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Travel Diary: Secretary Clinton’s Day in Kenya
Posted by Robert Wood on Aug 06, 2009 - 06:41 PM

Secretary Clinton at Memorial Park in Nairobi, Kenya, Aug. 6, 2009. [AP Photo]

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About the Author: Robert Wood serves as State Department Deputy Spokesman.

The Secretary started her day with a visit to the peace memorial in the heart of Nairobi at the site of the former American Embassy where the Secretary remembered the tragedy of the bombing 11 years ago. She then moved to the University of Nairobi where she participated in a town hall with university students, members of civil society and sponsored by Kenyan television networks and CNN.

She then moved to the new American Embassy where she conducted a bilateral with Sheikh Sharif Sheikh Ahmed, the president of the Transitional Federal Government of Somalia. Sheikh Sharif gave the Secretary an update on the situation on the ground in Somalia. The United States has provided significant support to the TFG and to AMISOM, the AU mission. The Secretary and President discussed ways in which the United States can help the TFG expand its capacity, including the areas of education and healthcare.

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