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Oregon.gov Licenses, Permits and Registrations
Department of Consumer & Business Services
Detailed Information for: Heritage Tree
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Updated: 6/26/2006
Description: Heritage trees are those individual trees and groups of trees that have been designated as significant on the basis of their importance in national, state or regional history. They are often acknowledged due to their involvement of inclusion in the development of landscape architecture, forestry, city planning, and culture. They possess integrity of location, setting, or design, and represent events, heritage, feeling, and association.
Statutes, Rules, Ordinances: ORS 377.705
Duration: Ongoing
Fees - application, exam, etc.:  None
Responsible Agency: Travel Information Council
Bonding Requirements: None
Insurance Requirements: None
Prerequisites: For a tree to be considered for inclusion in the Oregon Heritage Tree Program, it must satisfy at least one of the following criteria:
1. The tree (or group of trees) is associated with events that have made a significant contribution to the broad pattern of our history.
2. The tree (or group of trees) is associated with the life of a person or group of historic significance.
3.The tree (or group of trees) represents a significant and distinguishable entity within a community or location.
4.The tree (or group of trees) has age, size, or species significance that contributes to its heritage status.
Application Form: Oregon Heritage Tree Program Nomination Form
Service Links:  Heritage Trees
 Guide to Historical Markers and Heritage Trees
 Nomination form
contact Agency Contact Information
Required Documentation: 1. Nomination Form
2. Site map of the tree(s) location
3. Pictures of the tree(s)
4. Brochures, newspaper clipping, etc.
5. Letter of support from owner (if applicable)
6. Documenation of protective measures (if applicable).

  Agency Information
Please refer to the Agency Website for further details and additional information.
Agency Name: Travel Information Council
E-mail Address: info@oregontic.com
Phone: (503) 378-4508 or (800) 574-9397 (toll-free in Oregon)
Mail Address: Travel Information Council
229 Madrona Ave. SE
Salem, OR 97302
Website Information: http://www.oregontic.com/

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