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Together We Can Solve Hunger in Connecticut

Hunger In Connecticut

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1 in 8 People

Struggles With Hunger

1 in 6 Children

Struggles With Hunger

News And The Latest

Grateful for Our Partners

Reflecting on the season, our CEO is grateful for corporate partners like Citizens Bank, which provides funds and volunteers to support our mission.

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Working With Hunger: the New Reality

When working one - or more - jobs is not enough to keep your family afloat...

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Senior Hunger: A Growing Concern

On a visit to member program TEEG, located in Thompson, Connecticut, I had the opportunity to talk about the problem of senior hunger with Community Programs Manager Jenn Strong.

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Harvard Pilgrim Health Care Foundation Grant Helps Connecticut Food Bank Source Fresh Produce

At the end of a year, a $40,000 grant from the Harvard Pilgrim Health Care Foundation has helped the Connecticut Food Bank source and distribute through its network of member programs more than 314,000 pounds of donated, local produce to hungry people in Connecticut.

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Our Partners & Food Donors