
Lassen Volcanic National ParkWith its rivers and waterfalls, lakes and wetlands, springs, geysers, and caves, all rimmed with rocky seacoasts, sandy beaches, corals, and deltas, North America's 5.8 billion acres boast an amazing abundance and diversity of wildlife and wild lands. Unfortunately, many of them—like the black-footed ferret, its prairie dog prey, and their grassland habitat—are highly endangered.

The National Zoo—the nation's zoo—exhibits many North American species.

Live the life of a wild wolf in Yellowstone—play WolfQuest.

Black-footed Ferret Conservation

black-footed ferret kitsThe National Zoo's Conservation and Research Center (CRC), in Front Royal, Virginia, has been breeding endangered black-footed ferrets for 20 years to bring them back from the brink of extinction. Last year, 21 ferrets were bred at CRC, and several gave birth to litters. One kit was born on our web cam last June. The kit was the result of artificial insemination.

black-footed ferrets born in 2009Earlier this year, Zoo scientists artificially inseminated five ferrets at CRC. Thirteen other females bred naturally. Two ferrets that had been artificially inseminated and nine that bred naturally gave birth in late May and June—there are now 39 kits at CRC! (The ferret that had been on the web cam will not be a mother this year.)

All of the semen the scientists used was collected from ferrets in the 1980s and 1990s, frozen, and stored in the Zoo’s Black-Footed Ferret Genome Resource Bank, a repository of frozen semen from the most valuable males.

In species that have short life spans like the black-footed ferret, the use of cryopreserved, or frozen, sperm extends an individual’s reproductive life. The bank’s contents help maintain and even enhance genetic diversity by infusing new genes into the population. A genetically healthy and diverse population has a greater chance of survival in the wild. The bank also serves as insurance against catastrophes in the wild populations, such as a disease outbreak. Successful inseminations with frozen semen are extremely rare—very few black-footed ferret kits have been born from this method.

Visitors to the Zoo can see a black-footed ferret in the Zoo's Small Mammal House.

Learn more about black-footed ferret conservation.

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Watching a black-footed ferret: You are viewing the nest box of a litter of six black-footed ferrets and their mother, Cyan at the Zoo's Conservation and Research Center, where ferrets are bred to be saved from extinction. This year, more than 35 ferrets were born here. The kits on the cam were produced by natural breeding and born on June 20. Ferrets, which once ranged across the Great Plains and are now one of the world's rarest mammals, are more active at night—don't be surprised if the ferrets on camera are asleep.
Recovery of the endangered black-footed ferret | Black-footed ferret facts

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Sea Lion Pups at the Zoo

Our youngest marine mammals are two female California sea lion pups that went on exhibit in Beaver Valley in 2006. They were rescued as newborns in June 2005 on separate beaches in California, and were raised at the Pacific Marine Mammal Center in Laguna Beach, California. link tomore

Sam, a bald eagle at the ZooSam and Tioga are the Stars of the Bald Eagle Refuge

A cooperative effort by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, the Association of Zoos and Aquariums, and the National Zoo led to the creation of the Bald Eagle Refuge in the Zoo's Beaver Valley. Bald eagles in the lower 48 states nearly went extinct in the mid-20th century. In the 1960s and '70s, they were given protection under endangered species laws. Thanks to the ban on certain pesticides, protected habitats, and hand-rearing and releasing eagles into the wild, they now number more than 10,000 and are no longer considered endangered.

Come visit these majestic birds in their open-air Zoo habitat and find out more about their incredible comeback after being on the endangered species list. link toSaving Our Symbol

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