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Department of Consumer & Business Services
Detailed Information for: Child Care, Certified Center
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Updated: 7/29/2008
Description: Certified Child Care Centers:
  • Typically provide care for more than twelve children;

  • Typically provide care in a building that is constructed as other than a single-family dwelling.
  • Please contact the Division for specific questions regarding your situation.

Application for a license must be made when:
  • opening a new center;

  • applying for a renewal of an existing license;

  • there is a change of owner/operator;

  • a center reopens after a lapse in certification; or

  • a change of location occurs.

You are not required to comply with the rules for "Certified Child Care Centers" if:
  • You are primarily educational and provide care to children 36 months old or older but not yet attending kindergarten four hours or less a day;

  • You are primarily a supervised, child-focused training in a specific subject, including, but not limited to, dancing, drama, music, or religion. This exclusion applies only to the time children are involved in training;

  • You are primarily a group athletic or social activity sponsored by or under the supervision of an organized club or hobby group. This exclusion applies only to the time engaged in the group athletic or social activities and if the children can come and go as they please;

  • You are primarily operated by a school district, political subdivision of this state, or a government agency; or

  • You provide care on an occasional basis (fewer than 70 days in a calendar year) and you are a person, sponsor, or organization not ordinarily engaged in providing child care.

Similar Keywords: daycare providers, childcare
Statutes, Rules, Ordinances: ORS 657A.250 to 657A.310 and 657A.350 to 657A.460
Certified Center Rules
Duration: License effective for one (1) year
Fees - application, exam, etc.:  License $100.00 + $2.00 for each certified space (ie. The initial fee for a licensed child care center with 32 certified spaces is $100 + $64= $164). The fee is due at the time of application and is non-refundable.

Renewal fee for a licensed child care center is $2.00 for each certified space (ie. The renewal fee for a child care center with 32 certified spaces is $64). The fee is due at the time of application and is non-refundable.

Timely application for renewal is critical to your operation. If we receive your renewal application, along with the payment of the required fee, at least thirty (30) days prior to the expiration date of your current license, then it will remain active until the Division has acted on the renewal application and provided you with notice of the action taken.

However, if your application for renewal and payment of the required fee is not received by the Division at least thirty (30) days prior to your current license expiration date, it will expire as of the date stated on the license. If your license expires, you must immediately stop providing child care.
Responsible Agency: Employment Department, Child Care Division
Fee Exemptions: None
Continuing Ed Requirements: Both the initial and continuing education requirements for licensed child care center staff are dependent on the position held by that person. A detailed description of the requirements for each staff level is available in the Certified Child Care Center rules on-line at staff education requirements (sections 414-300-0080 through 414-300-0130) or you may request a paper copy of the rules from the Child Care Division at 1-800-556-6616.

You may find additional child care training and information resources through your local Child Care Resource and Referral agency. Find their contact information by entering your county in the box on the webpage at Find the CCRR nearest you or by phone from the Oregon Child Care Resource and Referral Network (OCCRRN) at 1-800-342-6712.
Bonding Requirements: None
Insurance Requirements: None
Prerequisites: Before a facility can be licensed as a Child Care Center you must:
  • Submit a completed "Application for Certified Child Care Center" at least forty five (45) days prior to the planned opening date of the center.

  • Provide verification that the center meets all applicable building codes and zoning requirements that apply to child care facilities.
  • Provide verification that the center is approved for occupancy by the appropriate health department sanitarian and by a state or local fire marshal.

  • Provide a management list that specifies who is responsible for the various activities connected with operating a child care center such as building maintenance, budgeting, policy development, etc. Rule reference at management list(OAR 414-300-0010 (10))

  • Meet the certification requirements listed in OAR 414-300-0000 through 414-300-0410.

  • Complete and pass an initial inspection provided by the Child Care Division.

  • Assure enrollment of all staff in the Child Care Division Criminal History Registry. Child Care Criminal History Registry Rules

Other information: The Child Care Division recognizes that the rules related to opening a Certified Child Care Center are complex and require a lot of detail. It is our hope that you will contact us at the very beginning of your planning process.

We can help you make the connections with the appropriate planning, sanitation, and zoning officials for your area. Please call the Child Care Division at
1-800-556-6616 and ask for the name and contact information of the certifier for your area.
Application Form: Application for Certified Child Care Center (CCD 126)
Renewals: You must renew your "Certified Child Care Center" license each year.
Before your Child Care Center license can be renewed you must:
  • Submit a completed "Application for Certified Child Care Center" at least thirty (30) days prior to the expiration date on your license.

  • Have available on-site verification that the center meets all applicable building codes and zoning requirements that apply to child care facilities.

  • Provide verification that the center is approved for occupancy by the appropriate health department sanitarian and by a state or local fire marshal.

  • Have available on-site a management list that specifies who is responsible for the various activities connected with operating a child care center such as building maintenance, budgeting, policy development, etc. Rule reference at management list OAR 414-300-0010 (10)
  • Meet the certification requirements listed in OAR 414-300-0000 through 414-300-0410.

  • Complete and pass a renewal inspection provided by the Child Care Division.
  • Assure enrollment of all staff in the Child Care Division Criminal History Registry. 
Service Links:  Child Care Div. Complaint History Search
 Search for Child Care Online
contact Agency Contact Information
Required Documentation:
  • Completed "Application for Certified Child Care Center". Application forms are available from the Child Care Division by calling 1-800-556-6616.

  • Copy of a management list specifying who is responsible for the various activities connected with operating the center. OAR 414-300-0010 (10)

  • Copies of local and or state sanitation, fire, building codes or zoning approvals as required in your area.

  • A floor plan showing the dimensions of all rooms to be used, the planned use of each room, the placement and number of toilets, hand washing sinks, and diaper changing tables, and the location of the fixtures and plumbing in the kitchen.

  Agency Information
Please refer to the Agency Website for further details and additional information.
Agency Name: Employment Department, Child Care Division
E-mail Address: ccd@emp.state.or.us
Phone: 503-947-1400 or 800-556-6616 (toll-free in Oregon)
Mail Address: Employment Department, Child Care Division
PO Box 14050
Salem, OR 97309 - 4050
Website Information: http://www.employment.oregon.gov/EMPLOY/CCD/index.shtml

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