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Oregon.gov Licenses, Permits and Registrations
Department of Consumer & Business Services
Detailed Information for: Business Identification (BID) Sign permit
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Updated: 1/31/2007
Description: The state regulates off-premise advertising signs that are visible to state highways and some former state highways. On premise signs do not require a permit. 'On premise' is specifically defined in the Oregon Administrative Rules (734-059-0005), and does not mean property ownership. This permit is for relatively small signs visible to a regulated highway. To qualify, neither the business itself nor any of its other signs may be visible from the highway. The sign may contain only the name of the business or activity and directional information (no phone numbers, logos, etc.). The sign must be no more than 16 sq ft each side (maximum 6 feet one dimension), and the top of the sign can be no more than 12 feet above property or road grade. The sign can be located no more than 3 miles from the business or activity, and each business is allowed only one sign per direction of travel per highway. The law provides for variances if the owner demonstrates the business will suffer economic loss or undue hardship without it. Variances are available for size (32 sq ft total, maximum 8 feet one dimension), distance from business or activity (maximum 12 miles), and height of sign above grade (maximum 16 feet). These signs are prohibited on interstates, freeways, fully controlled access highways, in Designated Scenic Areas, and in Scenic Byways. The sign must comply with local sign regulations. If the sign will not be located in a commercial or industrial zone, the sign owner and the land owner must sign a waiver regarding removal if in the future that is no longer allowed. There are minimum spacing requirements between signs.

Similar Keywords: billboards
Statutes, Rules, Ordinances: ORS 377.700 to .777
OAR 734-060
Duration: Annual, renew by January 1
Fees - application, exam, etc.:  Determined by square footage of sign, counting both sides of a back to back sign.
25 sq ft or less = $125.
26 to 50 sq ft = $300.
51 to 400 sq ft = $500.
Responsible Agency: Transportation Department (ODOT)
Fee Exemptions: None
Bonding Requirements: None
Insurance Requirements: None
Prerequisites: None
Application Form: Sign Permit Application Off-Premise Outdoor Advertising
Service Links: contact Agency Contact Information
Required Documentation: 1. Permit Application, which includes information and signature from local planning authority, and completion of site field check by your ODOT District office;
2. District Managerýs Report filled out by district office;
3. written consent from property owner for applicant to place sign at that location. If site is not zoned commercial or industrial, must submit waiver form signed by applicant and property owner.
Additional Information: Application packets, relocation credit lists, locations of Scenic Byways and Scenic Areas, etc., are available by contacting our office.

  Agency Information
Please refer to the Agency Website for further details and additional information.
Agency Name: Transportation Department (ODOT)
E-mail Address: AskODOT@odot.state.or.us
Phone: 888-275-6368
Mail Address: Oregon Department of Transportation
355 Capitol St. NE
Salem, OR 97301 - 3871
Website Information: http://www.oregon.gov/ODOT

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