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Nonpoint Source Pollution
About Nonpoint Source Pollution

Nonpoint source pollution (NPS) comes from runoff, such as rainfall or snowmelt, moving over and through the ground, picking up pollutants as it goes. Some of these pollutants occur naturally, such as nutrients from sediments, manure or pet wastes; others are manmade, such as fertilizers or automotive grease. Nonpoint source pollution is a major cause of water quality problems both in Massachusetts and nationwide.

What is Nonpoint Source Pollution?

Basic information and links to further resources
US EPA Web site

What You Can Do to Prevent NPS Pollution
US EPA Web site


Stormwater management is an integral part of nonpoint source pollution control.
Web page

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The Clean Water Toolkit - NPS Management Manual

The Clean Water Toolkit - February 2006

Also known as the Massachusetts Nonpoint Source Pollution Management Manual, the Toolkit is in interactive electronic PDF format. It includes information about nonpoint source pollution, a selector tool for choosing appropriate best management practices by criteria and alphabetically, and instructions. The Toolkit is accessible on the Web or as a CD ROM.
GeoSyntec Web site

National Menu of Stormwater Best Management Practices - from US EPA

This page provides links to EPA facts sheets about additional Best Management Practices (BMPs) that were not included in the Clean Water Toolkit. These BMPs are equally effective for treatment and mitigation of point source or nonpoint source pollution.

EPA National Menu of Best Management Practices
Fact sheets about the BMPs listed below and many others
US EPA Web site

Compost blankets
US EPA Web site

Filter Berms
US EPA Web site

Filter Socks
US EPA Web site

Porous Pavement
US EPA Web site

Low Impact Development
US EPA Web site

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Massachusetts Watershed Based Plans

The Massachusetts Watershed-based Plan (WBP) is an interactive, web-based tool that organizes information by subwatershed. The purpose is to present this information in a format that will enhance the development and implementation of projects that will restore water quality and beneficial uses in the Commonwealth. The WBP follows EPA's recommended format and is presented consistent with Massachusetts's twenty-seven major planning basins.
Web page

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Nonpoint Source Pollution Management Plan

The Massachusetts Nonpoint Source Management Plan sets forth an integrated strategy and identifies programs and resources to prevent, control, and reduce pollution from nonpoint sources to protect and improve the quality of our waters.

Volume I: Strategic Summary
MS Word 843 KB | PDF 2.6 MB
Volume II: The Nonpoint Source Program and the Watershed Initiative
MS Word 781 KB | PDF 1.6 MB
Volume III: The Statewide Plan and Goals
MS Word 2.3 MB | PDF 3 MB
Volume IV: Nonpoint Source Strategies
MS Word 217 KB | PDF 162 KB
Action Strategies
MS Excel 2.7 MB | PDF 1.1 MB

Proposed Revisions to Nonpoint Source Management Plan Vols. I and III and Proposed New Vol. V

Revisions related to proposed revisions to 310 CMR 44.00, the Clean Water State Revolving Fund regulations
MS Word 57 KB | PDF 32 KB

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Education in Pollution Prevention

Fertilizing the Lawn

How fertilizer products can contribute to nonpoint source pollution.
Web page

Motor Oil

Proper management and disposal of waste motor oil.
Web page

Car Washing

Preventing nonpoint source pollution from car-washing runoff.
Web page

Managing Pet Waste

Proper disposal of pet wastes.
Web page

"Troubled Waters": Stormwater Pollution & Phase II

The National Pollution Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) for stormwater regulation.
Web page

"Give Your Lake the Blues"

Educational brochure for the general public, community and watershed stakeholders on nonpoint source pollution in lakes and ponds.
Web page

Horsekeeping Brochures

Nine (9) educational brochures for horse owners, watershed stakeholders and the general public on horsekeeping best management practices to protect water quality.
Web page

Unpaved Roads

Best Management Practices for construction and maintenance of unpaved roads, prepared for DEP by the Berkshire Regional Planning Commission with funds from the s.319 Nonpoint Source Pollution Grants Program. September 2001.
MS Word 1.4 MB | PDF 1.5 MB

Lawns & Landscapes in Your Watershed

Lawn care in an environmentally sensitive way can be achieved by following the information provided in this brochure. Easy tips and good reference sources are provided. Revised February 2004.
Web page | PDF 271 KB

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Related Links & Additional Resources

Grants & Financial Assistance

General information about funding and MassDEP grant programs, including ss. 319 & 604 Indicative Summaries and Grantees Guide, outlining reporting and administrative procedures for grant recipients
Web page


Current and previous 319 & 604 RFRs on the Massachusetts state contracts portal.
Com-Pass Web site
(Go to Solicitations>Browse Solicitations>select Open or Closed>By Entity/Department>Department of Environmental Protection)

Resources from Massachusetts Executive Office of Energy & Environmental Affairs

Generic Environmental Impact Report (GEIR) for control of aquatic plants in lakes and ponds
EOEEA Web site

Low Impact Development (LID)
LID is an approach to environmentally friendly land use planning that attempts to maintain the natural, pre-developed ability of a site to manage rainfall.
EOEEA Web site

Water Well-Being - Massachusetts Department of Food & Agriculture

DFA's resources on responsible pesticide and fertilizer use and water conservation.
DFA Web site

US EPA Section 319 Clean Water Act Information

Includes Nonpoint Source Program and Grants Guidelines for States and Territories (Oct. 23, 2003)
US EPA Web site

Massachusetts Water Quality Standards

Regulations governing water quality
Web page

TARP Protocol

Stormwater Best Management Practice Demonstration Tier II Protocol for Interstate Reciprocity. Published by the Massachusetts Technology Acceptance and Reciprocity Partnership (TARP).
Web page

TMDL Reports & Integrated List of Waters

Draft and Final TMDL analyses and the Integrated List of Waters
Web page

Other watershed publications

Includes a list of available Diagnostic/Feasibility studies
Web page

Stormwater and Nonpoint Source Pollution

Information from New Jersey's Department of Environmental Protection
NJ DEP Web site

University of Massachusetts Stormwater Technology Clearinghouse

Provides a searchable database of third-party verified information about stormwater technologies
UMass Web site

The University of New Hampshire Stormwater Center

This field research facility serves as a site for testing stormwater treatment processes, technology demonstrations, and workshops.
UNH Web site

Water Quality Assessment Reports

MassDEP surveys watersheds throughout the state and issues reports on their ecological health.
Web page

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