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Texas Asthma Control Program

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Texas Asthma Partnership Survey

In an effort to determine the effectiveness of statewide public health actions to TACP logocontrol asthma in Texas, the Texas Asthma Control Program (TACP) is conducting a survey of partners to identify success, satisfaction, and gaps in the structure and processes that will lead to reduction in hospitalizations due to asthma. Please click on the link to take the survey.

Texas Asthma Burden Report Survey

The Texas Asthma Control Program (TACP) Burden Report Cover is conducting a survey to evaluate the Texas Asthma Burden Report (2.7 MB). The results of this survey will be used to improve the information we provide to our partners and others concerned with asthma control. Please click on the link to take the survey.


Asthma is one of the most prevalent chronic diseases in Texas and a growing health concern. According to the Texas Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System Survey (BRFSS) in 2008, an estimated 2.2 million (12.2%) and 1.3 million (7.3%) adult Texans (18 years or older) had self-reported lifetime and current asthma, respectively.  Asthma affects more children than any other chronic disease and is one of the most frequent reasons for hospital admissions among children. There were 921,000 (14.3%) and 593,000 (9.2%) Texas children (0-17 years of age) with reported lifetime and current asthma, respectively. In Texas, the large number of persons affected by asthma results in major economic and social burdens. The hospitalization rate for Texas in 2007 was 10.9 per 10,000 Texas residents, accounting for more than 25,000 hospitalizations and an estimated $446.8 million in total hospital charges. From 2002 through 2006, there were a total of 1,202 deaths in Texas with a mortality rate of 1.23 per 100,000 residents.


The mission of the Texas Asthma Control Program (TACP) is to:

  • decrease preventable asthma morbidity;
  • reduce the severity of asthma symptoms; and
  • decrease the number of emergency department hospital visits and deaths due to asthma

To address the social and economic burden of asthma in Texas, TACP, through funding from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), provides data, educational materials, and other resources for health care professionals, community-based organizations, schools, and the general public on asthma control and prevention. Educational activities are provided through TACP and its grantee, the Asthma Coalition of Texas (ACT). 

In addition, TACP contracts with Baylor College of Medicine to pilot a pediatric (ages 1-18) asthma surveillance system associated with emergency department use.

Source:  Texas Asthma Burden Report

Mailing Address:
P.O. Box 149347
Austin, TX 78714-9347
Street Address:
1100 W. 49th Street, RM T-402.9
Austin, TX 78756
Questions or comments: Email


Last Updated July 29, 2009

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