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House Bill 645 Local Government Infrastructure Grant Program

House Bill 645, the Montana Reinvestment Act passed by the 2009 Legislature, provided:

You can click on the appropriate link above to read the list of authorized projects and grant amounts for counties, cities, and towns as authorized in HB 645.

All of us at the Department of Commerce are anxious to make these funds available as soon as possible for local projects that will put Montanans back to work addressing critical local needs, while stimulating both Montana's and the Nation's economy. We look forward to working with you to make your infrastructure project a success.

Click on the links for other topics:

Applicable State Laws and Regulations

All the standard state statutes and regulations will apply to the use of these funds, such as current state laws for bidding thresholds and procedures.  Federal requirements, such as Davis-Bacon prevailing wage rates, do not apply to HB 645 local infrastructure projects.  State prevailing wage rates, often referred to as “Little Davis-Bacon” wage rates, will apply in situations where they are currently applicable. 

Federal requirements applicable to projects funded directly under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) DO NOT apply to projects funded through House Bill 645, the Montana Reinvestment Act passed by the 2009 Legislature, with the exception of the reporting and accountability requirements of the ARRA.  The reporting and accountability requirements are applicable, as described under Reporting Requirements at the bottom of this webpage, as mandated by Section 54 of House Bill 645.

If local officials have questions on compliance issues, such as procurement, we suggest that they refer to the Administrative Manual for Treasure State Endowment Program (TSEP) projects, which provides a summary of the state requirements that apply to local infrastructure projects that are using state funds only.

Please see: for the text of the TSEP Administrative Manual.

Procedure Used to Calculate Grant Amounts

There has been some confusion among local officials caused by the changes in the bill as it worked its way through the Legislature. As HB 645 left the House, it included a list of projects for all counties and municipalities with a specific dollar amount listed for the grant for each local government. The Senate struck the specific amount for each project and instead substituted alternate language that tied the allocations to each local government to the formula used by the Montana Department of Transportation to distribute gasoline taxes.

The amounts of the final allocations for cities and towns and counties shown on this webpage may be different from the amounts that were included in earlier versions of HB 645 because of the application of this formula. In addition, HB 645 was amended to provide that “The department (of Commerce) may retain 1.13% of the amount of the grants to counties, cities, towns, tribal governments, and school districts for administrative purposes.”

As a result, the initial allocation for each local government using the gas tax formula was reduced by 1.13% to provide funding for the administration of the local government grant program. The final figures in the Excel spreadsheets on this webpage reflect the adjustments for program administration by the Department of Commerce, as calculated by the Governor’s Office of Budget and Program Planning.

of Contracts between Department of Commerce and Local Government

The Department will need to prepare a contract with each local government prior to disbursing the funds. The contract will lay out all the financial and job creation reporting and compliance issues consistent with the requirements of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA). Each local government will need to provide a budget breakdown and implementation schedule using the fill-in the-blanks templates provided on this website).

Governor Brian Schweitzer intends to assure that all the Montana Reinvestment Act projects comply with the spirit and intent of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) for transparency and accountability. The contract will include required the monthly financial and job creation reporting and compliance issues consistent with the requirements of the ARRA.

Department of Commerce staff hope to keep the contracting process as simple as we can since Department staff will have to prepare contracts for 185 counties and municipalities.

Incurring Costs

On May 29, 2009, Department of Commerce Director, Anthony J. Preite, sent a letter to all Montana counties, cities, and towns which authorized local governments to begin incurring eligible costs for their HB 645 projects as of May 14th, the date Governor Schweitzer signed HB 645 and the law became effective. No costs related to a HB 645 local government grant can be incurred or reimbursed for activities that take place prior to that date. Funds will be provided to local governments once a contract for the grant is signed between the local government and the Department of Commerce.

Financial Management

A standard requirement for receipt of federal funds is that the recipient entity's financial management system must meet generally accepted accounting principles. For all local governments that are in compliance with the State's audit and annual financial reporting requirements, the Department of Commerce intends to disburse the HB 645 local government grant funds on a 90/10 basis: 90% of the local government’s HB 645 grant amount will be provided to the local government upon the signing of the contract by both parties: the balance will be sent when the local government has provided all the final reporting information required by the ARRA requirements. We believe that this is consistent with the Obama Administration's emphasis on transparency and accountability for the use of stimulus funds and Governor Schweitzer’s commitment to comply with the spirit of the ARRA.

Changing the Scope of a HB 645 Infrastructure Project

If local governments need to change the scope of work for their grant project from that specified in HB 645 (see Section 57 (3)(2)(c)i-vii, pages 45-48) the law outlines the procedure for that:

3) The governing body of a county, city, or town may choose to propose to the department of commerce an alternate project to those listed in subsections (2)(a) and (2)(b) based on the criteria in subsection (2)(c). If the alternate project meets the criteria in subsection (2)(c), the Department shall approve the project.

The criteria of subsection (2)(c) include:

(i) designing, erecting, repairing, and remodeling public buildings or making energy efficiency improvements to public buildings;

(ii) designing, constructing, and repairing sewers, storm sewers, sewage treatment and disposal plants, waterworks, and reservoirs;

(iii) designing, constructing, and repairing bridges, docks, wharves, breakwaters, and piers;

(iv) designing, constructing, reconstructing, improving, maintaining, and repairing roads;

(v) acquiring, opening, or widening any street and improving the street by designing, constructing, reconstructing, and repairing pavement, gutters, sidewalks, curbs, and vehicle parking strips;

(vi) designing, building, renovating, and equipping parks and other recreation facilities; and

(vii) installing street lighting.

If a local government needs to change the scope of work for their Local Government Infrastructure Grant project from that specified in HB 645, they can submit a request for the change  by mail, e-mail, or FAX. The letter should describe the rationale for the change in the scope of work and how the alternate scope of work is consistent with one of the seven criteria listed above, i through vii. The request will become an attachment to the contract. Requests should be submitted to the address shown below.


Budget and Implementation Schedule

Below are links to the formats for the HB 645 Local Government Infrastructure Grant Budget and the Implementation Schedule that local officials can download, fill out, and e-mail back to us so we can prepare the contract for their project.

House Bill 645 Project Budget And Implementation Schedule Formats(pdf)

House Bill 645 Project Budget And Implementation Schedule Formats (Word)

Regarding the implementation schedule, please be aware that HB 645 states:

A recipient of funds under this section must expend the funds by September 30, 2010. Unexpended funds must revert to the state and be deposited in the state general fund.

The completed Grant Budget and the Implementation Schedule should be submitted to the address shown below.


Name and Title of Signatory for the Grant Contract

In addition, please provide the proper legal name and title of your local government’s chief elected official or chief executive officer who will be signing the contract for your grant. This will be incorporated in the signature block for the contract.

Copies of your budget, implementation, and the proper legal name and title of your local government’s chief elected official or chief executive officer who will be signing the contract for your grant should be either e-mailed to:

or mailed to:

HB 645 Local Government Infrastructure Grants
Community Development Division
Montana Department of Commerce
PO Box 200523
301 South Park Avenue
Helena, MT 59620-0523

Reporting Requirements

(a) Monthly Recovery Funds Reports. Local officials can download, fill out, and e-mail back the completed reporting form (pdf format) back to the Department of Commerce so we can provide your project information to the Governor’s Office.

No later than the first Friday of each month during the term of this Agreement, grant recipients must report cumulatively, at a minimum, for itself and all contractors, subcontractors, and subrecipient entities, the following information:


(1) The dollar amount of all contractor invoices;

(2) The supplies delivered and the services performed;


(3) An assessment of the completion status of the work;


(4) An estimate of the number of jobs created and the number of jobs retained as a result of the Recovery funds; and


“Jobs created” means the cumulative new positions created and filled, or previously existing unfilled positions that are filled, for each project, as a running total over the life of the project, expressed as “full time equivalent” (FTE), calculated cumulatively as all hours worked (jobs created cumulative work hours) divided by the total number of hours in a full time schedule, as defined by the grant recipient.

“Jobs retained” means the cumulative previously existing filled positions that are saved/retained for each project, as a running total over the life of the project, expressed as FTE, calculated cumulatively as all hours worked (jobs saved cumulative work hours) divided by the total number of hours in a full time schedule, as defined by the Grant recipient.


Job counts should be converted to full-time equivalents. Temporary construction jobs should also be converted to annualized full-time equivalents. For example, 20 full time jobs on a three month project count as 5 full-time equivalent annualized jobs


(5) Name and physical location of all contractors, subcontractors, and subrecipient entities engaged in any of the activities described in Section 7 of the contract, SCOPE OF WORK.


(b) Quarterly Progress Reports. During the term of their HB 645 Local Government Infrastructure Grant projects, grant recipients will need to submit periodic project progress reports to the Department within 30 days of the end of each calendar quarter. These reports will describe the status of the activities set forth in Section 7 of their contract, SCOPE OF WORK, including, at a minimum, the percentage completed, costs incurred, funds remaining, and projected completion date. The report must also describe any significant problems encountered in carrying out the Project and the scope of any necessary modifications the grant recipient is requesting in the SCOPE OF WORK, BUDGET, or Project Implementation Schedule. Timely quarterly reports are extremely important to the Department’s ability to submit its reports to the Governor’s Office of Budget and Program Planning for the reporting requirements of the Montana Reinvestment Act funds. The Department, at its discretion, may decline to honor the final 10% Request for Payment if the required quarterly progress report has not been submitted to or approved by the Department. 


(c) Project Completion Report. Upon completion of the final Project, the grant recipient will submit a final Project Completion Report to the Department. The Project Completion Report will describe the total costs incurred for the Project, identify the final completion date, summarize any significant problems encountered in carrying out the Project, and provide the final Recovery Funds information for each item set forth in paragraph (b) in this Section. Within 15 days of receiving the Project Completion Report, the Department will issue the Notice of Project Close-out.

The format for the Project Completion Report will be available soon on this website.

If you have any questions regarding the HB 645 Local Government Grants, contact:

Dave Cole, Administrator
Community Development Division

Phone: 406.841.2776
FAX: 406.841.2771


Visit the Federal web site for more information on the American Recovery & Reinvestment Act (ARRA)

For information on Montana Department of Commerce Plans, Programs and Projects, visit

Monthly Reporting Form

Contact Information

301 S Park Ave
Helena MT 59601

Mailing Address
PO Box 200523
Helena MT 59620-0523

Phone: 406.841.2776
Fax: 406.841.2771
TDD: 406.841.2702

Email Local Government Grant Program