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Oregon.gov Licenses, Permits and Registrations
Department of Consumer & Business Services
Detailed Information for: Miscellaneous Park Use Permit
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Updated: 7/23/2009
Description: Miscellaneous use permits are required for nontraditional activities occurring on Oregon Parks and Recreation Department property to ensure public health and safety and to protect natural resources and facilities. A 'nontraditional park activity' means an activity, gathering or use of OPRD properties, ocean shore or other recreational area that is not permitted by regulations. Some examples are: Large group gatherings; Commercial filming; short/long-term rental of property and structures; construction activities and placement of utilities; Educational and scientific projects; Selling of goods and services by vendors, concessionaires and other businesses.

Oregon State Parks day use
Statutes, Rules, Ordinances: ORS 184
ORS 390
OAR 736-016-0005 through 0025
Duration: Variable but not to exceed one year
Fees - application, exam, etc.:  $100 nonrefundable. In addition, a daily permit fee will be charged based on the activity and number of participants. For example, for commercial filming, a daily use fee of $100 will be charged for from 1 to 5 participants, $150 will be charged for from 6 to 30 participants, etc. An hourly assessment of $20 (minimum four hours) for each OPRD employee required by the department to be on site to monitor and/or assist in the permittee activities will be imposed.
Responsible Agency: Parks and Recreation Department
Fee Exemptions: Authorized Park staff may use discretion in applying fees to non-profit organizations.
Bonding Requirements: A cash deposit, bond or savings certificate may be required in an amount spedified in the permit at least 72 hours prior to the planned event.
Insurance Requirements: Liability insurance for the term of the permit is required. Evidence of insurance through certificate or policy is required.
Service Links: contact Agency Contact Information
Required Documentation: Detailed plans, specifications and description of the activity; bond or equivalent, liability insurance policy.
Additional Information: Miscellaneous Use Application and Permit For Nontraditional Park Activities is available from OPRD area offices in Lincoln City, Portland, Florence, Coos Bay, Bend and Baker City

  Agency Information
Please refer to the Agency Website for further details and additional information.
Agency Name: Parks and Recreation Department
E-mail Address: park.info@state.or.us
Phone: 503-986-0707 or 800-551-6949 (toll-free in Oregon)
Mail Address: Oregon Parks and Recreation Department
725 Summer St NE, Suite C
Salem, OR 97301 - 1266
Website Information: http://egov.oregon.gov/OPRD/index.shtml

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