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Oregon.gov Licenses, Permits and Registrations
Department of Consumer & Business Services
Detailed Information for: Energy - Federal
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Updated: 5/2/2008
Description: Nuclear Energy
A. Compliance Guides for Materials Licenses by Volume Number - U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission
    Vol 1 Portable Gauge Licenses
    Vol 2 Industrial Radiography Licenses
    Vol 4 Fixed Gauge Licenses
    Vol 5 Self-Shielded Irradiator Licenses
    Vol 6 10CFR Par 36 Irradiator Licenses
    Vol 7 Academic, Research and Development, and Other Licenses of Limited Scope
    Vol 8 Exempt Distribution Licenses
    Vol 9 Medical Use Licenses
    Vol 10 Master Materials Licenses
    Vol 11 Licenses of Broad Scope
    Vol 12 Possession Licenses for Manufacturing and Distribution
    Vol 13 Commercial Radiopharmacy Licenses
    Vol 14 Well Logging, Tracer, and Field Flood Study Licenses
    Vol 16 Licenses Authorizing Distribution to General Licensees
    Vol 17 Licenses for Special Nuclear Material of Less than Critical Mass
    Vol 18 Service Provider Licenses

B. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Licensing Fees
    Nuclear Reactor
      Operator Licensing
      New Reactor Licensing

    Nuclear Materials
      Licensing use or transport of nuclear materials or to operate a nuclear facility
      Decommissioning - removing a nuclear facility safely from service and reducing residual radioactivity to permitted level
        a. Manufacture of spent fuel casks
        b. Transportation packages for nuclear materials
        c. Sealed sources and devices
        d. To operate a gaseous diffusion plant

    Radioactive Waste
      a. Low-level Waste Disposal
      b. High-level Waste Disposal
      c. Storage of Spent Nuclear Fuel
      d. Transportation of Spent Nuclear Fuel
Statutes, Rules, Ordinances: CFR Title 10
Duration: Varies
Fees - application, exam, etc.:  Schedule of Materials License Fees
Schedule of Facility Fees
Responsible Agency: Federal
Service Links: contact Agency Contact Information
Additional Information: Ask the Federal Government a Question

Federal Contacts

  Agency Information
Please refer to the Agency Website for further details and additional information.
Agency Name: Federal
Contact Page: http://business.gov/appmanager/bg/main?_nfpb=true&_pageLabel=bg_page_compContacts#bg_page_compContacts
Phone: or 800-333-4636 (toll-free in Oregon)
Mail Address: FirstGov Team, US Gen. Services Admin, Suite G-142
1800F Street, NW
Washington, DC 20405
Website Information: http://business.gov

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