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Oregon.gov Licenses, Permits and Registrations
Department of Consumer & Business Services
Detailed Information for: Residential Treatment Home
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Updated: 7/20/2009
Description: A residential treatment home is to provide services on a 24-hour basis for five or fewer residents with severe and persistant mental illness.
Statutes, Rules, Ordinances: ORS 443.440 through .455
OAR 309-035-0250 through 0460
Duration: Two-year license
Fees - application, exam, etc.:  $30.00
Responsible Agency: DHS - Addictions and Mental Health
Fee Exemptions: No fee is required of any governmentally operated residential treatment home.
Examination Information: None
Continuing Ed Requirements: The owner of the facility is responsible for employing an Administrator who has background including special training, experience and other demonstrated ability in providing care and treatment appropriate to the residents served at the facility. The Administrator is to provide or arrange for 16 hours of pre-service orientation and 8-hours in-service training annually for each employee. In-service training is to be on topics relevant to improving the care and treatment of residents in the facility and meeting the requirements of the administrative rules. In-service training topics include, but are not limited to, implementing the residential service plan, behavior management, daily living skills development, nutrition, first aid, understanding mental illness, sanitary food handling, residents rights, identifying health care needs and psychotropic medications.
Bonding Requirements: None
Insurance Requirements: State required liability insurance per State and County contract.
Prerequisites: The potential applicant is to meet with the County designated Residential Specialist.
The County Residential Specialist informs applicant of county needs and requirements which include completion of:
*a Residential Treatment Home application with fee,
*resume of administrator,
*written criminal history check approval,
*name of board,
*incorporation number if applicable,
*regestered and approved building plans according to building code,
*policies and procedures for the building and operation of the facility and
*a letter of support from the county to OMHAS submitted with the application for the applicant.

Upon OMHAS review, completion and approval of application, polices and procedures, a pre-licensing inspection is arranged and couducted with the County Residential Specialist, Administrator, Owner, sometimes architects and builders as applicable. The OMHAS Quality Assurance Specialist must have received a completed written Fire Marshall inspection and approval for occupancy of the facility must occur for any licensing to be considered. If there is no fire marshall approval irregardless of no other findings then the facility will not be licensed. The Specialist writes a report listing the findings if any and if the facility meets subtantial compliance in accordance with applicable OARs.
After 90 days the OMHAS conducts a 90 day inspection and then the two year inspection.
Application Form: New Residential Treatment Home License Application.
Service Links: contact Agency Contact Information
Required Documentation: Application to include plans and design approval, other necessary approvals, required fee, variances, resident capacity, proposed annual budget, description of services to be provided, names of all owners, policies/procedures, Administrative information & criminal checks.
Additional Information: Application for new and renewal RTH include an application information packet.We conduct 90 day inspections after initial license, unannounced and follow-up inspection.

  Agency Information
Please refer to the Agency Website for further details and additional information.
Agency Name: DHS - Addictions and Mental Health
E-mail Address: dhs.webfeedback@state.or.us
Mail Address:

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