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Department of Consumer & Business Services
Detailed Information for: Used Oil Activity Notification
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Updated: 10/8/2007
Description: The used-oil notification form is used by facilities that are required to notify the Oregon Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) that they are involved in used-oil activities.

Who needs to notify DEQ of their activities?
You must notify DEQ if you fit into any of the following categories. Note that if you do not fit into any of these categories, you are not required to complete a Notification Form.

  • Used-Oil Collection Center. A used-oil collection center is a facility that accepts or aggregates used-oil received from used-oil generators in shipments of 55 gallons or less.
  • Used-Oil Transporters. A used-oil transporter is any person who transports used-oil, to a used-oil processor, re-refiner, burner or transfer facility, and any person who collects used-oil from more than one generator, and transports the collected oil.
  • Used-Oil Transfer Facility. A used-oil transfer facility is any transportation-related facility including docks, parking areas, storage areas, and other areas where shipments of used-oil are held for more than 24 hours during the normal course of transportation.
  • Used-Oil Processor/Re-Refiner. You are a used-oil processor/re-refiner, if your facility processes used-oil
  • Used-Oil Fuel Marketer. If you conduct any of the following activities, you are considered a used-oil fuel marketer:1. Directing shipments of off-specification used-oil from your facility to a used-oil burner. 2. Claiming that the used-oil to be burned for energy recovery meets the used-oil specifications set forth in 40 CFR 279.11.
  • Used-Oil Burner. A used-oil burner is a facility that burns used-oil not meeting the used oil specifications in devices described in industrial furnaces, industrial boilers and utility boilers.
Used oil generators operating on-site used oil spaceheaters meeting the provisions of 40 CFR 279.23 do not need to notify.

Similar Keywords: recycle, recycling, recycler
Statutes, Rules, Ordinances: ORS 459a
OAR 340-111
Duration: Permanent -- Site Specific
Fees - application, exam, etc.:  None
Responsible Agency: Environmental Quality Department (DEQ)
Bonding Requirements: None
Insurance Requirements: None
Application Form: Notification of RCRA Waste Activity - Site Identification Form
Service Links:  Notification of RCRA Waste Activity - Site Identification Form
contact Agency Contact Information
Additional Information: Additional information is available at the used oil web page.

  Agency Information
Please refer to the Agency Website for further details and additional information.
Agency Name: Environmental Quality Department (DEQ)
E-mail Address: DEQInfo@deq.state.or.us
Phone: 503-229-5696 or 800-452-4011 (toll-free in Oregon)
Mail Address: Oregon Department of Environmental Quality
811 SW Sixth Avenue
Portland, OR 97204 - 1390
Website Information: http://www.oregon.gov/DEQ/index.shtml

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