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Air Pollution Information

ERMS - Cleaner Air, Reduced Cost

Emissions Reduction Market System

What Is ERMS?

Note: In June 2009, updates were made to the Online Transaction Requests application. If this is your first visit since then, please read the troubleshooting page before using the ERMS Online Transaction Requests application, or if you are encountering problems using it.

The ERMS is a "cap and trade" market system in which participating sources must hold "trading units" for their actual VOM emissions.  Each year, starting with the 2000 ozone season, participating sources will be issued trading units based on the initial allotment set during issuance of the sources' Clean Air Act Permit Program (CAAPP) permit. For more detailed information, see the ERMS Overview page.

A second ERMS Account Officer Training session was scheduled for April 17, 2009.

The 2009 ERMS Allotments are now available. The allocation was performed on April 2, 2009.

Download the ERMS rule at the Illinois Pollution Control Board's website: Word version or PDF version.

Having trouble with ERMS? ERMS troubleshooting assistance is available.

Please check the News & Items of Interest page for the latest updates and information on the ERMS program.

Air Menu

About the Bureau of Air
Annual Emission Report (AER)
Air Quality Information
Vehicle Emissions Testing
Partners for Clean Air
Permitting of Air Pollution Sources
Open Burning Permits
Emissions Reduction Market System (ERMS)
Asbestos Program
Other Bureau of Air Programs
NOx SIP Call and CAIR NOx Trading Programs
Illinois Green Fleets
MACT Training
Illinois Clean School Bus Program
Regulatory Development of Key Rules (CAIR/Mercury)
Illinois Climate Change Advisory Group
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