U.S. Department of Justice, Office Of Justice Programs, Innovation - Partnerships - Safer Neighborhoods
Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (OJJDP), Serving Children, Families, and Communities
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   Home > About OJJDP > Divisions > Division Programs

    Division Programs
Children’s Advocacy Centers Top  
Stress the coordination of investigation, treatment, and prosecution of child abuse cases.
Crimes Against Children Research Center Top  
Combats crimes against children by providing high-quality research and statistics to the public, policymakers, law enforcement personnel, and other child welfare practitioners.
Girls Study Group Top  
The Girls Study Group assists OJJDP in understanding risk and protective factors associated with female juvenile offending and the consequences for youth involved in such offending.
Internet Crimes Against Children Task Force Program Top  
Helps state and local law enforcement agencies develop an effective response to cyber enticement and child pornography cases.
Model Dependency Courts Initiative Top  
Provides intensive training and technical assistance to improve the courts' handling of child abuse and neglect cases and to ensure more timely decisionmaking in permanency planning.
National Center for Missing and Exploited Children Top  
Collects and distributes data regarding missing and exploited children and operates a national toll-free hotline.
Safe Start Top  
Prevents and reduces the impact of family and community violence on young children and their families.