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Revenue Bond Issues
Official Statement- Revenue Bonds Print
This web site contains an Official Statement, dated November 13, 2008 (the "Official Statement"), relating to the State's 911 Revenue Bonds, issued on November 13, 2008. All of such Bonds have been sold by the State and the inclusion of the Official Statement on the web site does not constitute an offer to sell or the solicitation of an offer to buy such Bonds.

The Official Statement speaks only as of its date. The Official Statement is a public record and the availability of the Official Statement on this web site shall not create any implication that there has been no change in the financial condition or operations of the State described therein since the date thereof. The State has undertaken no duty to update or correct information in the Official Statement after the date thereof, except as provided in the continuing disclosure undertaking of the State described in the Official Statement under "Appendix D - Continuing Disclosure". Interested parties should consult the most recent Economic Forecast located on the Minnesota Management & Budget web site or the nationally recognized municipal securities information repositories, the state information depository, if any, or the Municipal Securities Rulemaking Board for more recent annual financial information and operating data of the State or for notices of the occurrence of material events relating to the State's outstanding bonds, if any, all as provided further in the continuing disclosure undertaking. Budget projections for the current biennium more recent than those contained in the Official Statement, if available. Budget projections for the current biennium and financial statements of the State may be found on the Minnesota Management & Budget web site.



This web site contains the information prepared or compiled by Minnesota Management & Budget relating to the State of Minnesota General Obligation/Revenue Bonds (the "Bonds"). Interested parties should consider the information contained herein as being the information prepared by the State in respect of the Bonds. While other State agencies or branches or third parties may provide information that relates to the economy or financial condition of the State, such information should not be relied upon as being provided by the State as disclosure relating to the Bonds. Minnesota Management & Budget makes no representation or warranty as to the accuracy or completeness of any information provided by such other State agencies or branches or by third parties.

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Minnesota Management & Budget | 400 Centennial Office Building | 658 Cedar Street | Saint Paul, MN 55155
For TTY communication, contact us through the Minnesota Relay Service (MRS) at 711 or call 1-800-627-3529