Cooperative Clinical Trial Award (CCTA) Program

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The Cooperative Clinical Trial Award (CCTA) Program provides an opportunity for principal proponents to work collaboratively with Veteran Affairs clinical trial and biostatistical experts to develop and complete rigorous interventional research. These clinical trials will determine treatment effectiveness and identify clinical advances that may be implemented in the VA healthcare system.

The types of clinical trials appropriate for this program include:

  1. trials typically funded by the Merit Review Award Program which require the resources of the CRCC in order to assure proper conduct of the trial, and
  2. single or multi-center trials that are smaller in scope and budget than those typically funded by the Cooperative Studies Program. CSR&D is especially interested in supporting trials that will address new treatment approaches for diseases that are especially relevant to veterans and their unique healthcare needs. Studies that address interventions for the mental and physical health consequences from military/combat experience are encouraged.

Interested researchers are encouraged to contact CSR&D Central Office with questions about the CCTA program and the type of clinical trial research the program supports.

For Scientific Questions Contact:
Terri Gleason, PhD

For Administrative Questions Contact:
Cheylynne Bosley, MS