Recovery: FAQ
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How will the American Recovery and Reinvestment (ARRA) Act of 2009 impact Connecticut’s economy?
In total, Connecticut will receive nearly $3 billion in federal stimulus monies.  Connecticut public, private and non-profit organizations will have the opportunity to compete for more.  Collectively, this funding and the projects it will support will retain or create more than 40,000 jobs for Connecticut residents.  In addition, funding received through fiscal stimulus will go toward maintaining and bolstering programs that are essential to a strong and vibrant state such as education, infrastructure and public safety.
Who will receive funding in Connecticut?
Funds from the federal stimulus package will come into Connecticut through varying programs, through different mechanisms and take on different forms – direct aid, competitive grants and discretionary funds.  As a result, there will be a wide range of eligible recipients. 
Many of the funds received by Connecticut will be determined via a formula and will be overseen and distributed by the state.  This form of funding traditionally comes from federal agencies to corresponding state agencies through pre-established rules or formulas.  For example, many of the large-scale transportation projects, both here in Connecticut and throughout the country, come in the form of formula grants.
Will there be an opportunity to compete for funds?
There are many funding areas throughout the ARRA that will be administered through a competitive process.  The framework – process and criteria – for many of these grants programs are presently being developed.  More information will be provided about funds for which entities can compete as it becomes available.
Will individuals directly receive any of the stimulus funds?
There are funds the ARRA makes available to help individuals, like unemployment compensation funds or funds to support food assistance programs.  These funds will be administered by state and local agencies.
Will there be a way for an entity to submit projects for consideration for stimulus funding through the website?
Yes.  Since the end of December, more than 2,000 different projects have been submitted for consideration in anticipation of the federal stimulus.  These project proposals have originated from municipalities, state agencies, non-profit organizations, regional groups, private entities and state legislators. 
As the parameters and criteria for funding opportunities are better defined, there will be opportunities, through this web site to submit project proposals. 
How will I know if my project is eligible for federal stimulus funds?
In the coming days, as funding opportunities are further defined, the “Project Submission” button on this website will go live.  At that time, entities wishing to submit a project for consideration will be able to fill out the form found there and submit their project. 
You are also encouraged to read the portions of the bill which may be relevant to your project.  A link to the full bill is available under “American Recovery and Reinvestment Act” link on the home page.
You can also sign up on the front page of this website to be notified when the website has been updated and/or to receive other email updates.  Additional information will be posted on the website as it becomes available. 
How will taxpayers ensure that funds are spent wisely and efficiently?
The ARRA includes unprecedented requirements for accountability and transparency.  Taxpayers will be able to track the funds both at a national and state level through this website and be able to see to whom funds were awarded and the amount of the awards. In addition, both federal and state governments will have significant monitoring and reporting requirements to prevent fraud, mismanagement and waste.  In the coming days, Connecticut will be convening a body to focus strictly on these aspects of the federal legislation.
What are the deadlines for funds to be spent in Connecticut?
This will vary significantly from program to program.  The United State Congress intended the funds to be spent quickly to maximize the economic benefit.  The federal agencies administering the funds are establishing deadlines and clarifying program criteria.  This information and timelines will be made available on this website.
Is there a deadline for submitting a project for funding consideration?
Not at this time.  The Governor’s office continues to receive project proposals.  In the coming days, once the “Project Submission” features goes live, entities will have an opportunity to submit projects through that format. 
We are monitoring each federal program’s deadlines as they become available.  Because some funds are being fast-tracked to initiate projects, we encourage those who may be interested in applying for funds to frequently check the website or register for e-alerts.
Is there a Connecticut Stimulus “Czar?”
Not at this time.  Governor Rell has created a Working Group made up of representatives from state agencies, the General Assembly, and statewide organizations to work with her office and agencies to administer the stimulus funds for various projects.
We are taking questions – If you have a question you think is of general interest (i.e., which is not project specific), please ask here. 
We will post the answers to the most frequently asked question of general interest here. 

Content Last Modified on 3/19/2009 2:15:36 PM

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