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Department of Consumer & Business Services
Detailed Information for: Household Goods Carrier - For-Hire Local Cartage
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Updated: 7/6/2009
Description: Companies need either a Class 1B Permit or a Class 1C Certificate of Authority, both issued by the Oregon Department of Transportation, Motor Carrier Transportation Division, in order to transport household goods for-hire in local cartage within Oregon.

1B Permit -- Companies obtain a Class 1B Permit to transport household goods for-hire in local cartage within certain designated small Oregon cities (see ORS 825.240). This service is not subject to state economic regulation and applicants simply complete the Application for Motor Carrier Permit. Contact Motor Carrier Division staff at 503-378-5985 for a list of Class 1B Permit local cartage cities.

1C Certificate -- Companies obtain a Class 1C Certificate to transport household goods for-hire in other local cartage situations, including within the commercial zones of Astoria, Coos Bay, Eugene, Klamath Falls, Medford, Salem, and Portland. This service is subject to state economic regulation governing entry into the business and the rates that are charged for service. The application process includes notifying existing household goods carriers because they have a right to protest the application and call for a hearing before an administrative law judge. Motor Carrier Division staff at 503-378-5985 can help determine if a company needs a Certificate, or read more about this in the Application for Oregon Intrastate Certificate.

The regulation of intrastate household goods movers changes on October 1, 2009, the effective date of House Bill 2817 passed in the 2009 Legislative Session. Beginning then it will be easier for a person to get a Class 1C certificate to be an intrastate mover. An applicant for new household goods moving authority, or extension and transfer of existing authority, must only show theyýre fit, willing, and able to perform the service, theyýre insured and operating safe vehicles, the service will not damage highways or endanger others, and theyýll charge rates approved by the Oregon DOT. Existing authorized movers cannot protest an application and require a hearing to determine if thereýs a need for an applicantýs service.

Visit the Motor Carrier Division Web site for a list of authorized local cartage movers.
Statutes, Rules, Ordinances: ORS 825.110, .127, and .240
OAR 740-035
Duration: Valid as long as company remains active.
Fees - application, exam, etc.:  $50 for Class 1B Permit, $300 for Class 1C Certificate
Responsible Agency: ODOT - Motor Carrier Division
Continuing Ed Requirements: Visit the ODOT Motor Carrier Transportation Division Web site for information about trucking in Oregon. Oregon-based companies receiving a certificate or permit for the first time are given a packet of information about motor carrier regulations, including those related to safety, highway-use tax, insurance, and vehicle size and weight. Oregon law requires that new companies participate in this "Motor Carrier Education Program" shortly after receiving a certificate or permit. Call the Motor Carrier Transportation Division (MCTD) at 503-378-6963, or visit a New Carrier Education Web page to access the information presented through this program.
Bonding Requirements: See surety bond/deposit rules - OAR 740-040
Insurance Requirements: Proof of Bodily Injury and Property Damage insurance, if operating vehicles over 26,000 pounds. Cargo insurance, regardless of weight.
Service Links:  Application for Motor Carrier Permit
contact Agency Contact Information
Required Documentation: Applicants for a Class 1C Certificate to haul household goods for-hire in local cartage within Oregon, including within the commercial zones of Astoria, Coos Bay, Eugene, Klamath Falls, Medford, Salem, and Portland, will need to describe the territory they propose to serve, or the particular type of service they propose to provide, and submit statements from shippers who support the application. The statements should be reasonably related to the scope of the operating authority requested. Applicants are also required to submit a financial statement detailing assets, liabilities, and net worth.

If an application for a Class 1C Certificate is granted, the company will be required to file a proposed tariff containing rates, rules, and regulations. There are three ways to meet tariff requirements: (1) Become a party to an existing published rate tariff, (2) Have a tariff bureau or publishing agent publish an individual tariff, or (3) Submit an individual tariff meeting ODOT requirements.

The regulation of intrastate household goods movers changes on October 1, 2009, the effective date of House Bill 2817 passed in the 2009 Legislative Session. Beginning then it will be easier for a person to get a Class 1C certificate to be an intrastate mover. An applicant for new household goods moving authority, or extension and transfer of existing authority, must only show theyýre fit, willing, and able to perform the service, theyýre insured and operating safe vehicles, the service will not damage highways or endanger others, and theyýll charge rates approved by the Oregon DOT. Existing authorized movers cannot protest an application and require a hearing to determine if thereýs a need for an applicantýs service.

Applicants for a Class 1B Permit to haul household goods for-hire in local cartage within certain designated small Oregon cities will not need to submit shipper support statements. This service is not subject to economic regulation.
Additional Information: Contact Motor Carrier Transportation Division staff at 503-378-5985 for more information. Also, check a Consumer Guide to Moving, which includes a list of authorized full-service movers and authorized pack and loaders.

  Agency Information
Please refer to the Agency Website for further details and additional information.
Agency Name: ODOT - Motor Carrier Division
E-mail Address: James.H.Brock@state.or.us
Phone: 503-378-5849
Mail Address: Motor Carrier Transportation Division
550 Capitol Street NE
Salem, OR 97301 - 2530
Website Information: http://www.oregon.gov/ODOT/MCT

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