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Texas Bleeding Disorders Advisory Council

NOTICES: Council is abolished September 1, 2009.
In the 81st regular session of the Texas Legislature, Senate Bill 1837 would have re-established the Texas Bleeding Disorders Advisory Council until 2013. The bill was passed through the Senate and recommended to the House of Representatives’ Public Health Committee. SB 1837 did not pass through the House. As a result, Senate Bill 1566 Section 1 expired and this council was abolished September 1, 2009. The minutes of the final August 12, 2009, meeting are posted on the Agenda & Minutes webpage.

In the 80th regular session of the Texas Legislature, Senate Bill 1566 established the Texas Bleeding Disorders Advisory Council (TBDAC). The Council is subject to Government Code, Chapter 2110, relating to state agency advisory committees.


The Council was created to advise the Department of State Health Services (DSHS), the Health and Human Services Commission, and the Texas Department of Insurance (TDI) on issues that affect the health and wellness of people living with hemophilia and other bleeding or clotting disorders including but not limited to the following:

  • legislative or administrative changes to policies and programs that affect the health and wellness of people with hemophilia and other bleeding or clotting disorders, such as access to health insurance or similar health coverage;
  • legislative or administrative changes to policies and programs that affect reimbursement for specific products, such as new payment for anti-hemophilia factor through the Medicaid program which provides access to appropriate treatment;
  • best practices in standards of care and treatment for people with hemophilia and other bleeding or clotting disorders;
  • the creation of programs based in the community that will spread information to the health care community, academic community, advocacy associations, and the public about services and activities for people living with hemophilia and other bleeding or clotting disorders; and
  • the coordination of public and private support systems for people living with hemophilia and other bleeding or clotting disorders with their primary caregivers.

The Council will present its findings and recommendations in a report due to the Governor, the Lieutenant Governor, and the Speaker of the House no later than December 1, 2008.


The Council's reports are available in Word and PDF formats:

Council Composition

The Council is made up of ten (10) voting members:

  • a physician licensed to practice medicine in the state of Texas that treats individuals with hemophilia or other bleeding or clotting disorders;
  • a licensed nurse who treats who treats individuals with hemophilia or other bleeding or clotting disorders;
  • a social worker who treats who treats individuals with hemophilia or other bleeding or clotting disorders;
  • two representatives of hemophilia treatment centers in this state, one of which is a federally-funded facility;
  • a representative of a health insurer or other health benefit plan certified by the Texas Department of Insurance;
  • a representative of a volunteer or nonprofit health organization that serves persons with hemophilia or other bleeding or clotting disorders;
  • a person who has hemophilia or a caregiver of a person with hemophilia;
  • a person who has a bleeding disorder other than hemophilia or a caregiver of a person who has a bleeding disorder other than hemophilia
  • a person who has a clotting disorder or caregiver of a person with a clotting disorder.

The Council also has seven (7) non-voting members:

  • the commissioner of DSHS or their representative;
  • the commissioner of TDI or their representative;
  • additional persons with hemophilia or other bleeding or clotting disorder or caregivers of people with hemophilia or other bleeding or clotting disorder;
  • additional persons experienced in the diagnosis, treatment, care, and support of people with hemophilia or other bleeding or clotting disorders.

The commissioners of DSHS and TDI appoint all members of the Council.

Appointment Term

The TBDAC was signed into law by the Governor of Texas, Rick Perry, on May 23, 2007. This council will serve until it expires on September 1, 2009 as stated by law.

Council members will serve indefinitely on the Council or if they resign. If there is a vacancy on the council, the commissioners of DSHS and TDI will appoint a person to serve for the remainder of the term.

Hemophilia Assistance Program

The Purchased Health Services Unit administers the Hemophilia Assistance Program to provide blood, blood derivatives, or manufactured pharmaceutical products to eligible program recipients.

Last Updated September 21, 2009

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