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The Child Care Bureau   Advanced

Child Care and Development Fund

Technical Bulletin #3r-v2

ACF-801 Case-Level Data Standards (also in Word and PDF)
Revised: July 5, 2006

This Technical Bulletin lists the data standards for the ACF-801 Child Care Case Record Form. This Form, which is submitted by States and Territories to the Child Care Bureau, includes key case-level data required by the statute governing the Child Care and Development Fund (CCDF). The data standards described here serve as the principal guideline to identify errors in case-level data. The submitting State or Territory must correct data that fail to meet these data standards.

This technical bulletin has been updated to reflect the use of CCDF funds in responding to federal or state declared emergency situations (see Information Memorandum ACYF-IM-CC-05-03—Flexibility in Spending CCDF Funds in Response to Federal or State Declared Emergency Situations - Data Element #6 has been updated to contain an additional five “Reason for Receiving Subsidized Child Care” codes. In addition, Data Element #27 “Total Expected Dollar Amount per Month to be Received by the Provider” out-of-range standard has been changed to “Greater than 0 and less than or equal to 2000”. Note that updates and/or changes to Elements #6 and #27 will become effective on 10/01/2006. The Suggestions / Guidance column has been added as an additional information resource guide to help states make their data more consistent and precise.

The data standards for each item in the ACF-801 are found in the table starting on page 2. Data Element numbers in this document relate to January 2002 and beyond submissions. The Family Size Data was introduced in January of 2002. Consequently, Data Element numbers for pre-January 2002 submissions will differ by one beginning with the Data Element of Family Size.

I., II. Data Element # and Name: The first two columns list the number and name of each item that must be reported. These items reference the ACF-801 Child Care Case Record Form (see ACYF-PI-CC-01-02). For example, the first item of the table, “1. Sample Month/Year of Report Period”, is the date of the reporting period. It is located in Section I, row 1 of the ACF-801 form.

III. Field Size: The third column lists the size (number of digits or characters) of the Data Element. Any response that does not use all of the available digits should be right aligned and padded with zeroes. For example, for the seventh row of the table, item “7”, the Field Size is 4. If the value were $150, it would be entered as 0150 so that it contains 4 digits.

IV. Missing Data Standard: The fourth column indicates whether or not the Data Element is required.

V. Out of Range Standard: The fifth column indicates the acceptable range of data values. All values must occur within this range. For example, for the sixth row of the table, element "6: Reason for Receiving Subsidized Child Care”, the value must occur within the range of 0 to 9. Values less than 0 or greater than 9 are in error.

VI. Internal Consistency Standard: The sixth column lists the standards for consistency among related elements. All of these standards are intuitively logical relationships. For example, the value of element "1. Sample Month/Year of Report Period” must be later than or equal to the value of elements number 8 (Month/Year Child Care Assistance Started) and 25 (Month/Year of Birth).

VII. Suggestions / Guidance: This column has been added as an additional information resource guide.



Data Element Name

Field Size

Missing Data Standard

Out-of-Range Standard

Internal Consistency Standard

Suggestions / Guidance


Sample Month/Year of Report Period


Always required.

Format YYYYMM :

1998 <= YYYY <= current year

01 <= MM <= 12

(For 1998 04 <= MM <= 12).

This Element must be:
- later than or equal to the date entered in Element 8 (Month/Year Child Care Assistance to Family Started)
- later than or equal to the date entered Element 25 (Month/Year of Birth).

This element should be equal to the ACF-801 Monthly Summary Record's Report Period Field (See Technical Bulletin #4).


Unique Identification Case Number

(Optional Element prior to October 2000)


Before October 2000 : Not required.

October 2000 and after : Required if Element 3 (Family SSN) is not reported.

All characters allowed.

Before October 2000 : No internal consistency standard.

October 2000 and after : If Element 3 (Family SSN) is not reported, then this Element must be reported and must uniquely identify the family over time (i.e., each monthly submission).

If identifier is less than fifteen digits, use leading zeros. For example, 19056 should be coded as 000000000019056.


Social Security Number

(Required Element prior to October 2000)


Before October 2000 : Required.

October 2000 and after : Optional.

All valid SSNs allowed.
--if child SSN, then all characters allowed

Current rules on Invalid SSNs:

No 000-xx-xxxx, 666-xx-xxxx, 800-xx-xxxx, 900-xx-xxxx, xxx-00-xxxx, xxx-xx-0000 SSNs;

No SSNs between 728-xx-xxxx and 763-xx-xxxx;

No SSNs between 766-xx-xxxx and 799-xx-xxxx.

Before October 2000 : If the answer to Element 5 (Single Parent) = 9, then Element 3 (Head of Household SSN) must equal Element 16 (Child SSN).

October 2000 and after : No internal consistency standard.

States are reminded that CCDF eligibility may not be denied because a parent chooses not to provide their Social Security Number. (See ACYF-PI-CC-00-04 issued October 27, 2000). The Bureau requires that SSN's of children in protective service cases be reported in place of the head of the family (element #3), if a SSN is provided. If no SSN is provided, the unique identifier identifies the child, not the head of the family. This requirement ensures that the system will not generate missing data error messages and allows the system to match for longitudinal research studies.




Always required.

Valid 5 digit FIPS code.

No internal consistency standard.

Enter the FIPS Code for the Family.   Do not enter the FIPS Code for the Provider.

If the address of the head of the family is unknown, leave the county FIPS code blank.


Single Parent


Always required.

0 - 1, 9:
0 = No;
1 = Yes
9 = Not applicable; child is reported as head of household.

Before October 2000 : If this Element is coded 9, then the following internal consistencies must hold:
- Element 3 (Head of Household SSN) must equal Element 16 (Child SSN )
- Element #6 (Reason for Receiving Care) is equal to 4 (protective services).

October 2000 and after : If this Element is coded 9, then the following internal consistency must hold: Element 6 (Reason for Receiving Care) is equal to 4 (protective services).

October 2006 and after: If this Element is coded 9, then the following internal consistency must hold: Element 6 (Reason for Receiving Care) is equal to 4 (protective services) or 9 (protective services during a national emergency).

Enter the one digit code indicating if the head of the family receiving assistance is single or not.

Note that a zero is used for a specific reason; for "unknown/not reported" use a blank or space.



Reason for Receiving Subsidized Child Care


Always required.

Before October 2006:

1 = Employment, including on-the-job training,
2 = Training/Education;
3 = Both Employment and Training/Education;
4 = Protective Services;
5 = Other;

October 2006 and after:

1 = Employment, including on-the-job training ,
2 = Training/Education;
3 = Both Employment and Training/Education;
4 = Protective Services;
5 = Other;
6 = Federal Declared Emergency and Employment, including on-the-job training;
7 = Federal Declared Emergency and Training/Education;
8 = Federal Declared Emergency and Both Employment and Training/Education;
9 = Federal Declared Emergency and Protective Services;
0 = Federal Declared Emergency and Other.

No internal consistency standard.


Enter the one digit code indicating the reason for receiving subsidized child care. If more than one category applies, chose the primary reason. However, if the primary reason for care is "Other", then the second reason for care should be given. "Other" should not be used as an option unless none of the other options apply and should not be used to report missing data.

Except under some unusual circumstances, if Data Element 6 is 1 ,   3 , 6,   8 (involving employment), Data Element 9 (Total Monthly Income for Determining Eligibility) should not be zero, and Data Element 10 ( Employment Income, Including Self - Employment ) should be 1. 

Note that a zero is used for a specific reason; for "unknown/not reported" use a blank or space


Total Monthly Child Care Copayment by Family


Required if Element #6 is 1, 2, 3, 5 , 6, 7, 8, or 0.

Before October 2006:

0 - 1000

October 2006 and after:

Greater than or equal to 0 and less than or equal to 2000

This field must be:
- less than the sum of Element 27 (Total Expected Dollar Amount per Month to be Received by the Provider) for all the children in the family.
-less than or equal to Element 9 (Total Monthly Income)

Enter the total monthly dollar amount (to the nearest dollar) that the family receiving assistance must pay for child care services for the month being reported, using leading zeros as necessary. If co-pay is assigned by the state on a per-child basis, this element must be the sum of all the co-payments.

If Element 7 (Total Monthly Child Care Copayment by Family) is "unknown/not reported" do not use zero fill, use a blank or space.



Month/Year Child Care Assistance to Family Started


Always required.

Format YYYYMM:

1970 <= YYYY <= current year

01 <= MM <= 12

This field must be earlier than or equal to the date entered in the Element 1 (Sample Month/Year of Report Period).




Data Element Name

Field Size

Missing Data Standard

Out-of-Range Standard

Internal Consistency Standard

Suggestions / Guidance


Total Monthly Income for Determining Eligibility


Required if Element #6 is 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, or 0.

0 - to maximum allowed by the state.

This field must be greater than or equal to the amount entered in Element 7 (Total Monthly Child Care Copayment for the Family).

The dollar amount is rounded to the nearest dollar using leading zeros as necessary.

If, on a case-by-case basis, income is not used to determine eligibility for protective service, this does not have to be reported.

Except for unusual circumstances, if   Element 9 is greater than zero, then Element 10 should be 1 (Yes).

If Element 9 (Total Monthly Income for Determining Eligibility) is "unknown/not reported" do not use zero fill, use a blank or space.



Employment Income, Including Self - Employment (Yes/No)


Required if Element #6 is 1, 2, 3, 5 , 6, 7, 8, or 0.

0 - 1:
0 = No;
1 = Yes.

No internal consistency standard.

If, on a case-by-case basis, income is not used to determine eligibility for protective service, this does not have to be reported.

Except for unusual circumstances, if Data Element 10 is 1 (Yes), Data Element 9 should be greater than zero.

Note that a zero is used for a specific reason; for "unknown/not reported" use a blank or space


Cash or Other Monetary Assistance under Title IV of the Social Security Act (TANF)   (Yes/No)


Required if Element #6 is 1, 2, 3, 5 , 6, 7, 8, or 0.

0 - 1:
0 = No;
1 = Yes.

No internal consistency standard.

If, on a case-by-case basis, income is not used to determine eligibility for protective service, this does not have to be reported.

Except for unusual circumstances, if Data Element 10 is 1 (Yes), Data Element 9 should be greater than zero.

Note that a zero is used for a specific reason; for "unknown/not reported" use a blank or space.



State Program for which State Spending is Counted Towards TANF MOE   (Yes/No)


Required if Element #6 is 1, 2, 3, 5 , 6, 7, 8, or 0.

0 - 1:
0 = No;
1 = Yes.

No internal consistency standard.

Enter the one digit code indicating whether the family receives state spending money counted towards TANF MOE. States will need to consult with their TANF program to determine which programs are used for TANF MOE in their state, since these programs differ from state to state.

If, on a case-by-case basis, income is not used to determine eligibility for protective service, this does not have to be reported.

Note that a zero is used for a specific reason; for "unknown/not reported" use a blank or space.



Housing Voucher or Cash Assistance


Required if Element #6 is 1, 2, 3, 5 , 6, 7, 8, or 0.

0 - 1:
0 = No;
1 = Yes.

No internal consistency standard.

If, on a case-by-case basis, income is not used to determine eligibility for protective service, this does not have to be reported.

Note that a zero is used for a specific reason; for "unknown/not reported" use a blank or space.



Assistance under the Food Stamps Act of 1977


Required if Element #6 is 1, 2, 3, 5 , 6, 7, 8, or 0.

0 - 1:
0 = No;
1 = Yes.

No internal consistency standard.

If, on a case-by-case basis, income is not used to determine eligibility for protective service, this does not have to be reported.

Note that a zero is used for a specific reason; for "unknown/not reported" use a blank or space.



Other Federal Cash Income (for Example SSI)


Required if Element #6 is 1, 2, 3, 5 , 6, 7, 8, or 0.

0 - 1:
0 = No;
1 = Yes.

No internal consistency standard.

If, on a case-by-case basis, income is not used to determine eligibility for protective service, this does not have to be reported.

Note that a zero is used for a specific reason; for "unknown/not reported" use a blank or space.



Family Size


Before January 2002 : Data Element does not exist.

January 2002 and after : Required.

Before January 2002 : None.

January 2002 and after : 1-99.

Before January 2002 : None.

January 2002 and after : If Element 5 (Single Parent) = 9, then this Element must =1 ;

If Element 5 (Single Parent) is not = 9, then this Element must be greater than or equal to the number of children receiving services + 1.

Enter the two digit value indicating the number in the eligible family.

Except for unusual circumstances , if Element 5 (Single Parent) is 0 then this element should be greater than or equal to the number of children receiving services plus 2.

Except for unusual circumstances , if Element 5 (Single Parent) is 1 then this element should be greater than or equal to the number of children receiving services plus 1.




Data Element Name

Field Size

Missing Data Standard

Out-of-Range Standard

Internal Consistency Standard

Suggestions / Guidance


Child Social Security Number ( Optional Element )


Not required.

All characters allowed.

Before Oct 2000 : If the answer to Element 5 = 9, then Element 3 (Head of Household SSN) must equal Element 16 (Child SSN).

Oct 2000 and after : No internal consistency standard.

The social security number uniquely identifies the child. Enter the nine digit Social Security Number of the child. It is recommended that if there is a unique identifier less than or equal to 9 characters for the child, then include it.


Hispanic or Latino (Ethnicity)


Before FY 2000: Phased-in requirement.

(See Internal Consistency Standard.)

Effective FY 2000: Always required.

0 - 1:
0 = No
1 = Yes

Before FY 2000 : At least one of Elements 18 through 23 must be answered "Yes" (equal to 1).

FY 2000 and after : No internal consistency standard.

Enter the one digit code for the ethnicity of each child. Ethnicity must be determined for every child.

OMB has requested a change to the child race definitions to comply with the new Census Bureau definitions of race published in the Federal Register of October 30, 1997. These new definitions are incorporated in the final version of the ACF-801 Form and Instructions.

For further information concerning ethnicity, view the OMB Revision initiated in 1997.

Leave the field blank as "missing" data for those that refused to report their race. This is the same way "unknown" is reported.

Note that a zero is used for a specific reason; for "unknown/not reported" use a blank or space.



American Indian or Alaskan Native (race)


Before FY 2003 : Phased-in requirement.

(See Internal Consistency Standard.)

Effective FY 2003: Always required.

0 - 1:
0 = No;
1 = Yes.

Before FY 2000 : At least one of Elements 18 through 23 must be answered "Yes" (equal to 1).

FY 2000 and after : At least one of Elements 19 through 23 must be answered "Yes" (equal to 1).

Enter the one digit code indicating whether the child's race is American Indian or Alaskan Native.

Note that a zero is used for a specific reason; for "unknown/not reported" use a blank or space.



Asian (race)


Before FY 2003 : Phased-in requirement.

(See Internal Consistency Standard.)

Effective FY 2003: Always required.

0 - 1:
0 = No;
1 = Yes.

Before FY 2000: At least one of Elements 18 through 23 must be answered "Yes" (equal to 1).

FY 2000 and after : At least one of Elements 19 through 23 must be answered "Yes" (equal to 1).

Enter the one digit code indicating whether the child's race is Asian.

Note that a zero is used for a specific reason; for "unknown/not reported" use a blank or space.



Black or African American (race)


Before FY 2003 : Phased-in requirement.

(See Internal Consistency Standard.)

Effective FY 2003: Always required.

0 - 1:
0 = No;
1 = Yes.

Before FY 2000 : At least one of Elements 18 through 23 must be answered "Yes" (equal to 1).

FY 2000 and after : At least one of Elements 19 through 23 must be answered "Yes" (equal to 1).

Enter the one digit code indicating whether the child's race is Black or African American.

Note that a zero is used for a specific reason; for "unknown/not reported" use a blank or space.



Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander (race)


Before FY 2003 : Phased-in requirement.

(See Internal Consistency Standard.)

Effective FY 2003: Always required.

0 - 1:
0 = No;
1 = Yes.

Before FY 2000 : At least one of Elements 18 through 23 must be answered "Yes" (equal to 1).

FY 2000 and after : At least one of Elements 19 through 23 must be answered "Yes" (equal to 1).

Enter the one digit code indicating whether the child's race is Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander.

Note that a zero is used for a specific reason; for "unknown/not reported" use a blank or space.



White (race)


Before FY 2003 : Phased-in requirement.

(See Internal Consistency Standard.)

Effective FY 2003: Always required.

0 - 1:
0 = No;
1 = Yes.

Before FY 2000 : At least one of Elements 18 through 23 must be answered "Yes" (equal to 1).

FY 2000 and after : At least one of Elements 19 through 23 must be answered "Yes" (equal to 1).

Enter the one digit code indicating whether the child's race is white.

Note that a zero is used for a specific reason; for "unknown/not reported" use a blank or space.



Child Gender


Always required.

1 - 2:
1 = Male;
2 = Female.

No internal consistency standard.

Enter the one digit code indicating the sex of the child.


Month/Year of Birth


Always required.

Format YYYYMM:

01 <= MM <= 12

current year - Maximum age of child from State look-up table <= YYYY <= current year

This Element must be earlier than or equal to the date entered in Element 1 (Sample Month/Year of Report Period).

The child's date of birth must be the same as or earlier than the date the family started receiving subsidy child care, since a child cannot be cared for until he/she is born.


Type of Child Care


Always required.

01 - 11:
01=Licensed/regulated in-home child care;
02=Licensed/regulated family child care;
03=Licensed/regulated group home child care;
04=Licensed/regulated center-based care;
05=Legally operating in-home care provided by a non-relative;
06=Legally operating in-home care provided by a relative;
07=Legally operating family child care provided by a non-relative;
08=Legally operating family child care provided by a relative;
09=Legally operating group home child care provided by a non-relative;
10=Legally operating group home child care provided by a relative;
11=Legally operating center-based care.

No internal consistency standard.

The age limit requirements have been dropped for reporting purposes only. (Reminder: A relative under 18 cannot be exempt by the state from meeting health and safety standards.)

For reporting purposes, a legally operating, unregulated provider is one which, if not participating in the CCDF program, would not be subject to any state or local child care regulations . According to section 98.2(x) of the Child Care Development Block Grant regulations, "Licensing or regulatory requirements means requirements necessary for a provider to legally provide child care services in a state or locality, including registration requirements established under state, local or tribal law...."


Total Expected Dollar Amount per Month to be Received by the Provider


Always required.

Before October 2006:

0 - 1000

October 2006 and after:

Greater than 0 and less than or equal to 2000

No internal consistency standard.

For each child receiving care, enter the total monthly dollar amount (round to the nearest dollar and use leading zeros as necessary) paid or expected to be paid to the provider for the care of the child including co-payment Round this amount to the nearest dollar.

The value for Element 27 (Total Expected Dollar Amount per Month to be Received by the Provider) has increased from 1000 to 2000.


Total Hours of Child Care During the Month


Always required.

1 - (12 times the number of days in reporting month)

No internal consistency standard.

Enter the number for the total number of hours provided in the reporting period (round to the nearest whole number and use leading zeros as necessary). For example, September has 30 days, so the maximum acceptable total hours of child care for that month would be 12 x 30 = 360.