U.S. Department of Justice, Office Of Justice Programs, Innovation - Partnerships - Safer Neighborhoods
Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (OJJDP), Serving Children, Families, and Communities
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Recovery Act
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Under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009, the Office of Justice Programs administers more than $2.76 billion in awards for state and local law enforcement and for other criminal justice activities that prevent and control crime and improve the criminal justice system. Recovery Act funding provided OJJDP includes $50 million for the Internet Crimes Against Children (ICAC) Task Force Program and $97.5 million for local and national mentoring initiatives.

Internet Crimes Against Children

The ICAC Task Force Program, a national network of 59 coordinated task forces, helps state and local law enforcement agencies develop an effective response to cyber enticement and child pornography cases. This help encompasses forensic and investigative components, training and technical assistance, victim services, and community education.

Recovery Act Internet Crimes Against Children Task Force Program Grants seek to maintain and expand state and regional ICAC task forces to address technology-facilitated child exploitation. This program furthers the purpose of the Recovery Act by providing funding to states and localities for salaries and employment costs of law enforcement officers, prosecutors, forensic analysts, and other related professionals.

Recovery Act National Internet Crimes Against Children Data System (NIDS) provides a secure, dynamic infrastructure to facilitate online law enforcement investigations of child exploitation; promote data deconfliction and information sharing among ICAC Task Forces and ICAC-affiliated federal, state, and local law enforcement agencies; and enhance OJJDP's capacity to collect and aggregate data on child exploitation.

Recovery Act ICAC Task Force Training and Technical Assistance Grants further the Department of Justice's mission to provide training and support in this area of constantly-evolving technology.

Recovery Act Internet Crimes Against Children Research Grants support innovative and independent research and data collection to advance understanding of the scope and prevalence of technology and internet-facilitated crimes against children and improve the investigation of such crimes.


Mentoring is an effective way to prevent at-risk youth from becoming involved in delinquency and to help delinquent youth change their lives for the better. Long-term mentoring relationships have been shown to improve youth's self-esteem, behavior, and academic performance. OJJDP has long supported mentoring programs.

Recovery Act Local Youth Mentoring Initiative support local organizations that develop, implement, or expand local mentoring programs that promote measurable, positive outcomes for at-risk youth and reduce juvenile delinquency, violence, gang participation, school failure, and drop-out rates.

Recovery Act National Youth Mentoring Programs fund initiatives ready that assist in developing and enhancing community programs to provide mentoring services to populations that are underserved due to such factors as location, shortage of mentors, and physical or mental challenges of the targeted population.

Recovery Act Reporting Guidance

On June 22, 2009, the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) issued “Implementing Guidance for the Reports on Use of Funds Pursuant to the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009.”  The guidance consists of 39 pages of questions and answers and two supplements. The first supplement is a list of programs subject to recipient reporting. The Department of Justice (DOJ) is working with OMB to correct inaccurate DOJ program listings. The second supplement is the Recipient Reporting Data Model. Questions regarding the requirements provided in the guidance should be addressed to OMB at recovery@omb.eop.gov.

OMB anticipates holding a series of Webinars in July concerning the reporting guidance. OJJDP staff will participate in these Webinars, and OJJDP will keep you informed as additional information becomes available.

The three documents referenced above are available at the following links: