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Department of Consumer & Business Services
Detailed Information for: Fish Screening Requirements
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Updated: 4/14/2008
Description: Fish screening and bypass devices prevent the loss of game fish, food fish, or fish that are listed as threatened or Endangered under the federal or state Endangered Species Act. Fish screens or bypass devices are necessary at gravity and pumped water diversions and are often required as a condition for a Water Use Permit or Transfer.

Fish screen: A screen, bar, rack, or other barrier, including related improvements necessary to ensure its effective operation and to provide adequate protection for fish populations present at a water diversion.

Bypass: A pipe, flume, open channel, or other means of conveyance that transports fish back to the body of water from which the fish were diverted. This does not include fishways or other passages around a dam.

Water related projects often require multiple permits. Please see Common Water Related Projects for information on other permits that may be required to accomplish your project.
Statutes, Rules, Ordinances: ORS 315.138
ORS 498.301 - .346
ORS 509.615 & .910
ORS 540.525
Duration: Ongoing with approved project
Fees - application, exam, etc.:  None
Responsible Agency: Fish and Wildlife, Department of
Application Form: Only if applicant applies for cost share and/or tax credit
Service Links: contact Agency Contact Information
Additional Information: When a fish screen or bypass is proposed, the diversion owner must contact ODFW prior to design of the project. ODFW will work with the diversion owner to ensure that the project plans meet ODFW fish screening and bypass criteria. Minor maintenance of these devices is the responsibility of the water user if the water diversion is less than 30 cfs. All minor and major maintenance of these devices is the responsibility of the water user if the diversion is greater than 30 cfs.

Minor maintenance: Periodic inspection, cleaning and servicing of fish screening or bypass devices at such times and in such manner as to ensure proper operation of the screening or bypass device.

Major maintenance: All maintenance work done on a fish screening or bypass device other than minor maintenance.

Resource: Please see Section 2.3.6 of the State Water Related Permits User Guide for more complete information.

Time Frame:
Generally no required time frame for Project Plan and Application. Exceptions when a tax credit or grant agreement are involved.

  Agency Information
Please refer to the Agency Website for further details and additional information.
Agency Name: Fish and Wildlife, Department of
E-mail Address: ODFW.Info@state.or.us
Phone: 503-947-6000
Mail Address: Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife
3406 Cherry Ave. NE
Salem, OR 97303
Website Information: http://www.dfw.state.or.us/

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