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Oregon.gov Licenses, Permits and Registrations
Department of Consumer & Business Services
Detailed Information for: Private Alternative Programs/Schools-Registration
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Updated: 10/19/2007
Description: Private alternative education programs provide alternative education to students through contracts with school districts. Districts are required to confirm that a private alternative education program is registered with the Oregon Department of Education before contracting with or distributing public funds to the program. New programs may register at any time.
Statutes, Rules, Ordinances: ORS 336.631
OAR 581-021-0072
Duration: Annual with renewal by September 30th
Fees - application, exam, etc.:  None.
Responsible Agency: Education Department
Bonding Requirements: Not required for registration. May be required by the contract(s) between the program and the district(s).
Insurance Requirements: Not required for registration. May be required by the contract(s) between the program and the district(s).
Application Form: Private Alternative Program Registration (or) Private Alternative Program Registration renewal
Service Links:  List of private alternative programs
 Private School Applications
contact Agency Contact Information
Required Documentation: Described in the application. Contact Patti Choate for additional information.
Additional Information: For additional information regarding alternative education programs in Oregon see alternative education.

License specific contact information

  Agency Information
Please refer to the Agency Website for further details and additional information.
Agency Name: Education Department
E-mail Address: ode.frontdesk@ode.state.or.us
Phone: 503-947-5600
Mail Address: Oregon Department of Education
255 Capitol Street NE
Salem, OR 97310 - 0203
Website Information: http://www.ode.state.or.us/

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