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Inspector General

[OIG Hotline]

The American people expect excellence and accountability from their government. Toward that end, the U.S. Congress passed the Inspector General (IG) Act of 1978 to ensure integrity and efficiency within the Federal government and its programs.

In accordance with the 1988 amendment to the Act, the NRC's Office of the Inspector General (OIG) was established on April 15, 1989, as an independent and objective unit to conduct and supervise audits and conduct investigations relating to NRC's programs and operations. The purpose of OIG's audits and investigations is to prevent and detect fraud, waste, abuse, and mismanagement, and promote economy, efficiency, and effectiveness in NRC programs and operations. In addition, OIG reviews existing and proposed regulations, legislation, and directives, and provides comments, as appropriate, regarding any significant concerns.

The IG serves under the general supervision of the NRC Chairman but operates with personnel, contracting, and budget authority independent of that of the NRC. The OIG keeps the Chairman and the Congress fully and currently informed about problems, recommends corrective actions, and monitors NRC's progress in implementing such actions.

The NRC's Office of the Inspector General has the following key elements and activities:

See also the following document collection related to the inspector general program:

  • OIG Reports: audit, special evaluation, and investigative event reports

For more information about OIG's leadership, organizational structure, and major programs, see OIG Organization. For OIG's business address, telephone and fax numbers, see Contact OIG.

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For more information about Inspectors General in the Federal government, visit the IGnet exit icon.

To review the current inventory of OIG commercial activities developed in accordance with the FAIR Act of 1998, see the FAIR Act Inventory.

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Thursday, June 25, 2009