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Department of Consumer & Business Services
Detailed Information for: Geologist In Training (GIT)
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Updated: 10/10/2008
Description: Geologist in Training (GIT) do basically the same work as a Registered Geologist (RG), although they cannot stamp documents. Geologists in Training are gaining experience to meet the eligibility requirement for sitting for the practical portion of the National Board exam in order to become a Registered Geologist. Only the Registered Geologist may stamp documents. Geologists in Training generally work in one of two environments: working under the supervision of an Registered Geologist, or working "in responsible charge." Experience is calculated according to the environment in which they work.

Similar Keywords: geologists
Statutes, Rules, Ordinances: ORS 672.505 to .705
OAR 809
Duration: Annual
Fees - application, exam, etc.:  Application Fee: $75.00
Fundamenal Exam Fee: $175.00
Original License Fee: $50.00
Renewal Fee: $50.00
Responsible Agency: Geologist Examiners, State Board of
Examination Information: Exam Time: Set nationally in March and October. Exam Schedule
Exam Locs: Salem.
Exam Pass: 70 percent or higher.
Exam Repeat: After two failures to pass exam, an applicant shall provide to the Board satisfactory evidence of further preparation.

Examination Information
Prerequisites: 1. Degree in Geology or related earth science. See OAR 809- 030-0025.
2. Pass fundamental portion of the National Board examination
Application Form: Geologist Fundamental Examination
Service Links:  List of registrants
contact Agency Contact Information
Required Documentation: Proof of:
Degree in Geology or related field,
Passing of the fundamental portion of the National Board examination.

  Agency Information
Please refer to the Agency Website for further details and additional information.
Agency Name: Geologist Examiners, State Board of
E-mail Address: osbge.info@state.or.us
Phone: 503-566-2837
Mail Address: Oregon Board of Geologist Examiners
1193 Royvonne Avenue SE, Suite 24
Salem, OR 97302
Website Information: http://www.oregon.gov/osbge

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