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Oregon.gov Licenses, Permits and Registrations
Department of Consumer & Business Services
Detailed Information for: Adult Foster Home
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Updated: 11/28/2005
Description: An Adult Foster Home (AFH) is any family home or other facility in which residential care is provided in a home-like enviornment for compensation to five or fewer adults who are elderly or physically disabled and are not related to the provider by blood or marriage. For the purpose of AFH licensing rules, the term AFH does not include any house, institution, hotel or other similar living situation that supplies room and/or board only, if no resident thereof requires any element of care.

Similar Keywords: homes, facilities, elders, seniors assisted living, caregivers, senior citizens, retirement centers, fostercare, daycare, caregiving
Statutes, Rules, Ordinances: ORS 443.705 - .825
OAR 411-050
Duration: One Year
Fees - application, exam, etc.:  $20.00 per bed non-refundable fee for each non-relative resident.
Responsible Agency: DHS - Seniors and People with Disabilities Div.
Fee Exemptions: None
Examination Information: Prior to licensure, the provider must complete the Department's Basic Training Course and pass an examination on course work and necessary skills. Required course work and necessary skills will include but are not limited to demonstrations and practice in physical caregiving, screening for care and service needs, appropriate behavior towards residents with physical, cognitive and emotional disabilities and issues related to architectural accessability. The examination must evaluate the ability to understand and respond appropriately to emergency situations, changes in medical conditions, physician's orders, medications management and professional instructions, nutritional needs, resident's preferences and problem solving.
Continuing Ed Requirements: During the first year of licensure, the licensee must complete a basic First Aid course, CPR course and attend Fire and Life Stafety training as available. During each subsquent year of licensure, licensees must complete at least ten hours of DHS approved ongoing training related to the care of persons who are elderly or physically disabled. RN delegation consultation, CPR certification and First Aid training do not count toward the ten hours.
Bonding Requirements: None
Insurance Requirements: None
Prerequisites: A licensee must:
  • be at least 21 years of age;

  • live in a home which is to be licensed unless a residential manager lives in the home;

  • possess physical health, mental health, good judgement and good personal character determined necessary by the department to provide 24-hour care for adults who are physically disabled or elderly; and

  • provide physician statement indicating they are physically, congnitively and emotionally capable to provide such services.

In addition to possessing the characteristics, applicants must meet the qualifications for the desire license classification:
    Class I - complete Basic Training Course and examination
    Class II - complete Basic Training Course and examination and have the equivilant of two years' full time experience in providing direct care to persons who are elderly or physically disabled;
    Class III - complete Basic Training Course and examination, be a health care professional (RN, LPN, Pharmacist, doctor, OT, PT, etc.)or have the equivilant of three years full time experience in providing direct care to persons who are elderly or physically disabled and dependent in four or more activities of daily living (ADLs), and provide current satisfactory reference from at least two medical professionals who have direct knowledge of the applicant's ability and past experience as a caregiver.
Application Form: SDS 448
Renewals: Prerequisites:
  • Applicants and facility are in compliance with licensing rules;

  • Department has completed an inspection;

  • Department has completed criminal history check on applicants and any person (other than resident) 16 or older and determined them to be "fit",

  • Department checked record of sanctions.

Required Documentation:
  • SDS 303, etc. for applicant, staff and person (not residents) 16 or over

  • CPR certification,

  • Financial report (SDS 448A) if change;

  • Physician report (SDS 903)every 3 years or sooner if changed;

  • correction of deficiencies.
Service Links: contact Agency Contact Information
Required Documentation:
  • Regarding qualifications, work experience and training of staff;

  • physicians statement regarding the ability to provide care (SDS 903);

  • financial info sheet including budget and home ownership information;

  • Criminal History Check form 303 etc.;

  • floor plan management/staffing plan;

  • references.
Additional Information: None

  Agency Information
Please refer to the Agency Website for further details and additional information.
Agency Name: DHS - Seniors and People with Disabilities Div.
E-mail Address: dhs.info@state.or.us
Phone: 503-945-5944
Mail Address: DHS - Seniors and People with Disabilities
500 Summer Street NE, E-02
Salem, OR 97301
Website Information: http://www.oregon.gov/DHS/aboutdhs/structure/spd.shtml

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