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August 7, 2009   
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Rulemaking and Regulations

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"Rulemaking" is the term used when a government agency creates, modifies, or deletes rules in the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR). Rules are government agency statements (or parts of government agency statements) that either:

  • Implement, explain or prescribe law or policy, or
  • Describe an agency's organization, procedure, or practice requirements.

Below are links to various sources of information on the U.S. Department of Labor's (DOL) rulemaking activities and regulations.

Unified Agenda of Federal Regulations (Regulatory Agenda) — A list of all regulations expected to be reviewed or developed in the next year; usually published each April and October in the Federal Register; the Fall Agenda also includes the Department's Regulatory Plan, which has additional information on its most significant regulatory activities.

Federal Register Documents — Public regulations and legal notices issued by DOL agencies; includes text of all proposed rules, final rules, and notices published in the Federal Register.

DOL Procedures for Compliance with the Regulatory Flexibility Act and Executive Order 13272 — The purpose of the procedures is to help agencies understand and meet the requirements of the Regulatory Flexibility Act and E.O. 13272, Proper Consideration of Small Entities in Agency Rulemaking.

Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) — All current regulations pertaining to DOL programs organized by CFR chapter and responsible DOL agency.

Major Laws, Executive Orders, and Regulations Enforced by DOL — Provides easy-to-access information on how to comply with federal employment laws, regulations, and Executive Orders administered or enforced by DOL for employers, workers, job seekers, and retirees.

Employment Law Guide — Requirements of major Department of Labor laws and help for employers in determining which requirements apply to their businesses or workers.


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