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Department of Consumer & Business Services
Detailed Information for: Bobcat Record Card
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Updated: 7/31/2007
Description: Each person desiring to harvest bobcat must secure a bobcat record card prior to hunting or trapping.

Similar Keywords: hunters, trappers, wildlife
Statutes, Rules, Ordinances: ORS 497.142
OAR 635-050-0180 to -0189
Duration: Refer to OAR 635-050-0080
Fees - application, exam, etc.:  $11.50 per card
Each western Oregon bobcat record card will have spaces for recording 15 bobcats. No limit on purchase of western Oregon bobcat record cards.
Each eastern Oregon bobcat record card will have spaces for recording five (5) bobcats. No more than one card for five eastern Oregon bobcats will be issued to any furtaker or hunter.
No person may purchase or possess both eastern and western Oregon bobcat record cards.
Bobcat record cards will not be sold after the end of their respective seasons.
Responsible Agency: Fish and Wildlife, Department of
Examination Information: By action of the 1985 Oregon Legislature, all trappers born after June 30, 1968, and all first-time Oregon trappers are required to complete an approved trapper education course. The course is not required of persons trapping on land owned or leased by that person, the person's immediate family, or a person's agent who is controlling damage to livestock or agricultural crops. The course may be completed at home. Testing will take place at Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife (ODFW) offices throughout the state. A furtaker's license will be issued by the Salem ODFW office after the test has been successfully completed and mailed to Salem. Course materials are available by writing or telephoning Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife, Trapper Education, 3406 NE Cherry, Salem, Oregon 97303, (503) 947-6018.
Prerequisites: Hunting License for furbearers or Furtaker's License required.
Each furtaker must have the appropriate record card in possession while trapping or hunting bobcat.
Application Form: Oregon Furtaker License Application
Service Links:  Oregon Furbearer Trapping and Hunting Regulations
contact Agency Contact Information
Required Documentation: The record card must be retained until raw pelts are disposed of.
Additional Information: Persons who were licensed, but did not fill out and return a completed furtaker harvest report form by April 15, will not be issued a furbearer harvest license for the following season.

  Agency Information
Please refer to the Agency Website for further details and additional information.
Agency Name: Fish and Wildlife, Department of
E-mail Address: ODFW.Info@state.or.us
Phone: 503-947-6000
Mail Address: Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife
3406 Cherry Ave. NE
Salem, OR 97303
Website Information: http://www.dfw.state.or.us/

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