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Oregon.gov Licenses, Permits and Registrations
Department of Consumer & Business Services
Detailed Information for: Occupational Therapy
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Updated: 8/3/2009
Description: Occupational Therapists analyze and use purposeful activity with individuals who are limited by physical injury or illness, developmental or learning disabilities, psycho-social dysfunctions or the aging process in order to maximize independence, prevent disability and maintain health. The practice of occupational therapy includes evaluation, treatment and consultation.

Similar Keywords: Occupational Therapist, OT, OTLB, Occupational Therapy Licensing board
Statutes, Rules, Ordinances: ORS 675
OAR 339-010
Duration: 2 years, expire May 31 of even years
Fees - application, exam, etc.:  NBCOT_Examination: $395.
Original License: $100
Renewal: In 2008 reduced to $170 for two years.
In 2010 reduced to $150 for two years
Responsible Agency: Occupational Therapy Licensing Board
Examination Information:
  • Exam Time: Exam given on demand upon meeting exam qualifications.
  • Exam Locs: Various testing centers.
  • Exam Pass: 450 points.
  • Exam Repeat: Unlimited.
Continuing Ed Requirements: Thirty Continuing Education (CE) points every two years. New one time 7 hour pain management requirement. Please see Continuing Education for additional information.
Bonding Requirements: None
Insurance Requirements: None
Prerequisites: 1. Successfully complete an educational program in occupational therapy recognized by the Board
2. Successfully complete six months of supervised field work.
3. Pass an examination adopted by the Board.
4. 30 points of CE in the last two years (except those who just passed the NBCOT examination)
Application Form: Application for Occupational Therapist License.
Renewals: Form Name
Occupational Therapist License Renewal 
Service Links:  License Holder Search
contact Agency Contact Information
Required Documentation: 1. Completed, dated and signed application.
2. Verification of having passed NBCOT Certification Exam.
3. Verification of licensure from other states.

  Agency Information
Please refer to the Agency Website for further details and additional information.
Agency Name: Occupational Therapy Licensing Board
E-mail Address: otlb.info@state.or.us
Phone: (971) 673-0198
Mail Address: Oregon Occupational Therapy Licensing Board
800 NE Oregon St, Suite 407
Portland, OR 97232
Website Information: http://www.otlb.state.or.us/

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