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Administered by the Office of Justice Programs U.S. Department of Justice Office of Justice Programs Seal National Criminal Justice Reference Service National Criminal Justice Reference Service Office of Justice Programs Seal National Criminal Justice Reference Service
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Crime Prevention
 Community Policing
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Home / Crime Prevention

Crime Prevention

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  • Where can I locate early intervention strategies for juveniles?
    Early intervention strategies can be found in the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevent... Read More
    Last Updated: May 16, 2008

  • Where can I find information on how to prevent school shootings?
    Information on how to prevent school shootings is available in the U.S. Department of Education repo... Read More
    Last Updated: May 15, 2008

  • What risk factors are associated with juvenile sexual offenders?
    Information on the risk factors associated with juvenile sex offenders is available in the Office of... Read More
    Last Updated: May 15, 2008

More Q&A

  • Alcohol Outlets as Attractors of Violence and Disorder: A Closer Look at the Neighborhood Environment,  NIJ-Sponsored, April 2008, NCJ 227646.

  • Community Organizations and Crime: An Examination of the Social-Institutional Processes of Neighborhoods,  NIJ-Sponsored, May 2009, NCJ 227645.

  • Exploring the Feasibility and Efficacy of Performance Measures in Prosecution and their Application to Community Prosecution,  NIJ-Sponsored, July 2005, NCJ 227668.

  • A Policymaker's Guide to Building Our Way Out of Crime,  COPS, June 2009, NCJ 227421. (88 pages).
    Agency Abstract   PDF  TEXT 

  • Advancing Community Policing Through Community Governance,  COPS, May 2009, NCJ 227601. (76 pages).
    Agency Abstract   PDF  TEXT 

  • Community Policing Dispatch Volume 2, Issue 7, July 2009,  COPS, July 2009, NCJ 227591.

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Last updated on: July 27, 2009

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