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NCJRS Abstract

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NCJ Number: NCJ 178890  Add to Shoppping Cart  
Title: Effects of NIBRS on Crime Statistics
Series: BJS Special Reports
Author(s): Ramona R. Rantala ; Thomas J. Edwards
Corporate Author: Bureau of Justice Statistics
US Dept of Justice
Office of Justice Programs
United States
Editor(s): Tom Hester
Date Published: 07/2000
Page Count: 15
Sale Source: NCJRS Photocopy Services
Box 6000
Rockville, MD 20849-6000
United States

Indiana University Purdue University, Research Support Funds
420 University Boulevard
Indianapolis, IN 46202
United States
Document: Text PDF 
Agency Summary: Agency Summary 
Type: Studies/research reports
Language: English
Country: United States
Annotation: This study compares the data from Federal Bureau of Investigation Summary Uniform Crime Reports and National Incident-Based Reporting System (NIBRS) for 1,131 agencies.
Abstract: Using data from 1991 to 1996, this study identifies which Index crime rates are most affected by NIBRS reporting and examines the extent to which rates change. The following underlying causes for these differences are investigated: structural differences, non-uniform reporting practices, reporting errors, and software coding errors. When comparing data from the same year for the jurisdictions in this study, NIBRS rates differ only slightly from Summary UCR. Murder rates are the same. Rape, robbery, and aggravated assault rates in NIBRS are about 1 percent higher, on average, than in Summary UCR. NIBRS burglary rates are lower by an average 0.5 percent. NIBRS larceny rates are higher by an average 3.4 percent. NIBRS motor vehicle theft rates are higher by an average 4.5 percent.
Main Term(s): Crime statistics
Index Term(s): Offense classification ; Index crimes ; Data integrity ; Police reports ; Uniform crime reporting ; Data collection
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