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Oregon.gov Licenses, Permits and Registrations
Department of Consumer & Business Services
Detailed Information for: Environment - Federal
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Updated: 12/31/2007
Description: Air Permits: (Title V & IV) - Administered by the Oregon DEQ, with the exception of Indian lands which are administered by the EPA.
Minerals Management Service permits: - For Federal Outer Continental Shelf (OCS) submerged lands
      a. Assignment of Federal OCS Pipeline Righ-of-Way Grant, MMS-149
      b. Assignment of Record Title Interest in Federal OCS Oil and Gas Lease, MMS-150
      c. Assignment of Operating Rights Interest in Federal OCS Oil and Gas Lease, MMS-151
    Drilling and Operation:
      a. Permit to Drill, MMS-123
      b. Permit to Modify an OCS Well, MMS-124
    Oil, Gas, and Sulfur Exploration:
      a. Geophysical Exploration or Scientific Research on the OCS, MMS-328
      b. Geological Exploration or Scientific Research on the Outer Continental Shelf, MMS-329
    Minerals Other than Oil, Gas, and Sulfur Exploration:
      a. Geophysical Prospecting or Scientific Research on the OCS, MMS-135
      b. Geological Prospecting or Scientific Research on the OCS, MMS-136
      a. Mineral Lease of Submerged Lands Under the OCS Act, MMS-2004
      b. Oil and Gas Lease of Submerged Lands Under the OCS Lands Act, MMS-2005
      c. Sulfur and Salt Lease of Submerged Lands Under the OCS Lands Act, MMS-2006
National Park Service Permits for Geology Activities
    a. Scientific Research and Collecting permit
    b. Special Use Permit
      A special park use is defined as a short-term activity that takes place in a park area. They are required for a wide variety of activities in parks, these range from sporting activities and weddings to Trans park Oil & Gas pipeline activities and nonfederal mineral development. Special use permits are also used for Commercial Filming and Non-federally owned minerals.
    c. Mining Claims, Oil and Gas Operations permit, and Non-federally owned minerals in a national park unit often require operation plan reveiw by the National Park Service.
Statutes, Rules, Ordinances: CFR Title 40
Duration: Varies
Fees - application, exam, etc.:  Varies
Responsible Agency: Federal
Service Links: contact Agency Contact Information
Additional Information: Ask the Federal Government a Question

Federal Contacts

  Agency Information
Please refer to the Agency Website for further details and additional information.
Agency Name: Federal
Contact Page: http://business.gov/appmanager/bg/main?_nfpb=true&_pageLabel=bg_page_compContacts#bg_page_compContacts
Phone: or 800-333-4636 (toll-free in Oregon)
Mail Address: FirstGov Team, US Gen. Services Admin, Suite G-142
1800F Street, NW
Washington, DC 20405
Website Information: http://business.gov

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