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Oregon.gov Licenses, Permits and Registrations
Department of Consumer & Business Services
Detailed Information for: Encapsulated Foam Certification
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Updated: 9/10/2007
Description: An Encapsulated Foam Certification is required for all new construction projects or additions to existing structures involving polystyrene foam floatation, and certain other maintenance, alteration and repair projects as specified in the rules. These rules apply to all public and private floating structures placed on the waters of this state.
Statutes, Rules, Ordinances: ORS 830.950 - .955
OAR 250-014-0010 thru -0090
Duration: Valid for 20 years or the life of the project.
Fees - application, exam, etc.:  There are no fees associated with the Certification Form.
Responsible Agency: Marine Board
Bonding Requirements: None
Insurance Requirements: None
Application Form: Encapsulated Foam Certification
Service Links:  Online application
 Application in PDF
contact Agency Contact Information
Required Documentation: 1. Determine if a Certification Form is required for your project under Oregon's Floatation Encapsulation Rules, OAR 250-14-0010 thru -0090. (see above OAR link)

2. Complete the Encapsulated Foam Certification (in PDF format) signed by the applicant or their agent and return it to the Environmental Coordinator, Oregon State Marine Board, PO Box 14145, Salem, OR 97309-5065.

3. Please allow 10 working days for review and approval.
Additional Information: Please check here for complete information on foam encapsulation certification, approved materials and methods, and manufacturers, suppliers and contractors.

  Agency Information
Please refer to the Agency Website for further details and additional information.
Agency Name: Marine Board
E-mail Address: ashley.massey@state.or.us
Phone: 503-378-8587
Mail Address: PO Box 14145
435 Commercial ST NE #400
Salem, OR 97309 - 5065
Website Information: http://www.oregon.gov/OSMB/index.shtml

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