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Statutes and Administrative Rules

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Rules coordinator: Shelley Greiner

Proposed administrative rules
Recent rules - permanent rules not yet posted to Secretary of State Web site
Temporary administrative rules

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     Administration and Enforcement of Banking Laws Generally ORS Chapter 706
     Bank Holding Companies; Financial Holding Companies ORS Chapter 715
     Branch Banking; Automated Teller Machines ORS Chapter 714
     Fees, names, and enforcement authority ORS Chapter 705 (705.610-705.642)
     Merger; Conversion; Share Exchange; Acquisition; Liquidation; Insolvency ORS Chapter 711
     Organization to Conduct Banking Business; Stockholders, Directors and Officers ORS Chapter 707
     Out-of-State Banks and Extranational Institutions ORS Chapter 713
     Regulation of Institutions Generally ORS Chapter 708A
     Savings banks ORS Chapter 716
     Definitions; annual assessments/fees OAR Chapter 441, Div. 500
     General provisions OAR Chapter 441, Div. 505
     Public records requests OAR Chapter 441, Div. 002
     Rulemaking and general procedures OAR Chapter 441, Div. 001
     Savings and loan OAR Chapter 441, Div. 760

Check-cashing businesses

    Collection Agencies; Check-Cashing Businesses; Debt Consolidating Agencies ORS Chapter 697 (697.500 to 697.555)
    Check-Casher Rules OAR Chapter 441, Div. 755

Collection agencies

    Collection Agencies; Check-Cashing Businesses; Debt Consolidating Agencies ORS Chapter 697 (697.005 to 697.095)
    Collection agencies OAR Chapter 441, Division 810

Commodity transactions (Securities program)

    Commodity transactions ORS Chapter 645
    Commodity transactions (Securities program) OAR Chapter 441, Div. 300

Consumer finance

    Consumer finance ORS Chapter 725 (725.010-725.510; 725.910)
    Consumer finance OAR Chapter 441, Div. 730

Credit service organizations

    Trade Regulation ORS Chapter 646A (646A.250 to 646A.270)
    Registration and Collection Activities OAR Chapter 441, Div. 830

Credit unions

    Credit unions ORS Chapter 723
    Definitions, fees, membership, supervision, investments, powers, reserves OAR Chapter 441, Div. 710
    Share drafts, corporate credit union, member business loans OAR Chapter 441, Div. 720

Debt consolidating agencies

    Collection Agencies; Check-Cashing Businesses; Debt Consolidating Agencies ORS Chapter 697 697.602 to 697.842
    Registration of Debt Consolidating Businesses OAR Chapter 441, Div. 910

Franchise transactions (Securities program)

    Franchise transactions ORS Chapter 650
    Franchise transactions OAR Chapter 441, Div. 325

Identity theft

    Identity Theft ORS Chapter 646A 646A.600 to 646A.628
    Definitions, Expenses of Providing Notification, Use of Social Security Number, Safeguarding of Personal Information OAR Chapter 441, Div. 646

International trade consultants

    International trade consultants OAR Chapter 441, Div. 950

Manufactured structures dealer

    Manufactured structure dealers and dealerships ORS Chapter 446 (446.661 through 446.995)
    Dealer licensing OAR Chapter 441, Div. 446

Money transmitters

    Money transmitters Chapter 717
    Money transmitters OAR Chapter 441, Div. 745

Mortgage lending

    Securities Regulation; Mortgage Bankers and Brokers ORS Chapter 59
    Custody of client funds OAR Chapter 441, Div. 875
    License cancellation OAR Chapter 441, Div. 885
    Licensing OAR Chapter 441, Div. 860
    Loan originators OAR Chapter 441, Div. 880
    Public records, fees, opinion requests, rulemaking OAR Chapter 441, Div. 850
    Records and reports requirements OAR Chapter 441, Div. 865
    Unethical practices OAR Chapter 441, Div. 870


    Pawnbrokers ORS Chapter 726
    Pawnbrokers OAR Chapter 441, Div. 740

Prearranged funeral plans and endowment care

    Endowment cemetery care ORS Chapter 97 (97.810)
    Prearrangement sales and preconstruction sales ORS Chapter 97 (97.923)
    Prearranged funeral plans and endowment care OAR Chapter 441, Div. 930


    Commodity transactions ORS Chapter 645
    Franchise transactions ORS Chapter 650
    Securities Regulation; Mortgage Bankers and Brokers ORS Chapter 59
    Books and records requirements OAR Chapter 441, Div. 195
    Conditions of registration OAR Chapter 441, Div. 85
    Denial, withdrawal or conditioning of exemptions OAR Chapter 441, Div. 45
    Exempt securities OAR Chapter 441, Div. 25
    Exempt transactions OAR Chapter 441, Div. 35
    Federal covered securities OAR Chapter 441, Div. 49
    General provisions OAR Chapter 441, Div. 11
    License cancellation, withdrawal OAR Chapter 441, Div. 225
    License denial, suspension, or revocation OAR Chapter 441, Div. 205
    Licensing (Broker-dealer, investment advisor, and individuals) OAR Chapter 441, Div. 175
    Renewal of securities registration OAR Chapter 441, Div. 75
    Securities registration OAR Chapter 441, Div. 65

Sellers of travel

    Trade Regulation ORS Chapter 646A 646A.010 to 646A.020
    Seller of travel OAR Chapter 441, Div. 925

Title loans (Consumer finance section)

    Consumer finance ORS Chapter 725 (725.010-725.510; 725.910)
    Consumer finance OAR Chapter 441, Div. 730


    Regulation of Trust Business ORS Chapter 709
    Definitions; annual assessments/fees OAR Chapter 441, Div. 500


Proposed administrative rules:
Check cashing businesses - amend: 441-755-0300, 441-755-0310

This rulemaking activity streamlines the record-keeping and reporting requirements by registered check cashing businesses in Oregon to the Department of Consumer and Business Services. Under the proposed rules, check cashers would no longer track the date on a check, or the name of the person who has issued the check. The proposed rules also remove the current requirements for a check casher to report on the number of cashed checks greater than $1,000 and the number of cashed checks that a financial institution refused to accept or pay (i.e., dishonored).

Sellers of travel - repeal: 441-925-0010, 441-925-0020, 441-925-0030, 441-925-0040

The legislature passed Senate Bill 109 in the 2009 legislative session. Senate Bill 109 repealed a voluntary certification program for trade associations representing travel agencies, effective January 1, 2010. As a result of legislative action, the administrative rules that implement the association of sellers of travel program are no longer necessary. This rulemaking activity proposes to repeal these unnecessary provisions effective on January 1, 2010 to coincide with the statute.

Savings associations - amend: 441-005-0010, 441-500-0020, 441-505-4010; repeal: 441-760-0020, 441-760-0030, 441-760-0040, 441-760-0050, 441-760-0060, 441-760-0070, 441-760-0080, 441-760-0090 441-760-0100, 441-760-0110, 441-760-0120, 441-760-0130, 441-760-0140, 441-760-0150, 441-760-0160, 441-760-0170, 441-760-0180, 441-760-0190, 441-760-0200, 441-760-0210, 441-760-0220, 441-760-0230, 441-760-0240, 441-760-0250, 441-760-0260, 441-760-0265, 441-760-0270, 441-760-0280, 441-760-0290, 441-760-0300, 441-760-0310

The legislature passed HB 2199 in the 2009 legislative session. The bill streamlined regulation of the financial services sector in Oregon in part by repealing the statutes governing savings associations (ORS chapter 722), which has not been utilized by an Oregon company for some time. This rulemaking removes rules implementing the repealed statutes and also removes references to savings associations throughout OAR chapter 441.

Recent rules - permanent rules not yet posted to Secretary of State Web site:
Banks - adopt: OAR 441-505-3070, 441-505-3075, and 441-505-3080, and 441-505-3085

These rules adopt the approaches taken by several contiguous states and the federal government for determining when loans to more than one borrower should be aggregated against a bank's legal lending limit. Currently, loans to more than one borrower are aggregated together when the obligation is made "for the benefit" another person. This standard may prove difficult for financial institutions to apply, because it is subject to multiple interpretations. The division is adopting federal regulations concerning the existence of a "direct benefit" and "common enterprise" tests, as well as special rules for partnerships that were in the proposed rules but have been rearranged into a separate rule in response to public comment.

Effective August 7, 2009

Temporary administrative rules:

None at this time


Statutes: This links to the general Oregon Revised Statues Web site. It provides search and index functions as well as an overview to the Oregon Revised Statutes.

Rules: This is a general link to the Div. of Finance and Corporate Securities Rules as posted on the Secretary of State's Oregon State Archives Web site. Search and index functions available.



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