minutes):

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Enhanced Attenuation of Chlorinated Organics: A Site Management Tool

Archive of Nov 6, 2008 Seminar (2 Hours, 15 Minutes):

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October 2008

Real-Time Measurement of Radionuclides in Soil

Archive of Oct 28, 2008 Seminar (2 Hours, 15 Minutes):

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September 2008

In Situ Bioremediation of Chlorinated Ethene - DNAPL Source Zones

Archive of Sep 9, 2008 Seminar (2 Hours, 15 Minutes):

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May 2008

Planning and Promoting of Ecological Land Reuse of Remediated Sites

Archive of May 15, 2008 Seminar (2 Hours, 15 Minutes):

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April 2008

Vapor Intrusion Pathway: A Practical Guideline

Archive of Apr 29, 2008 Seminar (2 Hours, 15 Minutes):

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Risk Assessment and Risk Management: Determination and Application of Risk-Based Values

Archive of Apr 17, 2008 Seminar (2 Hours, 15 Minutes):

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Characterization, Design, Construction and Monitoring of Bioreactor Landfills

Archive of Apr 10, 2008 Seminar (2 Hours, 15 Minutes):

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Evaluating, Optimizing, or Ending Post-Closure Care at Municipal Solid Waste Landfills

Archive of Mar 18, 2008 Seminar (2 Hours, 15 Minutes):

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January 2008

Perchlorate: Overview of Issues, Status, and Remedial Options

Archive of Jan 15, 2008 Seminar (2 Hours, 15 Minutes):

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August 2007

Remediation Process Optimization Advanced Training

Archive of Aug 16, 2007 Seminar (2 Hours, 15 Minutes):

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June 2007

Radiation Site Cleanup: CERCLA Requirements and Guidance

Archive of Jun 5, 2007 Seminar (2 Hours, 15 Minutes):

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January 2007

Site Investigation and Remediation for Munitions Response Projects

Archive of Jan 30, 2007 Seminar (2 Hours, 15 Minutes):

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June 2006

Permeable Reactive Barriers: Lessons Learned and New Directions

Archive of Jun 15, 2006 Seminar (2 Hours, 15 Minutes):

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February 2006

Strategies for Monitoring the Performance of DNAPL Source Zone Remedies

Archive of Feb 7, 2006 Seminar (2 Hours, 15 Minutes):

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October 2005

Guidance for Characterization, Design Construction and Monitoring of Mitigation Wetlands

Archive of Oct 11, 2005 Seminar (2 Hours, 15 Minutes):

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September 2005

What's New with In Situ Chemical Oxidation?

Archive of Sep 20, 2005 Seminar (2 Hours, 15 Minutes):

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June 2005

Environmental Management Planning on Active Small Arms Firing Ranges

Archive of Jun 28, 2005 Seminar (2 Hours, 15 Minutes):

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March 2005

Surfactant/Cosolvent Flushing of DNAPL Source Zones

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February 2005

Triad Approach: A New Paradigm for Environmental Project Management

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January 2005

Constructed Treatment Wetlands

View Archive of Jan 27, 2005 Seminar (2 Hours, 15 Minutes)

September 2004

What is Remediation Process Optimization And How Can It Help Me Identify Opportunities for Enhanced and More Efficient Site Remediation?

View Archive of Sep 28, 2004 Seminar (2 Hours, 15 Minutes)

June 2004

Munitions Response Historical Record Review (MRHRR)

View Archive of Jun 22, 2004 Seminar (2 Hours, 15 Minutes)

May 2004

Design, Installation and Monitoring of Alternative Final Landfill Covers

View Archive of May 13, 2004 Seminar (2 Hours, 15 Minutes)

September 2003

Passive Diffusion Bag Samplers for Volatile Organic Compounds in Ground Water

View Archive of Sep 25, 2003 Seminar (2 Hours)

Natural Attenuation of Chlorinated Solvents in Groundwater: Principles and Practices

View Archive of Sep 23, 2003 Seminar (2 Hours, 15 Minutes)

June 2003

Characterization and Remediation of Soils at Closed Small Arms Firing Ranges

View Archive of Jun 10, 2003 Seminar (2 Hours, 15 Minutes)

November 2002

Systematic Approach to In Situ Bioremediation in Groundwater: Nitrates, Carbon Tetrachloride & Perchlorate

View Archive of Nov 19, 2002 Seminar (2 Hours, 15 Minutes)

June 2002

Enhanced In Situ Bioremediation of Solvents in Ground Water

View Archive of Jun 18, 2002 Seminar (2 Hours)

March 2002

Advanced Techniques on Installation of Iron Based Permeable Reactive Barriers and Non-Iron Based Barrier Treatment Material

View Archive of Mar 21, 2002 Seminar (2 Hours, 15 Minutes)

Permeable Reactive Barriers for Chlorinated Solvent, Inorganic, and Radionuclide Contamination

View Archive of Mar 19, 2002 Seminar (2 Hours, 15 Minutes)

December 2000

Natural Attenuation of Chlorinated Solvents in Groundwater: Principles and Practices & Historical Case Analysis of Chlorinated Volatile Organic Compound Plumes

View Archive of Dec 13, 2000 Seminar (4 Hours, 30 Minutes)

Seminars sponsored by the Technology Acceptance and Reciprocity Partnership

October 2004

Evaluating Stormwater Technology Performance

View Archive of Oct 13, 2004 Seminar

Seminars sponsored by the U.S. EPA, Office of Solid Waste, Corrective Action Programs Branch

December 2001

Handbook of Groundwater Protection and Cleanup Policies for RCRA Corrective Action

View Archive of Dec 5, 2001 Seminar (2 Hours)

May 2000

Draft Handbook of Groundwater Policies for RCRA Corrective Action-Opportunity for Public Comment

View Archive of May 24, 2000 Seminar (1 Hour, 30 Minutes)